Jem777 ago

The most profound statement he makes are that the CIA is a U.K. Spy agency that answers to the Jesuits and the building is named George H. W. Bush.

Research JFK assasination & ask about the agent named George that gave report that day. Who was he and where was he?

Jem777 ago

Field McConnell is the real deal. He has outed his own sister Kristine Marcy who just committed "suicide" Search Able Danger & Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer to understand 9/11 in a way that will blow your mind further. Field also has the information on the pedophile entrapment scheme from the beginning including details of Michelle O involvement at Sidley Austin & Hull House.

B. O. is a character. Mother CIA agent involved in honeytrapping. This was his life. You must understand this to understand pgate and blackmail.

snefru ago

Field's knowledge of aviation comes from a lifetime of military and commercial aviation experience. He provides operational details of how 9/11 was pulled off that nobody else can really explain to that degree. His perspective alone only solves parts of 9/11, though. Christopher Bollyn's work is exhaustively researched and must be integrated into any overall theories. Mike Ruppert provided larger geopolitical context for 9/11 such as peak oil and the petrodollar as well as details about individual players like Cheney. Richard Grove of Tragedy&Hope details many of 9/11's financial crimes as only an inside whistleblower could. Sibel Edmonds is another essential whistleblower for what she witnessed inside government. There are many others but it seems like so many 9/11 discussions get stuck in silos. It would be nice to finally get the whole story. Crimes within crimes, real events within simulations, but there has to be a bottom to the facts and some relatively tight cabal at the top.

xyz_3 ago

More from another whistle blower from inside government, Catherine Austin Fitts. From wikipedia, "Fitts served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc., as Assistant Secretary of Housing and Federal Housing[2] Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the first Bush Administration, and was the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc., an investment bank and financial software developer.

Fitts has a BA from the University of Pennsylvania, an MBA from the Wharton School and studied Mandarin at the Chinese University of Hong Kong."

Listen to what she has to say:

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for that information. I did not know any of it! Some things for me to look into :)

4_InquiringMinds ago

I've heard of him over the years/always referenced as legit. Since I haven't followed him can't say myself. But becoming increasingly jaded (Trey Gowdy most recently with the evil Assad hurt children, which is ludicrous unless Assad on the verge of victory has a death wish, bombing a okay with him, I support my president bs) and Chavez altho he was easier to spot/think about it, these two gatekeepers have been in congress supposedly investigating for eons and not one damn thing accomplished...I always ask the same question/and have since first hearing about is it he is still alive? Especially since he supposedly has such high level info and a huge following. I can see letting some SRA victims live to tell their stories bc it feeds the fear matrix which is how control is maintained. But McConnel with so many inside scoops? I just have to wonder is all.

TrishaUK ago

Some valid points, but I think somewhere down the line we have to believe there are still some 'good people' interested in the truth, after all we are seeking the truth and want the deception/lies/corruption exposed. I did not see the Chavettz coming, I thought he was one of the good guys, but I hope to God that Trey Gowdy its legit, I like him. I am not opposed to admitting I am wrong so I guess we will have to watch this space, I hope it is good news. Thanks for your coments 4_InquiringMinds :D

4_InquiringMinds ago

I too hope McConnell is a good guy/like I said I haven't followed him/for no particular reason, just so many you can read or watch lol. Trey, I held on to him being a good guy as long as I could. When trump bombed Syria I saw a clip where Trey said he supported the prez. I rationalized that he was playing his cards close to his chest bc it was a generic statement and thought maybe he was going along bc he was vying for a position in the admin to really make a difference. When he announced he did not want to be considered for fbi director seemed 'odd' so I reviewed his trump/Syria statement and found this...

Trey Trump Syria Bombing

Congressman Trey Gowdy said Friday morning that the U.S. missile strike in Syria sends a message to the Middle East that “our patience has some boundaries.”

*President Trump ordered the strike after a chemical weapons attack earlier this week killed dozens, including many women and children.

