Vindicator ago

@zbrennan: This really does not qualify as a research post that satisfies the v/pizzagate submission rules (in the sidebar -- view desktop site if on mobile). I am removing this per Rules 1 and 3. In order to resubmit this here, you'll need to explain how this relates to the sexual abuse of kids by the global elite, and provide the timestamps for locations in the video that support your claims. You can repost as-is in v/pizzagatewhatever. Thanks.

zbrennan ago

Just skip that part then. The content after it stands or falls on it's own merit. It's like shooting the messenger.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Nope, it's a shit video.

zbrennan ago

How much of it did you watch?

AssFaceSandwich2 ago


zbrennan ago

It's NOT about flat earth.

Madwack ago


YingYangMom ago

Pretty interesting. What blew my mind the most was the resemblance between celebrities and long gone historical figures. They do look like they could have been cloned. Overall, i liked watching it. Thanks for sharing.

zbrennan ago

There's Keanu Reeves as well which she didn't put in the video.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago


FE_Rebekah ago

The flat earth movement is just ANOTHER group of people who wish to expose government corruption.

NASA's budget is almost 20 Billion dollars a year, and all we get is cartoon CGI, green screen fakery and camera tricks. When you research and all the other space agencies with your critical thinking skills turned on, you will realize there are no real photographs of "space."

And FYI, Flat Earthers love science and technology, which is why they hate pseudoscience bullshit that can't be tested or repeated and doesn't make any damn sense.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

No, the Flat Earth movement is a group of people(some if not most fakers, trolls, or disinfo dicks) that think the Earth is flat. Stop there and keep them away from this movement. Fully.

Stop posting that shit here. If this video was titled "After I confirmed most politicians are reptile people" would you want them anywhere near something so important?

FuckReddit69 ago

LOL. Im loving the vid's 1080p HD CGI. Looks convincing. Especially the clouds moving and the lack of stars. Really makes it look authentic. Oh, and the satellite in front of the green screen. Gotta love those satellites that don't exist.

Now here's a vid you might enjoy.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Yeah, derp.

FuckReddit69 ago

Stop making so much sense you rational logical coincidence theorist.

DerivaUK ago

It's not about flat earth.

zbrennan ago

Video has nothing to do with flat earth.

DarkMath ago

"Video has nothing to do with flat earth."

You should put that somewhere in your title because as soon as I saw the flat Earth bull shit I stopped watching which was about 2 seconds into it.

Flat Earth is an infamous disinfo tactic and unfortunately many stupid idiots fall for it.

FE_Rebekah ago

Why the knee jerk gut reaction hatred for FE? You could show me big foot, or aliens, or whatever, and I'm not gonna spit on you for it.

DarkMath ago

Rebekah my darling I don't give a damn.

FE_Rebekah ago

Dismissive and disrespectful is how elites and shills act.

DarkMath ago

Pro tip: You'd get more respect if you didn't think the Earth was flat.


FE_Rebekah ago

Put on your scientist glasses and go look at the lunar module. Remind me again how they popped into the vacuum of space and traveled 238,000 miles and back in that tin can? And how did the buggy fit on it again?

And look at Polaris and tell me how the stars are in perfect rotation day after day, year after year, while we are rotating on tilt while rotating in a path around the sun.

Take off your fish eye glasses and go look at the world.

DarkMath ago

"traveled 238,000 miles and back in that tin can?"

There is no air in space to slow something down.

"look at Polaris"

The farther things are away they less they appear to move. It's not a trick, it's basic math.

FE_Rebekah ago

Then there is no air in space for an engine to thrust off of.

DarkMath ago

"no air in space for an engine to thrust off"

The Apollo's used rocket engines which don't require air. They created thrust by combining liquid oxygen and liquid hydrogen. When those are combined they explode out the bottom of the rocket to produce thrust.

FuckReddit69 ago

You seem to have a passion for hating FET. May I ask what about it doesn't make sense to you ?

While your at it, tell me why you "know" we live on a spinning ball rotating 1000mph while traveling in an endless chaotic vacuum in multiple contradictory directions at incredible speeds. Thanks

FE_Rebekah ago

I would like to see the footage of our space probes going left, and right, and reverse and turbo speed, dodging oncoming asteroids and space debris. I'll wait here for it, thanks

DarkMath ago

What is the highest level of education you've achieved?

FuckReddit69 ago

Nice try buddy, But a piece of paper isn't indicative of critical analytical thinking- it's actually indicative of complete indoctrinated brainwashing. Plenty of brainwashed Ph.D's out there, my sister is one of them.

DarkMath ago

"a piece of paper isn't indicative of critical analytical thinking- it's actually indicative of complete indoctrinated brainwashing. "

So all scholars who obtain advanced degrees are completely indoctrinated and brainwashed. Got it. Thanks for sharing.

FuckReddit69 ago

Nope didnt say that. Most are, not all.

You never answered my question by the way, nice strawman.

DarkMath ago

It's not possible that you're stupid enough to believe the Earth is flat. I'm sorry. I gotta be honest with you.

Feel free to argue otherwise.


FuckReddit69 ago

Thank you for being so specific as to why you believe what you were told to believe. Great points you make. Thanks. Come again.

DarkMath ago

No problem. My pleasure.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago


zbrennan ago

That's the title but the actual content of the video has NOTHING to do with flat Earth. Just watch it and you'll see. Trust me it'll blow your mind.


Make a comment and say how it relates to Pizzagate or the mods will delete it.

zbrennan ago

How can men become pregnant? Where are these children coming from?

redditsuckz ago

Illuminati Tranny Beyonce

BEYONCE fake baby bump (Wendy Williams Show)

Beyonce's FAKE Pregnancy EXPOSED! (shocking evidence)

Then Beyonce was running around with a fake plastic doll baby...


Gothamgirl ago

I was thinking exactly the same.