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YingYangMom ago

Nice find. This is a great compilation, thank you.

1970′s - Savile becomes a regular visitor to Haut de La Garenne on the child abuse island of Jersey.

Sadly, the site doesn't give anymore details on this particular story which is a very interesting one. A while ago I have posted a link here to a video documentary on this scandal in particular and it was unfortunately buried/overlooked. The creator/investigator does a great job here and presents it in a very crude and compelling manner. It's also very personal to him and you'll eventually find out why. Worth every minute. A Must. Here is the link:

Documentary is called : SUN, SEA & SATAN

Time stamps

8:49 to 9:30 (Maloney shows us what he finds in the window of a mental institution where children who tried to tell on their abuse would be sent.)

12:13 to 13:37 and 18:35 to 19:54 (Bill Maloney discovers, in some house's front yard on a main road (in plain sight), statues depicting children in sexually graphic poses, along with other occult objects and, he gets emotional)

44:31 to 47:57 (Again the statues, this time, the boy statue is turned into a little girl. Bill Maloney loses it.)

36:53 to 38:47 (Bill Maloney takes us to a place called the Devil's Hole and shows us the Statue that stands there and how it is only 50m from a pub where parents bring their children to eat and play to)


However, I strongly advise you to watch the entire video. Worth every minute.

carmencita ago

Thanks for bringing this back here, I read this before, maybe while I was still lurking. I remember also that there was a woman that was investigating Jersey and she was banned from there. I look forward to revisiting this again.There is definitely something going on there and there are many yachts parked there with only one small bank on the island.

YingYangMom ago

Absolutely. Here is for inspiration: "Since a copy of the video went to BBC Plymouth (Jersey Region), the chief bailiff has submitted his resignation, Lenny Harper (police chief covering up the scandal) has retired from the case, Prince William has shifted from the Royal Navy to the Royal Air Force (since Maloney exposed how the queen had allowed practice of Satanism in the Royal Navy), St-Saviour mental hospital became a "listed building" and there have been stories that the Queen had given her title to Prince Charles... Talk about doing some good, huh.

icuntstopswearing ago

Found this: Just shows how what a manipulative monster he was.

YingYangMom ago

He was, but he had help from the Freemason-controlled Island. It was a horrible cover-up, even today. Bill Murray went there and shows us how secret and dangerous it is to investigate/film/take pictures there and he succeeds in showing us statues just laying around there that are straight pedophilic and satanic. His discoveries are all very worthy of our PG investigation.

icuntstopswearing ago

Almost every Children's Home in the UK was used as brothel for politicians, masons and policemen during those 'Savile years'. The Home Secretary Leon Brittan was given a dossier of the facts but of course he was...a pedophile. Dossier got 'lost'. Thank god Comey has gone and there is a chance of some sort of investigation in the US.