dougG ago

I believe Podesta is referring to the parody of trumps character on Saturday Night Live

Antarctica10 ago

Everything on Voat Pizzagate is being monitored. Be sure they know more about us than you think. I posted a stupid little song here and the YouTube link was tampered with. They erased comments and tampered with views.

Also I made a post about Kevin Annet and immediately saw a pushback. This guy is a fighter and obviously is on a hit list Check out the lattes update on the 9th Circle bust at Still awaiting solid evidence but to have folks chime in so quickly to discredit him is alarming. It's obvious they try to divide us.

FE_Rebekah ago

I had to go over to his "Tweets and Replies" to find it..

V____Z ago

he's here. often he uses "birdzeyeview" as his handle.

V____Z ago

Holy shit!

Shillary ago

Antonin Scalia died on Saturday, February 13, 2016.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

According to @IsThisGameOfThrones video, I think JA may have actually referenced Voat specifically. Asking about usernames and everything.

FindingTruth ago

You got to love those spinning this into Comey investigating Trump and Russia. He said 3X there is nothing there, Comey himself. He clearly was playing both sides (Hillary and then Trump, and who knows who the hell else but at the behest of the dark state for sure.)

Pedo-esta - We have your emails and now that we are re-doing our Justice Department, you and your pedophilic ways are high up on our list. It is enjoyable to watch their broken machine getting slowly taken apart. Soon, they will turn on one another.

DrTeethateJanice ago

I think at one time he actually used to come here. I think it was right after the migration from reddit, I don't know if you were there but "friends" of Heavy Breathing popped in and defended them too. It was fucking unreal.

PGIsInsanity_ ago

Pizzagate isn't going to break shit because it's just a ridiculous and obviously fictitious conspiracy theory.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

While on a Monday, check out the death of Mary Mahoney. Said to have been caught by SS in a compromising position with Hillary, while an intern. Shot at her Starbucks job, a 'robbery', nothing taken, no purses, nor money in the till or safe. Like the 'coined' death of Seth Richards, ala 'robbery' with all things of value, left on his person.

ArthurEdens ago


Azzipdoe ago

Saturn worship?

ArthurEdens ago

Nice, that's it

PepeFarmRemembers ago

Antonin Scalia ยท Died Saturday, Feb 13, 2016

Shillary ago

yep beat me to it

pocketfulofstones ago

Died February 12, 2016 (aged 79) or February 13, 2016

Friday or Saturday

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Notice how the shills come out to play most frequently anytime Podesta or Alefantis is mentioned? We got 3 of them in this thread alone... out of 11 comments.

The more shills that pop up, the closer we are to a nerve.

ZunarJ5 ago

And the closer the good alphabet people spying here are to doxing them!!

SoSpricyHotDog ago

One can only hope!

Notice how the shills also tend to flee when we shine light on them?

Call them out and draw conclusions/observations on their trends as much as possible.

They're probably all busy concocting the next wave of anti-information in their emergency bunkers now that their Knight in Shining Armor was fired as the FBI Director.

jstrotha0975 ago

David Brock "heart attack", Lynn Forester de Rothschild called Podesta a loser, Comey fired. Podesta is shitting his pants, not long till he cracks.

Psalm144-1 ago

Was the Lynn Tweet confirmed as authentic??

V____Z ago

It was real, but what's weird is that WaPo hired Podesta within (if i remember correctly) mere hours of that tweet - so i'm confused as to why 2 voices of the "powers that be" would oppose each other like that. She tried to diss him, and immediately WaPost tries to revive his reputation.

PGIzDumb_ ago

That's it, trick yourselves into believing more ridiculous shit that obviously won't happen so that I can mock you for it afterwards.

Intheknow ago

GTFO jamie prison you cant hide from your past. It will come back to your ass.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Everything he stated was true/happened... you never address any of the actual current events, you perpetually attack everyone on here with vague nonsense, as if that is going to work? Remember, we've seen the "playbooks" you pull your tactics from... maybe they work on Facebook for the blind sheep that your people depend on, but, not here.

