Followthecash ago

I have something to share with you. I choose you because not only am I extremely busy with other projects. I also feel you can do something with this; be it for sharing or researching.

Code word "Liaison"

Here is the definition from

Notice Definitions 1+4.

  1. the contact or connection maintained by communications between units of the armed forces or of any other organization in order to ensure concerted action, cooperation, etc.

  2. Cookery. the process of thickening sauces, soups, etc., as by the addition of eggs, cream, butter, or flour.

Sounds a lot like this guy John Podesta we know. He seems to like cookery and thickening of walnut sauce..

Here is the Liaison on Wikileaks

Don't forget you can limit the search to only the Podesta files if you feel you the need.

Please Share however you want. and thank you for looking for the truth!

This website is rigged against us...

Pizzalawyer ago

Not enough interest, too bad

Pizzalawyer ago

I think this is a good idea if folks can get beyond the trust issue. Agroup effort is needed to go thru the Podesta emails wbich I think number 30,000 or 50,000 whatever. If Podesta is as sinister as we believe then there is more to be gleaned than the several dozen emails that have been scrutinized for the past 6 months. Perhaps assigning batches of emails by dates, even overlapping dates so that there are always two sets of eyes on a given time period. I've been frustrated at the lack of additional evidence about these scumbags and I feel like we've dropped the ball as we pursued anything and everything related to pedophelia, some of it important but a lot that is trivial. We are well educated enough on the scope of the issues that Podestas emails will hold more meaning as we sift thru them. I would imagine that 20 to 30 researchers over the course of 1 month could do this. Just an idea...

Followthecash ago

I have something to share with you. I choose you because not only am I extremely busy with other projects. I also feel you can do something with this; be it for sharing or researching.

Code word "Liaison"

Here is the definition from

Notice Definitions 1+4.

  1. the contact or connection maintained by communications between units of the armed forces or of any other organization in order to ensure concerted action, cooperation, etc.

  2. Cookery. the process of thickening sauces, soups, etc., as by the addition of eggs, cream, butter, or flour.

Sounds a lot like this guy John Podesta we know. He seems to like cookery and thickening of walnut sauce..

Here is the Liaison on Wikileaks

Don't forget you can limit the search to only the Podesta files if you feel you the need.

Please Share however you want. and thank you for looking for the truth!

p.s This website is fucking rigged...

Followthecash ago

So I've been reading the podesta emails for a while now. There is some tricks to it, (I may make another post about this topic and I look forward to keeping in touch with you)

Things to keep in mind because i highly doubt there is much admission of guilt. There is obviously sinister ideas all over. While sinister ideas are not ilegal them selfs. It does start to build the story. What I do is if i see anything remotely "Fishy". I take note.

I take notes of my ideas. Brain storm how I would go about it from there. Then I see if I cant find more that supports my "Ideal story" ...

Its when you start to notice how these tricks are used and find the hidden intentions; That you can fucking rent 2 vans with your friends and run a 2 day Ragnar marathon with this shit... Seriously, there is a reason Julian wont just come out and say it.

It's important we learn this.

I promise you, while you may have trouble finding any thing that breaks the law. You will find lots of hidden intentions.

Code words: I per fur to call them common ways a drug dealer would speak or anyone else trying to talk while not incriminating them self's.

Yes, I'm sure there are code words! However they will not be the "typical" ones we have heard of. I often think in terms of phrases, what would be said if I was trying to do this... For example. "Snail mail" that is one of many ways I could possibly suggest another form of communicating/trading.

Once again. I'm sure there are code words and they may even be more ridiculas then the pizza and icecream we have heard a bunch about.

Take note of who and when things are sent. Notice connections in friends and also notice importance's in a forwarded email. ( I also like to bing the dates and peoples names to see if anything else comes up.

It's all about intention.

Put it this way. I have found a lot with missing pictures. But why? There is even emails with strategies explained how to crack codes on websites to find hidden things.

I'm not too sure about the hidden stuff, but if Julian knowingly hosted illegal content. I'm sure it would be used against him faster then who first made it. Soon you wont be able to turn on your tv or browse the internet with out wondering why the girls in the pictures have different colored drinks in front of them.

I actually am starting to notice how much technique it takes. But with time, I promise, you will know when it starts to click.

Also, Dont just stick to the podesta emails! There is lots of documents and it might explain a little when you see an email talking about indiana jones.

I have work today. I promise to make a guide of how to look through this stuff sometime soon

Protip. I find my self looking at a lot of religious writing now. Its almost as if it does not matter whether you believe it or not. IT'S ALL ABOUT INTENTION BEHIND WHAT THEY SAY! Like why go to Camp David?

Pizzalawyer ago

FTC: I don't think you w'll find anything overt that breaks the law , you may just find new aspects of the same lssues. Im interested in reading about how you would design an investigation into the emails. It would be like searching for needles in a haystack. That's why such tedious and possibly unrewarding searches should be spread around. I'm interested to see who comes forward within the next 24 hours

Followthecash ago

I completely respect this and i my self want to be cautious.

after posting that earlier was why I realized I still have much more to do on pretty much every thing of mine. Plus even just getting that far on my own required a lot.. I know it can be handled better in a group. I also notice how dropping leads here can dry them up.

