quantokitty ago

Good solid video. Upvoat for being clear and precise.

I'm still not getting WTH Seth Rich's family is doing. They did hire the PI, but ... I guess what I'm getting is they don't want to be red pilled and believe where the evidence is leading. And as for the Washington police ... dirty, dirty, dirty. What else can you expect from people sworn to uphold the law that turn their back on child molestation and murder. #drainthefuckingswamp

ReddittRefugee ago

And as for the Washington police ... dirty, dirty, dirty.

Well, the MPD-DC does work in the city that elected Marion Barry, the weirdest, most corrupt mayor in history. Then promptly reelected him again after he got out of jail for cocaine trafiking.

quantokitty ago

Oh, yeah, Barry! Forgot about him ... what a freakin' loser! Probably taught Obama how to snort.

ReddittRefugee ago

I'm still not getting WTH Seth Rich's family is doing. They did hire the PI, but ... I guess what I'm getting is they don't want to be red pilled and believe where the evidence is leading.

Actually, it's becoming pretty clear they've been co-opted by the DNC. Wouldn't surprize me at all if the DNC made them "an offer they can't refuse" which would be especially intimidating now that they know their son was the victim of a hit.

The key piece of evidence is at 16:00. "The new 'family spokesman' is Brad Bauman, a professional Democrat crisis PR consultant with the Pastorum Group"

Now, what's interesting about the Pastorum Group?

Firstly, they tightly control any information that goes out to the public on the web.

Go to their webpage: http://thepastorumgroup.com/

and you'll find no links, only a phone number and a mailto: link.

The other thing that is amazing to me is that they have no wikipedia page.

Try it, get on wikipedia, and do a search for "pastorum". Do a search for Pastorum Group on the search engines. They've managed to keep themselves off wikipedia. How the fuck do you manage to do that? That takes clout (and legal fees.)

Somebody wanna do an experiment? If someone around here has editor privileges, they could try getting on wikipedia and starting an entry for Pastorum Group. Would be interesting to see what happens. It would be especially interesting to harvest the usernames of the guys who intervene to get the page taken down.

The way they do seem to want to communicate is on social media platforms like facebook and linkedin, where they have control over everything that appears:


There was one interview piece I could find with a tiny bit of useful information:


quantokitty ago

Yes, but the PI doesn't fit into this scenario you've painted. If they were paid off, they wouldn't hire one. Instead, they have one that's not only doing a great job, but blabbing to Fox. Is everybody getting the importance of this case? That's not an insult, I'm just not sure because I haven't seen it stated that proving the Seth Rich was the leak would totally DESTROY THE RUSSIAN HACKING NARRATIVE!

It's not only the murder the DNC and Pedosta want to cover up and control, they NEED to control it because of the lie Pedosta told. Tying Trump to the Russians was crucial and it would be blown to smithereens. It's why the emailing never hit the papers at the time of the murder. Did anyone hear that? No, they did not even though the FBI conclusively proved there were hundreds of emails between Rich and Wikileaks. I can't help thinking that Rich's bravery wasn't discovered through the surveillance Obama ordered. It could have been caught up in the wide net thrown.

Another point, Rich's father immediately dismissed his son being involved with Wikileaks so you mean that the Cannibal Queen got to him that fast? And again, even if he was gotten to, why the PI that's actually not covering things up? If the DNC had handpicked him, he would say there's no evidence except of a robbery and back the weak story concocted by the DC police.

I think this is a really good sign that things are taking place to destroy and #drainthefuckingswamp. Maybe Skippy should be tweeted and reminded that when Rich's case is solved, his Russian narrative and the entire stream of lies will be shown to be that -- a stream of lies. He will also most likely be wearing an unattractive orange jumpsuit when it does occur ... and Killary will be in an adjacent cell ...

As for the Pastorum Group, thanks for all that info. I never even heard of them before this. Amazing all the tentacles to the octopus.

ReddittRefugee ago

the PI doesn't fit into this scenario you've painted. If they were paid off, they wouldn't hire one. . . <snip> . . . If the DNC had handpicked him

The DNC didn't handpick Rod Wheeler.

They had nothing to do with him until he appeared on Fox News on May 15, at which point he was their enemy.

What will help clarify this for you is the timeline.

Here is the sequence of events (clarified in the video from 8:24-12:50)

  1. Seth Rich's father, Joel Rich, is interviewed by Fox news and states that he doesn't find the MPD-DC investigation results credible.