Save your keystrokes and go write an Op Ed for WaPo.

GimmyJimmy ago

Pretty soon, Honeybee will go over Bilbo Baggins again and Brian Podesta connection.

DarkMath ago

Put your money where your mouth is or shut the fuck up.

No high level perps arrested for human, organ and/or drug trafficking.

Sound Good?

GimmyJimmy ago

I sure am glad pizzagaters aren't REAL investagaters and keep all their investigations confined to whatever is available on the internet.

DarkMath ago

You picked a really bad day to talk shit. James Comey was the last line of defense protecting the Deep State.

You've got horrible timing. It's all over but the cryin'.

listentoreason2017 ago

After Sessions got sworn in, I was told that arrest warrants were 'imminent'. Then they blamed it on Comey.

So after Comey gets replaced, what is the rationale for there not being arrest warrants for pizzagate or arresting Hillary?

How long before it becomes clear there won't be arrests? And who can you blame it on other than Trump himself at that point?

DarkMath ago

"arrest warrants were 'imminent'."

There were. That was the 1000+ low level pedophiles and handlers that got arrested this past 6 months. They got another 600 last week in fact. And that was just the child trafficking crimes. There's also organ and drug trafficking arrests coming.

They always go after low level perps and offer them deals to give up those above them. Watergate took 2 YEARS before Nixon was forced to resign. Things are right on schedule. Although this is like Watergate times a Billion. All lot of people are going to go down.

mrohm ago

This is also how Guiliani took down the Mafia. Start at the bottom and work your way up, acquiring turncoats, informers, and infiltrators along the way. He didn't start at the top, it took years of work, in conjunction with the feds, to destroy guys like Gotti, Massino, etc, starting with low rung associates.

jstrotha0975 ago

They low level arrests are hurting them, they have less henchmen and sources now.

PepeFarmRemembers ago

I love we can use the word "henchmen" in serious discussion relating to HRC. It explains her propensity for the Bond Baddie look...

DarkMath ago

That's bizarre. I can't even tell if he's serious or not. Is he saying Trump is as guilty as Hillary? Or is it the Saturday Night Massacre of Watergate fame? Hillary just got caught selling classified state secrets to the highest bidder via a rogue Blackberry network and Podesta is implying Trump is Nixon? It's not even coherent. I think he's putting out these tweets so he's not embarrassed in front of his friends. As long as there's just an iota of plausible deniability these people can still go out in public because evidently the Democratic Party is smoking a fuck-ton of crack right now and huffing gasoline. Why? Because fuck you that's why.

These people have been living in fantasy land for so long I think they've literally lost their minds. Check out what Andrew McCabe drives to work in:

The head of the FBI is driving to work in a $100,000+ Porsche 911. No that doesn't look suspicious at all Andrew. How about buying The Wolf of Wall Street's old yacht? Go for it dude. You only live once. It's fucking insanity. They think they're above the law and they're flaunting it. Pride cometh before the fall.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Trump just met with Kissinger

Kissinger = Nixon

DarkMath ago

"Trump just met with Kissinger Kissinger = Nixon"

Trump = Kissinger = Nixon?

You lost me bro.

1NationUnderAGroove ago

Just Kissinger and Nixons connection maybe he's hoping for the same partnership

mrohm ago

Kissinger was Nixon's Secretary of State. He remained so under Ford, too.

Gothamgirl ago

The link you shared about the "Saturday night massacre," was just updated 53 minutes ago. These people will twist anything to fit the narrative.

DarkMath ago

I know. Check out my other comment. These people are delusional. They've been running the show for so long, maybe 20 years, they think they're untouchable.

They're only making it worse for themselves. It's like God is pulling the strings now to make them do whatever possible to look as bad as possible. They're their own worst enemies. It's just like the "Basket of Deplorables" brain fart Hillary let out during the campaign.

YingYangMom ago


Gothamgirl ago

I agree.