Jem777 ago

For all those doubters try and remember General Michael Flynn was/is known as one of the best intelligence operatives/spies in modern history.

He was the leader of the DIA a position Obama promoted him to after he served over 30 years in Army special forces. Obama fired him and smeared his reputation only when General Flynn refused to back down and Doctor intelligence reports about Isis. He in fact told Obama in 2014 if he did not stop funding and arming militants Isis would explode and turn into a global war. This was before the mass migration, before Syria had completely imploded, but after Lybia was a failed state. Obama fired him and called Isis a "JV" team and kept arming so called "moderates" along with the rest of democrats and War-mongers like McCain.

General Flynn is a patriot and hero. He in fact was not fired the way most people believe. It was purposeful. It was an elaborate trap that was laid out to ensnare as many traitors as possible. DJT is involved in the planning and execution of the trap. People have fallen for it left and right.

bopper ago

Yates recently in her testimony really tried to nail Flynn, saying he could be found guilty of a serious crime. And that Obama "warned Trump about hiring Flynn." But Hillary gets a pass from Comey for worse, letting classified emails fall into the hands of criminal pervert Weiner. Sigh.

NotAnIdiot ago

The Russians didn't hack shit. People need to stop saying that.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Comey directly admitted to covering up criminal corruption to protect the image of the FBI and DOJ.

They did the same thing to cover up criminal corruption in Racine, Wisconsin and other areas. Loretta Lynch personally stopped the RICO investigations into Racine once she found out what and who it was connected to, which includes the Clintons, Obama and some of the most powerful families in the nation and beyond. This proves the FBI and DOJ have zero interest in the integrity of the law, the rule of law, and equal protection under the law. They are working for the Rothschilds, not the American people.

Besides a civil war, what is the appropriate recourse for the people living in such a state of tyranny? If the FBI and DOJ will not enforce laws and hold criminals, including in office, accountable, who is responsible for upholding and enforcing the law?

They are prepared for civil war. They have been preparing by militarizing the local and start forces and providing increased technology for surveillance. The problem is that the military, sheriffs and police forgot who they are here to serve and protect. If they made a stand with the people against Pizzagate and Global Criminal Corruption, instead of being used against the people, we could solve this quickly and peacefully. Unfortunately most of the people who go into the police or military are either too indoctrinated or corrupt to realize what role they play.

So without effective law and order, we are left with two options - Civil War or Revealing Everything. The latter may lead to the former.

At this point, everyone working for the government is either not qualified to do their job or they are in violation of Misprision of Treason.

Trump is either completely compromised and corrupt, or he has no clue what he is doing and is going nowhere fast. If you are the Commander in Chief, stop asking and start Commanding, unless you favor complete tyranny, anarchy and criminal corruption which is not going to end well. They all could have gotten out of this, but instead, like most criminals, they dug in their heels. That was a bad move.

Loretta Lynch, Jim Comey, and Ashton Kutcher cannot cover this up.

MattHelm ago

Trump is blackmailed by the Deep State plus he's a moron a clueless idiot. He is beyond help at this point. His idiot attorney general Sessions that fucking country bumpkin won't do a damn thing either. Chris Christie was the guy who should have been attorney general but Trump was afraid to appoint him afraid of that stupid Bridgegate scandal. Jared Kushner is the zionist poison in the White House as long as Kushner is there Trump will be totally controlled.

sunajAeon ago

                                          Misprision of Treason  

"is committed by someone who knows a treason is being or is about to be committed but does not report it to a proper authority"

DarkMath ago

"Trump is either completely compromised and corrupt, or he has no clue what he is doing"

It's too early to say. I highly suspect the Deep State takedown is in progress and that means waking America up slowly to what happened. The crimes are so horrific knowledge of them could literally drive people insane. That ain't no joke.

We're talking 9/11, Sandy Hook, Chem-Trails, Organ Harvesting, Drug Smuggling, Gang Raping Haiti, Murdering Extortion 17, etc etc. People can't be told all that in one sitting. I think the process of waking people up starts this summer. If it doesn't then I'd agree with you and Trump is compromised too and nothing will ever change. I guess that's when the 2nd Amendment kicks in. We're not there yet though.

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

The writing is already on the wall. Trump is not draining any swamp. He is making deals to cover it all up. The only chance for Trump is for him to have a come to God moment and begin exposing it all, which is a joke because his faith is a joke, and he won't do anything unless everyone else in the world knows that he is part of the rigged system and lied to us.

The question is why would Robert David Steele raise allegations about a video of Trump murdering a child? That is an extreme allegation, and an extremely specific one to make about the President. One of them, or both, is lying. You don't become a billionaire or President, or friends with Epstein and the Clintons being a nice, honest guy. Ask Ronald Bernard.

We need to know more about that video and who the source of the allegations is, we need the emails on Weiner's computer, and Ronald Bernard needs to name names.

