target_blank ago

Fuck everything

equineluvr ago

"That is very disturbing, ha ha ha."


janedoemadashell ago

That is so damn disturbing. You can just see him copping a woody sitting there reveling in his abuse. Fucking die asshole

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spacewitch ago

More politicians suspected in France, just to name a few :

  • Jack Lang. Jack Lang pedophile?

  • Frederic Mitterand (Former president François Mitterand's nephew) : he (in)famously said that "above 14, it's gross"... When Frederic Mitterand paid for boys.

  • Bernard Kouchner, politician and former minister. Kouchner pedophile?

  • An open letter that was signed to support 3 men that were accused of abusing underage girls and taking pictures. Among them, Simone De Beauvoir (!), Bernard Kouchner (politician and former minister), Jack Lang, Jean-Paul Sartre, Louis Aragon, ... A link about that

I'm actually doing some research about them and people associating with them. Those are links put together quickly just to add to you post. But there is a lot more to dig!

Also on Wikileaks, one of Podesta's emails says "Manuel Valls asks personally about [Podesta]". He was François Hollande's Prime Minister from 2014 to late 2016.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Similar links between Germany's Green Party and pedophilia in the 80s:

UK Labour Party also had members who were openly involved with Paedophile Information Exchange; some are still very high up in the party and household names by this point

YingYangMom ago


Pg_is-insane ago

I just thought I'd let everyone know that I actually like little boys in my bed that's why I come here and hate pizzagate. Please don't take my boy farm away I need it to stay young I'm a very sick person and I need boy ass to not feel like shit all day because of what a disgusting perv I am in real life. Please hate me and if one day you find out who I am please kill me

YingYangMom ago


Pg_is-insane ago

Pedoing is tiring

carmencita ago

(DOUBLE YAWN0 So are you.

carmencita ago

This piece vermin slime needs to be dragged to the nearest jail and locked up. God only knows how many precious little children he defiled. What a worthless moron. Having a little child undress you? WTH? And others sit around and nervously laugh? Why are they not jumping up and screaming at him? This is why we have so many around us now. No one is challenging these idiots.

KosherHiveKicker ago

((( Daniel Cohn-Bendit )))

Cohn-Bendit published a number of provocative statements regarding "sex with children" in the 1970s and early 1980s, notably in his 1975 book The Great Bazaar (Der grosse Basar) where he describes erotic encounters with five-year-olds in his time as a teacher in an anti-authoritarian kindergarten.[12]