JeremiahSinclair ago

Very good evidence, but certainly not proof -- we need to learn the difference between proof and evidence in our work here in order to move forward effectively. Others have mentioned this but it bears repeating :)

angry_mob ago

holy shit

witch_doctor1 ago

Seth's murder is open and shut related to the DNC in normie land at this point ...which then automatically lends more credence to the other murders....Breitbart, Ashe and the neurosurgeon most prominently IMO. James O'Keefe has been adamant that Breitbart had heart problems and died naturally...will be interesting to see if his tune changes once the remaining black hats are gone.

V____Z ago

Bait and Sketch did a video about this today

Jsanto ago

Jones and Seaman are controlled ops, watch who you listen to.

Mbailey63 ago

He is running hit pieces through the WaPo too. This creep is a one man crime wave.

Mbailey63 ago

It's a motive.

ArthurEdens ago

I don't see any proof just red squares. Keep working on it

jstrotha0975 ago

This is circumstantial, but probably enough to open a case.

bopper ago

Is that email, about the leakers, for real, is it authentic, do you have a link? EDIT: I see it now in another post, thanks.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I guess this is why no one speaks out. I really do worry for David Seaman and Alex Jones.

GuannaRue ago

Alex jones is controlled opposition.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

That's why he continues to talk about the elite peadophiles .. ?

DarkMath ago

That's not proof. It's circumstantial evidence. And it's damning as hell but not proof unfortunately. Unassailable proof would be a confession. But that ain't happening because we don't have an FBI anymore. The old FBI would find anyone Podesta contacted immediately after the "make an example of" email and before Seth Rich's death and start shaking trees to see if someone wanted a plea bargain. This is an open and shut case...........if we actually had a Federal Bureau of Investigation instead of a professional slow-walking society formerly known as the FBI.

"But why don't we have an FBI anymore?", little Billy asked inquisitively.

"Because fuck you that's why Billy. Now scram.", said the psychopath in the Deep State who thinks it's perfectly normal to run the U.S. Government like an organized crime syndicate.


kazza64 ago

howdy ...... doody :)

angry_mob ago


pby1000 ago

I heard there is not even a charter for the FBI. I think Richard David Steele said this... I would have to find it again, and check to see if it is true.

leaveperiods ago

My favorite fellow Voater

numbtoyou ago

If looking through the world with white eyes, i might agree. But America was founded on evil and that evil is it's demise.

DarkMath ago

"America was founded on evil and that evil is it's demise."

Founded on evil? That's like saying Christianity was founded on evil because Jesus told slaves not to revolt.

But revolt they did in Judea 30 years after ignoring Jesus' message. So Rome sent in a couple armies then proceeded to kill so many in Jerusalem the streets ran with blood and then took any surviving Jews, slave or not, and dispersed them to the four corners of the Empire.

numbtoyou ago

you are such a politician.

DarkMath ago

Things are never black and white. We're human beings and live in shades of gray our entire lives.

No one is 100% good or 100% bad*. And forgiveness and repentance go a long way or at least they used to. Now everyone goes from 0 to 100 real quick.

We live in a world of shit.


"*" - @angry_mob had a great point. Psychopaths are 100% bad. I couldn't agree more. Scientists need to invent a Psychopath Detector. It'd be just like a Lie Detector but for people like this. Then all us non-psychopaths could use it to keep insane fucks out of positions of power. Skeptical? You shouldn't be. If there's ever been a class of human being that could eliminate all land based life forms on planet Earth and most of the aquatic ones too it's the Psychopathic Class. That fact doesn't scare the shit out of enough people. .................Thanks angry_mob, great point.

angry_mob ago

i have to disagree. pick up a book by a Dr. Robert Hare called "Without Conscience." it's about psychopathy & one thing he jumps right into is how psychopaths are not hard-wired the way the rest of us are (brain-wise.) so these people (& there are many more than we think out there) are walking around with no conscience, fucking with people right & left just because they enjoy it, & absolute free will! i'm gonna have to call that evil. their actions have no emotional consequences for them. they learn how to act in society by watching what other people do and then mimicking them - many of these pedos are psychopaths. that's how they can do unspeakable things to children & wake up the next morning and go "hey it's a beautiful day!" pure evil. they are indeed 100% bad.

numbtoyou ago

we will always agree to disagree.

DarkMath ago

Just know my family history is from Ireland, Scotland and Norway and they all came to America after the Civil War except one dude who was a Union Drummer Boy at the Battle of Gettysburg.

In fact there's a picture of him on the wall looking down at me right now. I use it to repel any and all feelings of White Guilt.


numbtoyou ago

just watch the weather.

DarkMath ago

"just watch the weather"

Hey if you want to tear down Washington DC I'm all for it. If it was up to me I'd kick every last one of those politicians out on their asses. Then I'd fire all the bureaucrats and turn the entire city into affordable housing. Then I'd raid Wall Street and the Federal Reserve and give the entire fucking pile of money to Black people as reparation payments.

I'm not sure why you thought I wouldn't do that. Oh wait, you're a Racist and assumed all White People are evil.


numbtoyou ago

you always put words in my mouth. you say those things. I said they are a race of Devils. A devil is a grafted thing or the "made" man. Not native, nor original according to the teaching of the Christ in the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. He says if you have one drop of black blood, you are belong to him when the time comes. Take that or leave it alone. it's deeper than what i just typed and i don't care what you think.

I believe in separation. You go be you and let us go be us. Other than the dead who don't know better, or the scared to death negro's, we don't' want anything to do with you. whether you be good or bad. Just like the story of Moses in Egypt. If you don't let us go, God is going to do what is written in that prophecy. Or if not, we will have to keep being ruled by these Satanist.

Money isn't going to fix it. we'd just spend it with Koreans, Hypocritical Palestinians, whites and more. the money would just go back to where it came from. What we need is to be let go with support for a bit so we can get on our feet. The fake Jews got a lot of help. And what happened to them is questionable of it's accuracy so...

DarkMath ago

"I said they are a race of Devils."

I understand now. You're right. I am a white man and they are a race of devils. It's really fucking embarrassing right now.

"Or if not, we will have to keep being ruled by these Satanist."

Well if you ever need help defeating Satan and his horde of willing white participants just let me know. But I know what you're going to say already, it's up to God. Amen. I agree.

"the money would just go back to where it came from."

I'm glad you said it. I couldn't have said it. That's how evil some of my Caucasian brothers are. They'd steal candy from a baby and then make the kid pay for it, wait until he's 4, kidnap and rape him and then steal his organs.

The good news is the white devils are starting to eat their own and that ain't good. There are a fuck-ton more poor white people than rich.

What comes next could be incredibly enjoyable me thinks. We did it before and we can do it again.


numbtoyou ago

I believe that Allah (God) has appeared in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. The great Mahdi or 2nd coming. It's a lengthy study but i don't have issues stating it on here where i will be mocked or ridiculed. He exalted the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad as his Christ who sits at his right hand. They are above our heads in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night in the wheel Ezekiel saw that is half a mile by half a mile. This wheel is the mother of all ships.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Yes we know this technology exists and call me crazy but I thought it was there to catch bad guys.