DarkMath ago

"video of Trump murdering a child?"

There was also supposedly a video of Trump getting a golden shower from Russian prostitutes too. There have been many outlandish rumors that turned out to be false. You could be right though. I'm just saying everything is pointing towards a Deep State take-down this summer.

Why? The last moves the Deep State have made smack of desperation:

Then there's Sessions meeting with Turkey about extraditing Feta Gulan. You might remember Gulan attempted that coup in Turkey this past Winter. That was such a desperate move, look into it some more. That had all the markings of the Deep State "Hail Mary" or whatever the Islamic equivalent of that is.

These people are desperate. You can almost smell the fear. It's so fucking eerily quiet now too. All the World War III stuff has calmed down as they realize it's not going to work. It's all over but the cryin' if you ask me.

bopper ago

Loretta Lynch personally stopped the RICO investigations into Racine

Do you have a source or link for this? That would help your credibility.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Not spamming every great post with Racine shit would also help. Stop hijacking threads...

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

Look up the recent RICO case in Racine. She was handed that case and much more personally from an old friend of hers in Milwaukee. Once she found out who was connected, she stonewalled the entire investigation.

tgoods44 ago

I'd also be interested in these sources for the RICO investigation into Racine.

pizzaequalspedo ago

If you have damaging info on Clinton or Obama your risk of dying unexpectedly goes through the roof.... but it's all coincidental.

Omnicopy ago

Only conclusion I can come to is they must be backed by the antichrist!

V____Z ago

She's been a practicing member of a satanic cult in LA since the 70's, according to Larry Nichols. Guccifer said she's known as the high priestess.

bopper ago

And that concerned Nichols (that she was a member of a witch's club) as much as Bill Clinton's indiscretions. He always said Bill was easy to handle, just a good old boy ... but Hillary was on a whole 'nother level.

V____Z ago

Yep, they have zero morals. PERFECT for DC.

DarkMath ago

Don't worry everybody. I'm sure @AreWeSure, his brother @RweSure and his other brother @Are_we_sure will be along directly to explain why Comey didn't refer the case against Hillary to the Justice Department given this new information seems to point to Comey not referring it because he has self esteem problems..........which is odd because the FBI director should make that decision based on the evidence not on the temperament of the head of the Justice Department..........which is literally pretty much "I won't ever charge Hillary Clinton of any crime ever."................which violates just about every moral, ethical and legal standard ever in the History of the United States..........and could even be construed as High Treason if any of the cases involved things like selling highly classified anti-terror mission details like the target, date and time of Extortion 17's last mission where many of Seal Team 6 were killed murdered or is it killed since there was never a case brought by the FBI to the DoJ because Loretta Lynch said she wouldn't try any case anyway.


Don't panic. AreWeSure will make it better I promise.

jstayz44 ago

Did I miss something? Why are you pissed off at the Awan, I mean AreWeSure brothers?

DarkMath ago

"Why are you pissed off"

It's a long story. Basically AreWeSure is a professional concern troll that is impervious to reason. It's frustrating sometimes.

srayzie ago

What do you guys mean when you say a concern troll?

DarkMath ago

"What do you guys mean when you say a concern troll?"

A concert troll tries to spread doubt by offering reasons (concerns) that whatever topic they're trying to throw shade on isn't what any non-troll thinks it is.

So if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and flies like a duck it's not a duck. It's actually a swallow yes but you can't tell if African or European and there's no way you will ever know its exact air speed velocity laden or unladen.

Why? Because fuck that's why.

Now run along you pathetic "Deplorable Shit Lord. :--| "


@AreWeSure, @RWeSure, @Are_we_sure

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I see a lot of those on Twitter. Lol you sure don't like this arewesure person 😛

DarkMath ago

"you sure don't like this arewesure person"

You've got to remember the crimes we're talking about here. There's evidence of child, organ and drug trafficking. And the hits keep on coming with no sign of stopping. In fact they just found new evidence today John Podesta may have off'ed Seth Rich: . I can see making an example of a leaker by firing them and telling them they'll "never work in this town again.". But offing someone for a leak? That's so far out of proportion to the crime it's insane. What's next a Valentines Day Massacre celebration at the White House?

Then there's high probability that Hillary & Co kept 98% of the Haiti Earthquake relief money for themselves and the little they did spend in Haiti went to a luxury hotel and a sweat shop on the North side of the island about as far away from the earthquake as you can get and still be in Haiti. They did send some temporary housing in the form leftover FEMA trailers from Katrina but their insulation had so much formaldehyde in it the people got sick.(see Clinton Cash)

So when someone denies any and all evidence pointing to crimes of that magnitude for 6 months straight it really does grate on you. Ignoring such blatant in your face evidence like that gets into Holocaust Denial territory pretty quick. Poor black and destitute Haitians are the new Jews I guess.

