pbvrocks ago

Hard to believe Google...obvious skewing of data...

flyingcuttlefish ago

some fun - although CNN blocks comments that stray from their official narrative ... their TWEETS do not! So great fun to look at the twitter replies to their awful reporting.


The twitter logo shows at the top of most of their website reports -

flyingcuttlefish ago

a good 'un


replies are great! Many mention #SethRich

(you do not need a twitter account to read twitter posts)

flyingcuttlefish ago

back to Trending page ...

**so when you look up top searches of the day **(5-16) you get a list and it's sports and Hollywood garbage and #17 is "‪‪Democratic National Committee‬, ‪WikiLeaks‬‬" but when you click on that you see a sort of sub-topics breaking it down. "Seth Rich" query is a score of 100 and "DNC" is a score of 2 (!)

So why isn't the headline "Seth Rich" even if they place it way down on the list?

And on the DNC sub-page at the top they don't list the FOX News story that took off ... they headline their disinfo artilces ....


typical disinfo article featured at the top - as if this has traffic today -


RweSure ago

Why would you think the Fox article should be listed? It seems like recent stories are shown?

flyingcuttlefish ago

I thought it was the day's total ...

and the FOX story came out in the morning and was all over the globe when wikileaks tweeted it and very widely refenced in the subsquent blog posts etc. all day long.

RweSure ago

Google News will often show highly cited articles but not Google trends.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Their attempts to bury this are so transparent, I take it as a positive sign but worry about how far they'll go to cover their asses on this one.

RweSure ago

Do you actually that site?

With stories like this? Dave Chappelle’s Cousin Says He Was Killed And Cloned- Speaks Out For First Time

flyingcuttlefish ago

yeah! :)

really ... how stupid do they think we all are ....