“If you hurt children with chemical weapons, there’s going to be a response,” Gowdy said after speaking at a symposium on human trafficking in Greenville.

The 4th District Republican said there was a legal and moral justification to limit Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's ability to inflict damage on women and children.

“Assad said he had no more chemical weapons and he lied,” Gowdy said. “He’s a terrible human being.”

Trump, Gowdy said, did everything he could to limit civilian casualties. As for Assad, "I'll let the commander and chief decide how to handle Assad. There has to be a price to pay for that. If he [Assad] doesn't get the message, do it again."* it again What the hell is this...limit civilian causalities. I watched a heart wrenching vid of the widow of one of the Syrian soldiers who was murdered. We are talking murder of human beings not some unfortunate fucking collateral damage...15 real live human beings were killed. I'm sorry, Trey has no ethics or morals//it is that simple.

There is no way in hell anyone with 2 brain cells firing can honestly think the Syrian/Assad story is true. The whole thing was a psyop by looking at the facts/not speculation/facts. That leaves me with Trey, the super investigator is either stupid (and I don't think he is) or he is a gatekeeper.

I know, it was a hard one for me to swallow too. Even after I figured out Chavez I held on to at least Trey is the real deal.

It's like the Julian controversy/is he or is he not? Is he even alive or not? The litmus test for me is Julian disavows 9/11 completely. Personally I think he's alive/was moved/not being tortured/he's cia. The whole supposed kidnapping was diversion/still working as a matter of fact. Sure wiki leaks some damning info even now but that is imho game playing/gatekeeping/and keeps people focused on the latest expose that we can't do a damn thing about anyway while games go on the backroom between the ones you never hear their names playing this world like a monopoly game for amusement and power but with the same endgame agenda.

However, the ones who picked trump as their player piece/playing against others who picked hillary/did manage to pull off a win/the endgame remains unchanged obviously...but something happened where people finally felt hope again (misguided but hope none the less) and it looks like the opposition is getting a bit out of control. Not just here either. More people waking up daily. I think that's why the false flags are increasingly sloppy to the point of laughable. That is the battle I see. And ultimately I do believe in my heart that good will triumph. Too many things happening in the new field of quantum explorations for the darkness to survive/but it will take time and things will more than likely be a wild ride.

I've had my heroes that reluctantly had to admit were gatekeepers. Now they are getting easier to spot. In that comes a sense of liberation. For the record I think Ronald Bernard is the real deal and he's alive bc he is smart enough to have a rock solid insurance file. I consider that might be the case with McConnell too but can't really say bc he has not been run thru my litmus test.

Thanks for your comments back at ya wink~

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for the info. I see I have lots to look at in 10 days time! I have switched my brain off and am now in holiday mode the plane leaves at 3.3am! I had to switch off from all this after almost a year checking into this and that, so I can concentrate on family and actually enjoy my lil grandsons on holiday now. I must admit, because of pizzagate, I will be extra vigilant in Spain, especially at the beach where I believe now I could easily spot a PEDOPHILE lurking!

4_InquiringMinds ago

Ah good, time with family. At our age I think we learn to roll with things a bit easier, not that any of this is easy but I find I can take things more in stride. Yes, be very watchful in Spain/any place really, but also have a relaxing time knowing how well things will be on the vacation bc you are empowered. So many of the unfortunate events happen bc ppl are simply not paying attention.

Bon Voyage~

PQhonest ago

How does he know his sister is involved?

Silverlining ago

He has claimed she effectively heads up the Deep State - regret no links - no source.

TrishaUK ago

Thx Sorry no reply, was away for 2 weeks holiday, I will do some research. :)

TrishaUK ago

I have not seen lots of his videos, as I said I just came across him the other day, but I will check some of them out. I am guessing that if my sister were involved, I would know at least something of it. I am sure he would not be so confident in saying it in public if he were not sure? He seems to have all his faculties about him and does not seem to be mentally unstable, imo, which leads me to trust what he is saying.....that said I am going to watch some of his other videos. Thanks for your queston.

jstayz44 ago

I've been watching him just this past couple of weeks and agree with other comments: he seems legit. If you listen to him enough and watch him enough it really does seem like he's the real deal. I can't detect any actions or inconsistencies that make me question his authenticity. It would be great to get the public record of him sharing with the judge that his sister and HRC are running an international pedophile ring. It has to be there, or I've officially been completely duped!

