Eyezopen ago

Backtracking big time. This guy is a shill.

jstrotha0975 ago

They shut him up.

Are_we_sure ago

No. He was always hinky. Check out what he was most known for before this. I think he's lying about his resume too.

The Fox reporter deserves blame too. Didn't call the family? Didn't call the FBI? There's no way a good reporter doesn't know this guy was hinky.

carmencita ago

Wheeler better get some really good security and fast.

DonKeyhote ago

If tje FBI is involved at all or if anyone gives one shit about his computer that points to DNC not a fuckin robbery

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Now it's time to pressure the FBI to insist the DNC allow real, not paid for secret crappy fake Crowdstrike "results".

Tell us, concern-we-sure, which official US agencies took a look at the server to confirm what the paid-for-and-connected-to-Clinton nonsense that has also changed its story fake-news?

Are_we_sure ago

In an interview, Wheeler alleged that Fox5 edited his comments about the federal investigator out of context, creating a false impression. Specifically, he said the station’s reporter asked if he had could confirm that a federal investigator had seen the DNC emails on Rich’s computer. Wheeler said the edited footage made it appear that Wheeler himself had seen such alleged evidence; he said he has not


Are_we_sure ago

Fox5dc DC. Wheeler changed his story.

Rod Wheeler backtracks statements about Seth Rich investigation

We want to update you on a story you first saw on FOX 5 DC. We want to make an important clarification on claims that were made by Rod Wheeler, the private investigator hired by Seth Rich's family, whose services are being paid for by a third party.

What he told FOX 5 DC on camera Monday regarding Seth Rich's murder investigation is in clear contrast to what he has said over the last 48 hours. Rod Wheeler has since backtracked.

In an interview Monday, Wheeler told FOX 5 DC he had sources at the FBI confirming there was evidence of communication between Seth Rich and WikiLeaks. This is the verbatim of that exchange:

Top fox5dc.com Searches Fashion District Heights Rod Wheeler Rod Wheeler backtracks statements about Seth Rich investigation FOX 5 DC: “You have sources at the FBI saying that there is information...”

WHEELER: "For sure..."

FOX 5 DC: “...that could link Seth Rich to WikiLeaks?"

WHEELER: "Absolutely. Yeah. That's confirmed."

In the past 48 hours, Rod Wheeler has told other media outlets he did not get his information from FBI sources, contradicting what he told us on Monday.

Since Rod Wheeler backtracked Tuesday, FOX 5 DC attempted incessantly to communicate with him, but he didn't return calls or emails.

On Wednesday, just before our newscast, Wheeler responded to our requests via a telephone conversation, where he now backtracks his position and Wheeler characterizes his on-the-record and on-camera statements as "miscommunication."