Rigg5 ago

My only problem with this is it was over a year before his death, right?

lynn1314 ago

Did Susan Rice "unmask" Seth? Was she "unmasking" anyone who contacted Wikileaks? Supposedly she started "unmasking" in July - Seth was murdered July 10.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Oh shit. Niiiice

kestrel9 ago

A lot of good info here: https://www.teaparty.org/clinton-death-list-33-intriguing-cases-183385/ http://archive.is/964SP

Now reports reveal Brad Bauman, the man hired by Rich’s family to end the “conspiracy theories” surrounding the unsolved murder, is a public relations manager with the Pastorum Group and specializes in “crisis communications” for the Democratic Party. WikiLeaks broke the news on Twitter, tweeting: “Seth Rich’s new ‘family spokesman’ is Brad Bauman, a professional Democrat crisis PR consultant with the Pastorum Group.”

See: https://www.campaignsandelections.com/campaign-insider/new-firm-focus-the-pastorum-group http://archive.is/xs4wY

Also: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/fitzgibbon-media_us_567330fce4b014efe0d4cb4e http://archive.is/xs4wY

Pastorum Group was founded by Joseph Cohen, according to a press release posted on Twitter. It describes Cohen as “a campaign veteran who has previously worked at SEIU, the Democratic National Committee, and Obama for America.”

Also, the release says Bauman is a former executive director of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. (the people who refused to attend the President's inauguration)

Also a group that is leading the progressive "Resistance" https://yubanet.com/usa/congressional-progressive-caucus-unveils-the-peoples-budget-a-roadmap-for-the-resistance/
Members of the CPC including Rep. Mark Pocan (D-WI), Rep. Keith Ellison (D-MN)

Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2016/11/15/democratic-party-raul-grijalva-congressional-progressive-caucus-editorials-debates/93929466/

Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL), Rep. Mark Takano (D-CA), Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-NY), Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD), Rep. Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY), Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ), Rep. André Carson (D-IN), and Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA)

flyingcuttlefish ago

very good connection!

very, very good!

quantokitty ago

There's another huge point ... another elephant in the room. It's that a story in the WaPo is identified as damaging and the first damaging hit on the Cannibal Queen. Now spring ahead until now ... who's working for the WaPo and controlling it? That's right ... Skippy Pedosta.

They're like an infestation. If they see something that doesn't go along with their narrative, they infiltrate it and control the beast from within.

spezSentMe ago

The world has gone completely mad. Lock them up!

Intheknow ago

R.I.P Seth Rich..thank you for your loyalty to America and her peoples.


The last step will be to simply talk about it. At the rate this is going and with the current political climate expect big things: both good and bad. I wouldn't be surprised at all if a false flag were to take place. Everyone needs to be on high alert.



Pizzagoats, I am seeing all of your favorite names in this thread />http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/125699348#p125706219 Be the difference and tweet/omegle/snapchat/whatever just SPREAD: https://imgoat.com/uploads/0efdf2ec9b/16768.jpg


125700024 this will be my only post on this subject, because the leaks are starting to come out.

John Podesta uses SEIU people to do his dirty work. I am not FBI anon but close. Jennifer Palmieri had Seth murdered, but Robby Mook and John Podesta found out about it and had Jennifer consult with Hillary and Huma and they all decided it was best to silence Seth.

Once the deed was done, Palmieri and Mook started pushing the "robbery" narrative and the cops in DC went along with it.

The DC police chief is complicit and covering up for them. He is also a pedophile.

If you'd like to connect dots, look into SEIU people in DC that night, Jennifer Palmieri's strange "Tweets", and Robby Mooks insistence that it is Russia.

If the right people are informed in the right order, Palmieri, Mook, Podesta, Abedin and the Clinton Machine (phillippe also) will fall. Weiner is going to get immunity it looks like.

SEIU murdered Seth Rich, connected to Podesta and Palmieri.

AngB23 ago

Odd...Palmieri had ZERO words of condolences for Seth. Or she deleted them https://imgur.com/a/A6bKt

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Flood her Twitter with "R.I.P. Seth Rich"?


dickface888 ago

"What goes around comets around!"

kazza64 ago

wow O.O

Intheknow ago

Who was the guy that was found dead recently by Huma; private doctor, no autopsy?

horse-with-a-name ago

I think that turned out to be a fake story.

kazza64 ago

she must be packing the heart attack gun these days :/

Dressage2 ago

This is going to blow a massive hole in the "Russia Did It" mantra that the Dems have been singing about for over a year. It's clearer why the DNC would not let the FBI look at their computer when the possibility of a hack came out. Also, it looks like Rich's parents are finally believing the Dems "Breitbarted" their son because they hired a PI to do DCPD's job. Tomorrow morning I can't wait to see if any of the MSM even bothers to discuss.

AngB23 ago

Globalist fake news MSM seems to be pushing even harder the Russian angle doing everything in their power to keep this front and center. I hope more info comes out about Seth Rich that they are forced to cover it. It's amazing watching this unfold and people are STILL believing CNN or MSNBC.

GiantMillipino ago

COMMERICALLY-CONTROLLED MEDIA. msm doesn't describe it well enough.

seekingpeace ago

Well, there's also the other favorite - Muslims did it. Maybe they'll try this one next.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Muslim Russians!! Oh shit, plot twist. From muh Russians to muh-slim Russians.


Exactly! Get the normies to ask about it and WE'VE WON!


If you have Twitter HELP: MUST TWEET SETH RICH STORY TO TRUMP Anonymous (ID: RVpe/LoU) 05/16/17(Tue)00:05:43 No.125705299▶

EVERYONE WITH A TWATTER ACCOUNT NEEDS TO BE TWEETING THIS TO [@POTUS](https://voat.co/user/POTUS) AND [@realDonaldTrump](https://voat.co/user/realDonaldTrump)!!

>>> [https://twitter.com/fox5dc/status/864311209276960769](https://twitter.com/fox5dc/status/864311209276960769) <<<




carmencita ago

" I'm definitely for making an example of a suspected leaker whether or not we have any real basis for it."

madhatter67 ago

What was the timeline between that and Seth Rich's murder?

I'm guessing not as close as the "wetworks" email and Scalia being offed?

Even so, Skippy does seem to attract "coincidences"

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Hmmm, Feb 2015 which is well before Seth Rich's obvious murder. Nice catch.

iFuckingHateFatties ago

True but it does show Pedosta's mindset about dealing with leakers.

dickface888 ago