I would be more comfortable with a group. I think more could be done efficiently. However getting it started and even after. The trust probably becomes the bigger issue.

I have way more then just that one post but I also don't want to post more with out a second opinion at least.

Any suggestion on how we could take this to another place while being safe and productive?

anonOpenPress ago

How about just starting to do it, here in open

Followthecash ago

I have something to share with you. I choose you because not only am I extremely busy with other projects. I also feel you can do something with this; be it for sharing or researching.

Code word "Liaison"

Here is the definition from

Notice Definitions 1+4.

  1. the contact or connection maintained by communications between units of the armed forces or of any other organization in order to ensure concerted action, cooperation, etc.

  2. Cookery. the process of thickening sauces, soups, etc., as by the addition of eggs, cream, butter, or flour.

Sounds a lot like this guy John Podesta we know. He seems to like cookery and thickening of walnut sauce..

Here is the Liaison on Wikileaks

Don't forget you can limit the search to only the Podesta files if you feel you the need.

Please Share however you want. and thank you for looking for the truth!

once again... this shit is rigged and makes it to hard to message people. I wonder who it is owned by...

anonOpenPress ago

"extremely busy with other projects" ping me back when you're not any more. Would be good to have to one who starts the project available for the project. All the best!

Followthecash ago

I'm definitely here if you have any questions and would love to chat. I'm not sure if here is the best place to do it as this site last night was telling me i couldnt even private message someone...

I go through wikileaks more then any one I have met. there is something hidden in there that I feel Julian wants us to find. The amount it has informed me of has changed my life. Honestly, Right now what im enjoying doing most is what I call "Making tools for the brain." A lot of people need to absolutely change how they think. Our good ambitions are easily used against us.

Look at what I found last night...

I feel I need to be careful. Plus i have a life that I cant afford to isolate my self from.
So please feel free to message me any time you want. I would love to take it off this site in some way but I cant even private message you.. If you have a way to contact you even on fb I wouldnt mind. I just dont want to post private things here.


DonKeyhote ago

You have to provide something of yours before asking strangers to give their leads, i.e. PM it to me. As a show of good faith.

Followthecash ago

I have something to share with you. I choose you because not only am I extremely busy with other projects. I also feel you can do something with this; be it for sharing or researching.

Code word "Liaison"

Here is the definition from

Notice Definitions 1+4.

  1. the contact or connection maintained by communications between units of the armed forces or of any other organization in order to ensure concerted action, cooperation, etc.

  2. Cookery. the process of thickening sauces, soups, etc., as by the addition of eggs, cream, butter, or flour.

Sounds a lot like this guy John Podesta we know. He seems to like cookery and thickening of walnut sauce..

Here is the Liaison on Wikileaks

Don't forget you can limit the search to only the Podesta files if you feel you the need.

Please Share however you want. and thank you for looking for the truth!

Thorshamster ago

Hey--fellow researcher and graphic designer here. If you need titles or infographics, can-FUCKING-do. I've also been on fire to build 3D simulations of the locations involved in PG, if you ever had need for that. I've also been known to do some audio and video production (I had a podcast a few years ago), too.

Followthecash ago

I have something to share with you. I choose you because not only am I extremely busy with other projects. I also feel you can do something with this; be it for sharing or researching.

Code word "Liaison"

Here is the definition from

Notice Definitions 1+4.

  1. the contact or connection maintained by communications between units of the armed forces or of any other organization in order to ensure concerted action, cooperation, etc.

  2. Cookery. the process of thickening sauces, soups, etc., as by the addition of eggs, cream, butter, or flour.

Sounds a lot like this guy John Podesta we know. He seems to like cookery and thickening of walnut sauce..

Here is the Liaison on Wikileaks

Don't forget you can limit the search to only the Podesta files if you feel you the need.

Please Share however you want. and thank you for looking for the truth!

"points to how hard it can be to simply message someone on this site...

EllaMinnow ago

I'll pitch in

Followthecash ago

I have something to share with you. I choose you because not only am I extremely busy with other projects. I also feel you can do something with this; be it for sharing or researching.

Code word "Liaison"

Here is the definition from

Notice Definitions 1+4.

  1. the contact or connection maintained by communications between units of the armed forces or of any other organization in order to ensure concerted action, cooperation, etc.

  2. Cookery. the process of thickening sauces, soups, etc., as by the addition of eggs, cream, butter, or flour.

Sounds a lot like this guy John Podesta we know. He seems to like cookery and thickening of walnut sauce..

Here is the Liaison on Wikileaks

Don't forget you can limit the search to only the Podesta files if you feel you the need.

Please Share however you want. and thank you for looking for the truth!

I hope this works better than how this site is ran...

Bot117 ago

what is the best way to contact you