Family's private investigator: There is evidence Seth Rich had contact with WikiLeaks prior to death (
submitted 7.8 years ago by FoxMcCloud11
zlomsocz 7.8 years ago
quantokitty 7.8 years ago
I'm glad this investigator is doing his job, but it makes the father's adamant denial of his son's involvement all the more curious.
If they can tie Seth Rich's murder to a Pedosta or another high-ranking member of the Cannibal Elite, it's gonna be all over for the Pizza Club Gang.
Vindicator 7.8 years ago
That is a really cool timeline!
Pizzalawyer 7.8 years ago
We need a meme war here as well. I firmly believe both podesta and hillary are capable of ordering a murder.
MaximilianKolbe 7.8 years ago
The first domino! This is the Arch Duke Ferdinand of the unraveling and eventual downfall of the globalist west in public view.
zlomsocz ago
quantokitty ago
I'm glad this investigator is doing his job, but it makes the father's adamant denial of his son's involvement all the more curious.
If they can tie Seth Rich's murder to a Pedosta or another high-ranking member of the Cannibal Elite, it's gonna be all over for the Pizza Club Gang.
zlomsocz ago
Vindicator ago
That is a really cool timeline!
Pizzalawyer ago
We need a meme war here as well. I firmly believe both podesta and hillary are capable of ordering a murder.
MaximilianKolbe ago
The first domino! This is the Arch Duke Ferdinand of the unraveling and eventual downfall of the globalist west in public view.