Vindicator ago

@DonKeyhote: What's your thesis about how this guy is involved in the sexual exploitation of kids by the global elite? You've provided no evidence to support the idea that he is using pizza as code. Does he collect pedo art as well? Please repost with your investigation thesis and the supporting evidence clearly spelled out. Thanks.

redditsuckz ago

"Current pizza fanatic"

  • Joel Klein

Thats like saying he is a fanatical cannibal rapist killer of children.

Are_we__sure ago

only in the minds of kooks.

Pizza is delicious. Lots of New Yorkers are pizza fanatics.

2impendingdoom ago

...harmful to children's tiny heads.


actually, the whole post is lol, but important. Thanks.

anonOpenPress ago

I don't always send my kid to camp, but when I do I send them to an island with no roads and a property owned by the Biden family.
