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bdiminishedminor7 ago

This video creeps me out. Your son gets murdered in the streets, and a mere two and a half days later, his parents are completely at ease, stoically contemplating the pitfalls of fate, fully accepting the fact that, yeah, you never know what's gonna happen people, so live life to the fullest y'all, and laugh! No flustered faces, no blood-shot eyes, no black pouches under their eyes, no raw emotion, no despair, nothing. They are playing a role, and they know it. Little brother is not overcome with sadness, he's smirking. Even mom can barely contain her laughter a little past the 2 minute mark.

Have you ever been near parents right after their son died an untimely death? I have, and it doesn't look like this. Not by a long shot.

SecondAmendment ago

The affect of every Rich family in that video is really "off," especially given how soon after the murder this was filmed. The first thing I thought of was, "WERE THEY PAID OFF?" Surely y'all noticed how docile and complacent Bernie Sanders got in July last year (at the Democratic National Convention). Despite being blatantly ripped off in the most egegious of ways (voter fraud setups like Seth Rich uncovered, Donna Brazile giving Clinton the questions, the collusion with the media, the SuperDelegates that disregarded the will of the voters, etc.) Bernie sure was willing to roll over and play "dead" as a candidate. Then, miraculously, he bought his third home, a $600,000 gem on a lake (

To me, the Rich Family looks like the cats that swallowed a canary. Or perhaps they just pocketed millions and millions from the Clinton Crime Family Foundation. If anyone lives near these weird people, I'd be curious to know if they upgrade their house, buy new cars, or do anything noticeably different in the next year or three. . . .

bdiminishedminor7 ago

Well, I'm currently entertaining another theory. We got lots of Disney, we got a panda, we got a boy named "Seth" (which, if you remember Podesta's habit of drawing fish and numbers on his hands, is a very significant name), and it all starts to point in the direction of pizzagate-related antics. What if Seth Rich was much more than just a DNC-employee? What if he was an actual victim of pedophaelic grooming? What if he was "used" by Podesta's gang until he outgrew his sexual attractiveness, and then was offered to work for them instead? What if the discovery of the DNC's voter fraud, and/or any other information he came across working as a techie for the DNC, caused his programming to "break"? What if he decided to "take revenge" by seeking to expose the secret dealings of the people he worked for?

Maybe all of this is really far-fetched, but I just cannot get over this video. I simply refuse to believe "normal" human beings would act this way a mere two days after their child was killed. If his family is indeed a kind of "Luzzatto"-family, acting as a perverted supplier of breathing underage sex-toys for the wealthy in exchange for some petty cash and minor privileges, this would explain their complete lack of empathy or emotion at the murder of their son, as they never had an empathic bond with him to begin with. The level of complacent acceptence they display can only be explained if Seth has been "dead" (as in: emotionally unavailable) to them for a much longer period of time. Their behavior in this video, and also the statements they released a couple of days ago, come across as fully scripted, as if someone needed to tell them how "normal" people are supposed to behave. It's part movie clichés, part subtle legal strategizing.

SecondAmendment ago

You raise some very excellent points, @bdiminishedminor7. Excellent insight. It would explain a lot. Given the Rich family's proximity to Omaha, Nebraska, you are absolutely right. They could be in this way deeper than one would suspect. I am doubtful that the DNC would give computer access to just any ole body, i.e., to a random applicant off the streets. You're probably right, that Seth Rich was known among them for longer. All I know is that the parents and brother come across as extremely abnormal. Heck, I've lost loved ones years ago and still cry, sometimes, when I see the make and model of the cars they used to drive, or pass by someone who looks like them. I would have been a wreck trying to film the video in the same time frame that this family did. Any normal, grieving person would never be so flat. Something stinks. I just hope and pray President Trump and his stormtroopers (and anyone else who can shed light on the truth) will do their things and bust it open. I pray for this country every day.