Pizzalawyer ago

This would be hilarious but for the fact that Seth Rich is dead, really dead. He died in a pretty nice neighborhood where town houses sell in the 400,000 to 700,000 range and where you would not expect to see hoodlums prowling aimlessly at night looking for potential robbery victims. I thought he had been at the Wonderland Ballroom after Lou's because Wonderland stayed open until 3am where as Lou's closed at 2am. Wonderland is a known dive with an Alice in Wonderland theme, hmmm as in pedophelia?? It seems to attract a normal hipster crowd and annually hosts a transvestite night. It was within walking distance albeit a long walk for time of night. Since it closes at 3 it didn't really tell you where Seth was between 3 and 4:19 when he was shot.

Are_we__sure ago is like the dumbest conspiracy site there is.

Commoner ago

Found possible link to SEIU to one of the suspects Alpha Jollah

The FSF Bargaining Team Posted on September 20, 2011 by christopherhoney

"Three Local 500 members from the Family Services Foundation (FSF) met for the first time on Wednesday, September 14, to talk about their new roles as part of the bargaining team responsible for negotiating the first contract with FSF. Alpha Jalloh, Andrew Jallah, Zoe Kamara met with Local 500 staff to talk about worker priorities and bargaining strategies."

pby1000 ago

Was Alpha Jalloh drafted into the NFL?

sunshine702 ago

It is a common name from Sierra Leone. Yes there is a football player one too.

I think this is the guy. Fairfax ,Va.

To be honest these three dipshits don't seem smart enough to be asked to do a hit. Connected to SEIU Local 500.

pby1000 ago

OK. I just figured that it was not such a common name... I guess I should have known better. LOL.

DarkMath ago

"It says that the feds were tipped off and using a tracking device to find the suspects."

That's all you need to dismiss this story. This was when Obama was in office. I find it hard to believe "the feds" or the DC police were too keen on finding the real killers. Reminds me of similar effort one OJ Simpson made to find the "real" killers.

remedy4reality ago

lol the OP is a douche

jstrotha0975 ago

What is OP?

Antonius ago

Original Post

jstrotha0975 ago

Thank you, I don't normally socialize on the interwebs but I'll make an exception for catching pedocreeps.

TimesUp ago

OP means "original poster."

jstrotha0975 ago


Commoner ago

The suspects:

"On Wednesday, police identified the suspects as Keyante Edwards, 19, of Southwest D.C.; Alpha Jalloh, 18, of Southwest D.C., and Keith Jones, 20, of Southeast D.C. "

InnocentAngels ago

The comment by Stephenie on this article is really interesting. I didn't realize the Russian ambassadors were sent back right after Seth's murder. Makes you wonder if there was a connection.

sunshine702 ago

This is general DC crime I HIGHLY DOUBT those three morons did this hit. Look kids magic patsys right on que.

MysticMa ago

Looks like a replay right out of a "Capone" playbook except reversed...

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Yep. Also, it was a shotgun not a machine gun.

sunshine702 ago

What a world. Where are the GODDAMN TAPES and META DATA?! That area is cameraed up and NSA can track us all,