anonOpenPress ago

Thanks for sharing, especially these catched my interest:

Within the metropolitan area, between 16,000 to 25,000 women and girls are involved in the commercial sex trade each year, according to Hounmenou’s fact sheet.

62 percent of them got into the sex trade before the age of 18 years.

And that's only 3rd in the nation. Brings light into the size of the problem in the U.S. doesn't it.

Ng adds that some city officials still struggle to understand that human trafficking can include sex trafficking as well as labor trafficking.

Awesome... just awesome

Some human trafficking experts say that the mix is too heavy on legislators, without enough on-the-ground knowledge of the issues.

without enough of knowledge, yeah... let's just invite them to /v/pizzagate to gather some!

“What is new here is that now the state is actively involved in addressing the issue of human trafficking,” he says.

Really, NEW, wow

EDIT: I checked a link in another comment about Atlanta being No.1 in sex trafficking. That article included:

According to FBI statistics, Atlanta ranks among the top 14 cities in the United States for domestic minor sex trafficking. And some 300 girls across Atlanta are lured into trafficking every month.

300 girls per month = 3600 yearly. For No.1 metropoly that is. Is the FBI decorating their statistics this much, or why do I get an interpretation that there might be more in No.3 by that other study.

ReddittRefugee ago

FWIW, Atlanta ranks as the worst city for human trafficking

carmencita ago

Elton John and hubby live in Atlanta. Elton John had a CP picture confiscated at an airport. He called it art. In the article they also said he has quite a collection.

Jimmycog ago

Just a third? I'm sure they can do better than that.

IvankaPizza ago

"Homan Square" (Black OP/Black Bag Site ) the CIA rendition center right there in Chicago.

Flights from Chicago go straight to Israel, where teens are harvested for their organs.

carmencita ago

So, according to that statement, some airline or Dyncorp are flying these children to Israel where they are robbed of their organs. Yes, robbing them. No you are not entitled to them just because you deem yourself more important and have more money. You pieces of vermin slime. When the children are taken and someone is waiting in a foreign country the children are taken to them. When the buyer of the organ is in the US and the organ is as well, then the buyer is flown to the organ. That is my understanding, as I was informed by someone very knowledgeable in this field.

kestrel9 ago

And in the meantime, to make it easier for the power players behind the trafficking to gain even more power while moving kids for sexual slavery, organ harvesting, recruitment into subversive groups, or grooming for higher level political shillage, they can easily do it by encouraging or paying young people the world over to get out and protest!! Violently when politically useful. Easy to move and take kids when the kids go willingly, having been brainwashed into rejecting their families and country.

All the while, let's use Chicago as a poster child example, purposely weakening other vulnerable groups by allowing infestation of gangs, drugs and violence to happen. Sustainable human exploitation... Foment, Foment, Foment!

In my thread about the Kenyans arrested for human trafficking, they sold to China, Europe...etc. This is a global evil and you can't tell me that Obama and Hillary weren't part of it in one way or in many ways.

carmencita ago

The person I tried to inform, did believe about the drugs being brought in by mangoes. So that is one score, but I will not say anything for a while. Too much to take in. Yes, the First Black President had us all hood winked. And the would be First Woman President. What a sorry pair.

kestrel9 ago

Gov. Bruce Rauner added another task force in 2016 to address the growing problem... "With so many task forces already in place—the Cook County Human Trafficking Task Force, the Chicago Regional Human Trafficking Task Force (CTTF), and the Illinois Task Force on Human Trafficking, to name a few—this new one may seem redundant. But Chicago experts are more optimistic, especially considering the challenge: Chicago ranks third in the country for the highest levels of human trafficking."