  2. Fox news commenter Ed Butowsky spoke later to Joel Rich off-camera and suggested that if he didn't have confidence in the police investigation, he could hire a private investigator.

  3. Rich said he didn't have the money to pay a PI, but Butowski then set up a meeting between Rod Wheeler, and set up a 3-way contract where Butowski would pay for Wheeler's services on behalf of the Rich family.

Note: At this point the DNC and Bauman have nothing to do with the PI doing the investigation. In fact, they don't even know it's happening. This was a private contract between Joel Rich, Ed Bukowsi and Rod Wheeler, the DNC didn't pay for this, and of course, never would have..

  1. Wheeler gets to work, and using his inside sources, finds out that contrary to what the DNC and MSM had been saying, both the FBI and the MPD-DC know that Seth had been in contact with Wikileaks.

  2. Wheeler's contacts make another bombshell statement: that there was high level political interference with MPC-DC brass, and they were ordered to spike the investigation.

  3. Then on May 15 Wheeler releases the bombshell on Fox News. Seth was in contact with Wikileaks, and the cops were ordered to stand down.

  4. You can imagine that this sent the DNC perps into a panic! This is the point at which DNC crisis control guy Bauman gets all over the media narrative the very next day, telling people "there's nothing to see here folks, move along . . . "

The ones who really "get" how big this is are the lowlifes at the DNC. You're going to see all-out war on Wheeler's findings.

This also brings one to the question of why Wheeler went public with his information in violation of the confidentiality clause in his contract?

It seems pretty clear to me. Publicity can be life insurance and Wheeler has to know that.

Once Wheeler knew that Seth Rich was part of the Clinton Body Count, he had to also know that when the DNC found out what he knew, the temptation to kill him before the information could get out would be way too strong.

A comment on fearless blogger Alana Moore's site summarizes how important it is to go public quickly.


quantokitty ago

Note: At this point the DNC and Bauman have nothing to do with the PI doing the investigation. In fact, they don't even know it's happening. This was a private contract between Joel Rich, Ed Bukowsi and Rod Wheeler, the DNC didn't pay for this, and of course, never would have..

A private contract means that Joel Rich knew and agreed to it. It doesn't fit in with the scenario of him getting scared off by a threat.

ReddittRefugee ago

It doesn't fit in with the scenario of him getting scared off by a threat

It might. Put yourself in Joel Rich's shoes.

-Your son gets brutally murdered, in what is obviously not a robbery.

  • The police issue a report to the media that is obviously false.

  • You get an opportunity to have a private investigator to look into what really happened.

-The investigator finds out that: "Holy Shit! Seth was communicating with Wikileaks, and the DNC was lying when they said he hadn't been.The report the police released was BS because somebody very high up ordered them to spike the investigation!" And yes, that means it was almost certainly a hit.

This kind of thing can be earth-shattering to the average American who's still plugged into the Matrix, and it can scare the living daylights out of them. Monica Lewinsky, for example, told Kathleen Wiley she was scared after she found out about the Caity Mahoney murder.

There probably should be a whole thread about the shock to the system, and the anger and denial, most people experience when something this powerful hits them in the face.

OTOH, you could be right that he voluntarily has been playing ball with the DNC. We'll see whether any more clues come out of the woodwork.

quantokitty ago

No, it's not logical. Seth's father was irrational before the PI came into play so he's merely consistent.

All I can say is no wonder Seth never confided in his dad. His dad drank the Kool-Aid and refuses to believe anything other than what the Cannibal Elite's narrative is. I think what this illustrates is what a fantastically noble person Seth Rich was. He was raised in that Kool-Aid environment, and it's why he worked for the DNC. But God bless him, when he saw the massive corruption, he did the right thing to expose the truth. His dad would have hidden it to keep the lies intact ... or made excuses, but that wasn't Seth Rich.

Amino69 ago

Molyneux is a gate keeper and limited hangout at best I'm sorry to say. Jones inc InfoWars, Chumpsky, Assange, Snowden, Rogan, Watson, Dice et al are also in the club. The likes of Vanunu, Edmonds & Sirhan are the real deal and that's why few have heard of them!

ThePedoHunter ago


maggiethatcher ago

I am sure that many of you will already be subscribers to Stefan Molyneux's youtube channel but if not, this is worth watching (or listening to). Links to Pizzagate because it outlines new information about the Seth Rich investigation which, if the suspicions are confirmed, may well bring down the DNC house of cards.