Pizzalawyer ago

Big guns moving in to do crisis management, hmmm, isn't this what happened in the McCann case?

flyingcuttlefish ago

WND - ACE REPORTER MYSTIFIED BY FBI REFUSAL TO LOOK AT EMAIL-HACK EVIDENCE Even more bizarre following bombshell revelation on murdered DNC staffer

"Five-time Emmy-award winning reporter Sharyl Attkisson shared her razor-sharp insights with WND on a truly bizarre aspect of the investigation: If the Democratic National Committee, or DNC, claimed its email system was hacked by Russia, why didn’t it let the FBI examine its email server?

And why didn’t the FBI examine the server regardless of whether the DNC objected?"

pizzaequalspedo ago

Maybe it's time for the white hats to play by the same rules.

mooteensy ago

It sounds like some group or individual had 44,053 reasons to have Seth Rich killed.

bopper ago

Your damn right. Time for the nuclear option.

bopper ago

From Wikileaks:

Seth Rich's new "family spokesman" is Brad Bauman a professional Democrat crisis PR consultant with the Pastorum Group.

Cloak and dagger stuff driving me crazy.

Annon365 ago

I though last week was TzuDay with comey, but now I'm thinking it could be today, keep them coming 👌🏼

bopper ago

Seth Rich was shot in the back at about 4 AM in the morning, after leaving a bar. Was he being stalked? Like Roger Craig, below? Craig was a former Dallas police detective who was "digging up info" on the Kennedy assassination.

Laskar ago

He wasn't robbed either.

bopper ago