TrishaUK ago

I am with you in your comments. I am going to try look further into some of the things hes reported on. Just SO disappointed I can't make the conference he is coming to UK, Milton Keynes to speak at tomorrow. I live close enough to Milton Keynes, but I am off on holiday 3.30am the same day he speaks! How annoying is that. jstayz44 thanks for your comments, I think this will not be the last we hear of Field McConnell!

jstayz44 ago

Ugh, you are sooooo close, yet so far from getting to see him speak in person, I too want to be there! Well, have a great time doing whatever it is you're going to be doing, and I'm certain the world will be just as messed up when you get back! Peace, my friend.

TrishaUK ago

Thx jstay44 - I'll be back! 10 days haha

Pizzalawyer ago

I found Field McConnell to be persuasive and sincere in his dedication to fighting the scourge of pedophilia which he has been doing since well before Pizzagate. His sister's activities are apparently what opened his eyes. The first video is about an hour long and he speaks in generalities when I would have liked to hear some details. He ranked Hillary, his sister Kristien, and Janet Reno as the 3 top female elite pedophiles in America, Reno of course now deceased. If Abel Danger has been discredited, I would like some sources so that I can form my own opinion.

TrishaUK ago

Interesting, just disappointed I only found out about this man a few days ago, and I am off on holiday for 10 days tomorrow. I know I will not get any time for research as its a family holiday and the grandchildren will be my focus most of my time. I am looking forward to enjoying myself and my precious children for a brief time, instead of being immersed in this pizzagate sadness. However, the sooner we expose all these corrupt elites, the safer children will be and a better world it will be.

jstayz44 ago

Agree, if there's info out there that Field is disinformation, I'd like to see the proof myself, and make up my own mind. He's funny too, "one ringy dingy, two ringy dingy." He loves to make people laugh, which makes the real serious and nasty stuff (which he takes very seriously) a little more palatable to hear. I hope he really is the real deal. It would be a true sucker punch if he's not.

pizzagatecharlotte ago

I love how he spells everything out all the time - even easy words!

jstayz44 ago

I know!!! He's so quirky that it actually makes listening to the horrid details easier. I really didn't know I would find that in him, but it's a nice surprise and a change up from all of the pure negativity, anger and sadness around this stuff.

TrishaUK ago

so we know no one misinterprets haha, reminds me of an English teacher I had, nice woman she was!

carmencita ago

Well I do know there are very sinister things going on in Wisconsin, so there could be some truth to this. I have heard this before and have heard or read nothing to discount it. Except from those that wish to thwart our efforts.

equineluvr ago

Abel Danger is PROVEN DISINFO. They were outed YEARS ago.


TrishaUK ago

Yay looks like people are very wise to you horselover! Guess your reputation follows you! VOAT people are smarter than you thought and can see right through you!

pizzagatecharlotte ago

Prove the proven disinfo - I don't believe you.

TrishaUK ago

PLEASE THIS horselover - equineluvr has been a pain since day 1 with me too. I have him/her blocked so please everyone, either block or ignore. He/she is on the other side, the dark side! They have nothing to offer while crying saying they are a victim of abuse, so we accept their disgusting filthy language and comments. I don't want to tell you what to do, just be aware, you will only get foul language and attacked if you respond or reply, BLOCK is my best advice. :) Keep up the good work everyone, we are winning.

PM_Me_Your_Clam_Pics ago

Dude, you're whole 2 month history is spent discrediting Everything!

ThePedoHunter ago

Lol.....he's a retard isn't he. Reeks of pedo