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Littleredcorvette ago

I found this facebook post, which was very long, and in another language. I have translated it. It is very long, and I have parsed it out over several comments.

This is not my work.


Hillary Clinton and John Podesta. John Podesta was the White House chief of staff under President Bill Clinton, the official adviser to President Obama, and now president of Hillary Clinton's campaign. In 1988, John Podesta and his brother, Anthony Podesta, established the Podesta Group lobby firm. Podesta Group received $ 150,000 from Monsanto last year through another lobbying firm called Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & Dorr LLP.

The Podesta Group also served the Biotechnology Innovation Organization (BIO) - an organization funded by the transgenic industry. They paid $ 90,000.00 so far in 2016 for the Podesta Group. You have one brother lobbying at the White House while the other manages the firm.

The Clintons and Monsanto CNN reported a while ago about the Clinton Foundation and outlined the relationship between that organization and Monsanto. She says that Monsanto gave between one and five million dollars to the Clinton Foundation. Hilary Clinton, the current presidential candidate, and her husband, Bill Clinton, own this "NGO." Watch the video at the link below:

The close relationship between the Clinton family and Monsanto comes as no surprise. It began in the 1980s when Monsanto was a client of the Hillary Clinton law firm Rose Law Firm in Arkansas. [1] During the presidency of Bill Clinton as US president (1993-2001), he appointed Robert Shapiro, Monsanto's president, to the President's Advisory Committee on Trade Policy. This executive committee of the US government worked together with Mickey Kantor - US Trade Representative (1993-1996) and Secretary of Commerce (1996-1997), who became a member of Monsanto's board in 1997. [15,18]

In 1993, Bill Clinton also appointed Rufus Yersa as US Deputy Trade Representative. [21] Rufus Yersa left the Clinton administration in 1995 to go to law firm Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld in Bruxelles, Belgium. This company has Monsanto as its client. From 1998 to 2002, Rufus Yersa went to work for Monsanto. In 2002, he was appointed Deputy Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO). [22] Monsanto now has its own staff member at the WTO who can always partially judge any international trade action against countries that bar GMOs under the precautionary principle. Mr. Yerxa is the top head of the legal affairs division at the WTO, which in a number of ways can influence the instance and if a panel goes ahead on GMO matters - including involvement in panel selection, advisory Legal advice to the panelists, advice on the identification and selection of scientific "experts" in the case. [20] He was Deputy Director General of the WTO until 2013.

In 1993, during the first year of the presidency of Bill Clinton, the hormone Recombinant Bovine Somatoprine (rBST) was approved. This hormone is used in cows to increase milk production but is banned in dozens of countries for human and / or animal health risks - including Japan, the European Union, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. This hormone is associated with several types of cancers due to the high level of IGF-1 and other diseases. [38] In Brazil, MPF in Pará attempted to ban this product, but the federal government, through the Federal Attorney General's Office, pressured the case judge to close the case in 2012. [59] MPF mentioned cancer risks, more antibiotic residues In milk and until the development of diabetes, type 2. [43]

In 1994, Bill Clinton appointed attorney Michael Taylor to work at the Department of Agriculture. Michael Taylor worked for King & Spalding between 1981-1991, which had Monsanto as one of its clients. Michael Taylor is accused of having influenced Monsanto's rBST approval by the US government and the non-labeling of milk from cows treated with this transgenic hormone while working at the FDA between 1991-1994. In 1996, Michael Taylor went to work for Monsanto as Vice President of Public Policy. [19]

Also in 1994, Bill Clinton appointed Virginia Weldon, Vice President of Public Policy at Monsanto, to serve on the US President's Advisory Committee on Science and Technology. She was also appointed to the National Advisory Committee on Agricultural Biotechnology. [25,26] Lidia Watrud, a former microbial biotechnology researcher at Monsanto, went to work for the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - the equivalent of IBAMA in Brazil. [27]

The Clinton administration has also lobbied governments to open up their markets for the importation and introduction of transgenic plants in their countries. For example, Vice President Al Gore and his Secretary of State Medeleine Albright pressed Prime Minister Lionel Jospin of France to approve the import of a variety of GM corn from Monsanto. Lionel Jospin accepted in 1998. [15]

Also in 1998, Bill Clinton awarded the National Medal of Technology to Monsanto officials Ernest Jaworski, Robert Fraley, Robert Horsh and Stephen Rogers. These four invented Monsanto's Roundup Ready transgenic soybeans. Nowadays, Stephan Rogers and Ernest Rogers retired while Robert Fraley became Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of Monsanto and Robert Horsch went to work for the Melinda & Gates Foundation in the area of transgenics.

This foundation gave $ 25 million to the Clinton Foundation. [39] The Melinda & Gates Foundation annually invests a lot of money in the development of transgenic cassava ($ 27 million), sorghum ($ 21 million), sweet babata ($ 41 million), wheat, oats and transgenic rice ($ 10 million), lobbying poor governments To accept the introduction of transgenics in their countries, and to fund pro-transgenic propaganda projects and events, such as the Cornell University's Cornell University for Science, to influence public opinion on this subject. [41,42,55] A partner of the Cornell Alliance for Science is the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) - an organization funded by Monsanto, Bayer, Croplife, etc. [41] The Gates Foundation also has many partnerships with Monsanto, Dupont, etc., for the development of transgenics in Africa. [11]