And that ain't right. This is America not a precinct in New York's Little Italy circa 1910 that was just put under new management.


@AreWeSure, @RWeSure, @Are_we_sure

srayzie ago

I get it. I read about Seth Rich last night! It was even on MSM this morning. Finally! I shouldn't have these feelings. It's not healthy. But, I HATE these evil people. You're right tho. They kept all of that money for Haiti relief and got richer while seeing these poor people suffering and they take advantage of them. It makes me sick. Especially when these evil elites get awards and have pictures taken looking like heroes for all of their charity work. People are so blind and believe it. Hillary doesn't give a damn about women and children. Yet you couldn't get a feminists to believe that. Plus, there's the whole Benghazi thing.

Sometimes it sucks having my eyes so wide open now. Because I hate these people and feel mad everyday when I see these stupid liberals defending Hillary, as if she's a great powerful woman out to do what's right for our country and how the left is losing it and even resorting to violence. They definitely do not fight fair. It's frustrating. I've never talked to this arewesure person. But, I deal with it constantly on Twitter like I said. There is no way somebody could pay me to troll something like this. Something that is for good. Now, more than ever, after learning all that I've learned since all of this came out, I would stay away from the dark side. Nothing is worth losing your soul over.

jstayz44 ago

I gotcha. Yup, I received a concern reply, and said it looked troll-ish. Very annoying. Hang in there, you provide good feedback that we appreciate!

bopper ago

Interesting about Seal Team 6. Bill Still has another report implying that Chaffetz quit recently because of info he had/knew about this incident. Next day after quitting Chaffetz trashed General Flynn for some reason. Nine minutes long but interesting.

srayzie ago

I am so surprised by this. I've always felt that Chaffetz was one of the good guys. Him and Trey Gowdy. It's hard to believe that he's one of the worse like this guy says. It makes me want to go read more about it. Very interesting bopper 👏🏻

bopper ago

Yeah, seems like Bill Still actually has some kind of grudge against Chaffetz, like it's personal or something, calling him a grand-stander ... so to me the jury's still out ... who knows ....

srayzie ago

But the other guy seems like that too. The one that was explaining what happened.

equineluvr ago

Of course Chaffetz is/was compromised! You don't get to CHAIR ANY COMMITTEES IN CONGRESS if you aren't "playing ball" with the big boys.

Team 6 was offed to silence them so they wouldn't talk about their FAKE RAID OF OBL. Because EVERYBODY who follows this stuff KNOWS that OBL died back in 2001. Here is Benazir Bhutto, the PM of Pakistan, discussing this in a 2007 interview aired on international media. (She was assassinated shortly afterward.)

[OBL Died in 2001] (

bopper ago

Great clip. Looks like her fears came true, sad.

DarkMath ago

I saw that. It's too bad there isn't a fast forward button on this story. For some reason God wants to drag things out.

bopper ago

Summary: Fox News Pentagon reporter says FBi director Comey refused to comment on Senator Chuck Grassley's question (during Senate Intel Committee Hearings) about a bombshell leaked email in which Loretta Lynch stated that she would do anything necessary to prevent bringing criminal charges against Hillary Clinton.

(This is the reason Comey didn't recommend charges against Hillary though he was well aware that she broke the law. He knew better. He knew Lynch would dismiss any recommendation of charges from the FBI regardless. Comey was aware of this intimidating email. He was in possession of it. He was afraid.)

Reminds me of FBIAnon answering the question about whether he himself feared for his life in the affirmative. The context of that question to FBIAnon was the "shitshow" he was awaiting to go down surrounding the airplane meeting between Bill Clinton and Lynch.

Senator Grassley inadvertently sheds more light on the origin of the "troubling" email (during the Intel meeting) by inculcating The New York Times, which reported, "The emails that were hacked, possessed by the FBI, came from Democrat Operatives."

Ala Seth Rich? Who was shot IN THE BACK "multiple times"?

What does Comey (and others) know and when did they know it? Can we please see this email Comey?

Comey's gonna need a bigger shovel.

pbvrocks ago

Comey is a choad of the highest order...all this crap is about blackmail and influence and Comey hold the keys to the biggest blackmail files in the world...hell just look at the info they release under FOIA and it is clear they keep this info on everyone...Comey knows what up, he is just getting all he can out of the situation and saving his ass...these people make me ill...are there any good @FBI agents left that care about police work above this other crap?

carlip ago

Don't be fucking stupid. Police work is blackmail, its always about money. Either it goes directly to the state or these fucks funnel it to themselves and each other.

witch_doctor1 ago

Sometimes when I get down about no high level arrests yet, I go back and read what FBI Anon said about Trump definitely going after Hillary....makes me feel better. Maybe @VicturusLibertas could put out some feelers and see if FBI Anon would be willing to shed some light on what is going on behind the scenes. I am genuinely curious.