AngB23 ago

Shocking, not one MSM talking about Seth Rich, the emails...nothing. They broke out with news that Trump "stopped" Comey's investigating on Flynn and of course, CNN and MSN going crazy about it. And Seth Rich no longer trending on Twitter.

As long as Globalists control all media, I feel like we will never get this info to the masses and get justice.

GumShoe ago

The silence is deafening. CNN talked about scoops of ice cream for days. Not even a mention of this? Hannity should be interesting tonight..... how long until he's labeled a conspiracy kook?

reasonedandinformed ago

The title of the article online has literally changed from a few hours ago, from: "Slain DNC staffer had contact with WikiLeaks, investigator says" (see: to "Family of slain DNC staffer Seth Rich blasts detective over report of WikiLeaks link"

The first title shows what the investigator found while the new title tries to repudiate the findings. The family spokesperson seems to have no interest in the truth and where it leads but seems geared to denying any link/connection to the DNC leak to Wikileaks and the possibility that this connects to his murder...which is the most-plausible scenario as it was clearly a targeted killing and timed around the leaks (now claimed to be Russian hacks by the DNC). The DNC never allowed the FBI to look at its servers, so the Russian hack story was so obviously part of a conjured-up cover story for anyone who followed the events.

DonKeyhote ago

Lol HawAiiNs in a shitty time zone for news xD

SecondAmendment ago


2impendingdoom ago

If the family thinks the gov. killed their son, what do you think they are going to do? We are dealing with mass murderers here.

Votescam ago

In all of these cases, researchers and leakers continue to die -- I think they are courageous people, but they do need some cover, especially when the government itself is after them to prevent the truth from coming out.

Aloha808 ago

I think Wikileaks blackmailed Obama to get Chelsea Manning pardoned. Pardon Chelsea or release proof Seth Rich was DNC leaker

nomorepepperoni ago

If that's the case, I'd rather he go back on his word once Chelsea is out.

remedy4reality ago

Why would Wiki blow intel like that on Manning ?

Aloha808 ago

Just watched a YouTube on Julian assange, the most important thing to him is protecting his sources

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

It's good to see another source confirming this, even it's an "anonymous" federal investigator.

MSM is already calling this fake news, bolstered by a statement from Seth Rich's family:

"A spokesman for the Rich family said Wheeler was not authorized to speak for the family and called assertions Seth Rich sent emails to WikiLeaks "unsubstantiated." Brad Bauman said even if purported emails were to surface, it would not necessarily mean Rich had helped WikiLeaks."

What is up with the parents??? They're just in denial about the evil democrats, or having their lives threatened or what?

bopper ago

From Wikileaks:

Seth Rich's new "family spokesman" is Brad Bauman a professional Democrat crisis PR consultant with the Pastorum Group.

carmencita ago

Brad Bauman was appointed by the DNC to be the spokesman for the Seth Rich family. Could we expect any thing less from him? I would highly suspect, yes they have been threatened. I tried to put in his linked in info, but evidently voat says it is a banned domain.

new4now ago

To date, the only statements being released by the family of Seth Rich are from Brad Bauman. Odd that they would hire a PR agent to represent them as opposed to a family attorney, rabbi or friend which is more commonly done in times of grief. Odd that this PR agent is in DC not Omaha where the family lives. Odd that this PR agent seems sorely lacking in any clients. Odd that this PR agent is so non-transparent in his website, Facebook and Linkedin Profiles. Odd that their webpage doesn’t even say what they do? Odd that Mr Joel Rich (Seth’s father) would have found Pastorum Group – simply randomly. Odd the associations and previous employment of the two founders of Pastorum Group entrenched in Hillary – Obama and Bernie.

Aloha808 ago

You better believe Soros has funded an entire army of PR people, lawyers, crisis management, trolls, hillarybots, and all his commie groups around the country to bury this. You know he's connected, he probably made the call

Dressage2 ago

The whole thing smells of HRC's laundered $$$ being used to make this all disappear.

Aloha808 ago

Apparently the private investigator was hired through a 3rd party and not directly by the family. I agree with the family, their has been no evidence proving Seth leaked documents to Wikileaks other than anonymous sources. I can see how the family is in denial, it truly is a hard to believe story that Hillary Clinton had anything to do with his murder and they don't want their dead son to be smeared as a leaker or traitor which is understandable. With that being said Fox News is a pretty damn solid source and I hope it's true so we can get these filthy fucking pedos behind bars.

EyeOfHorus ago

Smeared? He's a patriot hero.

Aloha808 ago

He is definitely a hero to me, he helped take out that corrupt bitch Debbie and Hillary

Are_we__sure ago

Fox News is relying on what someone told them. Fox News can accurately report what this guy tells them and have the story not be true.


to date, the only statements being released by the family of Seth Rich are from Brad Bauman. Odd that they would hire a PR agent to represent them as opposed to a family attorney, rabbi or friend which is more commonly done in times of grief. Odd that this PR agent is in DC not Omaha where the family lives.

My feeling is that Brad Bauman was a friend of Seth Rich. Just basing that on a few tweets I've seen from people talking personally about Seth Rich.

The "hired by a third party" is interesting. The Fox News report says directly he was hired by the family. Is the family quibbling over wording or denying he worked on their behalf. You can still be the family's investigator if someone else is paying you. Given that they also say his contract prevents the PI from speaking to the press without the family's authorization suggests they know some details about his hiring.

It's also weird that the PI says either the police or the FBI has the laptop. He doesn't know? He obviously has not seen evidence first hand.

new4now ago

so many contradicting statements, The family seems to side with the Police that there is no proof, which could be true for them because the FBI has the proof on Seth's computer, so not really a lie.

We know the FBI likes to sit on computers doing nothing, Weiners, Hillary's, but I wonder how the FBI would get involved. By what some would have us believe, it was a robbery gone bad, but yet they searched his flat, talked to his room mates, for a robbery where there seems to have been an escalation of robberies in the area? I can see talking to girlfriend since she was the last one he talked to. Could his job have been the reason things were looked into? Was the FBI called in because of his job? or did they have a heads up to get Seth's computer?

I think anytime you have such conflicting reports, it pays to look deeper.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

This^^^^^ Answer these questions.