pbvrocks ago

Can someone please summarize the comments here into a POST? This is AMPLE evidence of a crime and could probably be reported to the @FBI where we would at least be on record. @FBI is, just as Hoover set it up to be, a blackmail organization first and foremost...but they might actually do some police work again soon...one can always hope....

Vindicator ago

@duhiki, I'm giving this a "Potential Lead" flair. I think there is a fair chance that this comment was meant to be "wit," but that itself and the picture shows something isn't right.

redditsuckz ago

He just wants to help the children tho...


They all seem to want to help the children...

rickman ago

That link to Pinkus is huge! This is unbelievable how so many of these people are all connected.

dirtydirty ago

nice find

sinclair ago

looks like Jared

janedoemadashell ago

omg! just thinking the same thing!

janedoemadashell ago

OMFG! I can't breathe! Did anyone else click on those tribe.net links to 'baby snuff' OMG!!! The very same individuals that now own America's souls via Zynga, Facebook, Twitter, etc... Just so great that these sick fucks have such ability for continued support, validation, and access to rape the fucking world.

YingYangMom ago

What are you saying? What links? Lead to what content? Elaborate, please?

janedoemadashell ago

Hi, not too savvy here, but I will do my best! When you click on the above, it takes you to a page with a link from steemit, you cant miss it. This takes you to an article that starts off the title with ' more skuzzy tamara luzzato links. Third paragraph down, second sentence: "...Marc Pinkus is associated with a pedo friendly forum". Click on this statement, and it takes you to a page 'massive sadist cannibal pedo...' below the box of text, it is the second link: http://archive is/xA2qz. Truly not for the faint of heart. awful...

YingYangMom ago

Ooo... ok thanks. Not going there, hehe. I'll take your word for it, I guess.

kestrel9 ago

One can see how the normalization of pedophilia plays out...first it's just innocuous, 'Oh that! Just naked baby pictures shared amongst friends', then the rationalization of pedophilia with stipulations, 'as long as it's consensual of course, or as long as the parents approve!'...then it's a 'rights' issue...'kids have rights to be with those they love!'

Then the 'rights' issue metastasizes into: 'It's our right to have sexual 'relationships' with children!'...and that right has to be protected by civil rights laws, so one cannot discriminate against the Child Lovers. They will be free to come out of the closet of the dark web, share their favorite pics of their students from class, or the kids from the preschools where they will be not just working, but will be protected by law to keep working, while rubbing it into parents faces and charging them with hate crimes if they object!

Deflo56 ago

I think a good model is how the homosexual community gave us buggery as just a wholesome act for people who love each other. If I tell my kids, late 20's and early 30's, that it smells rank they tell me I am a social degenerate. I fully accept my homophobia and hope they don't stick it to the kids.

l23r ago

I can attest to the fact that anal sex doesn't smell rank... Though I only fuck people who bathe.

Gay people have sex with other adults. You know, people who can consent. Same as straight people.

remedy4reality ago

But the people who pretend to be gay or straight, and are affiliated with PG are, in fact, pedophiles.

DrTeethateJanice ago

I think the gay thing is just a cover. Sure, they might have sex with another adult now and then but like it's mostly kids. The gays are a pretty accepting bunch, it'd be a good place to hide out.

l23r ago

I'm queer, and I don't know ANY queer people who would support anyone who fucks kids.

There was a case of someone who felt like she was a kid (like being trans I guess, but with age instead of gender) and she got a lot of backlash because she was playing - not "playing" but actual playing, like dolls and colouring - with an actual kid and calling it "therapy". Like be an adult sized kid all you want. Just don't bring kid sized kids into it.

DrTeethateJanice ago

I don't think this would work so much at your average gay guy level. Poor people who diddle kids are known as pedophiles (low class kiddie fiddlers) but what do you do when you're wealthy and want to abuse kids? You associate with a group that is pretty accepting, the gay community supported NAMBLA in the 70's. I might be wrong, but I think they would try to gain acceptance in the community by highlighting the May/December relationships and promoting it as gay mentoring. Save the youth because of the high rate of suicides with the coming to grips with being gay. Then down the road keep on lowering the age level and getting the community semi-comfortable with it like a frog in a pot of water. If you fill all the advocacy groups leadership with directors etc... with the same views it wouldn't be hard to start seeing results. Money, power, and blackmail will be used and as we've seen are just kind of normal business tactics in the circles. Brock, Alefantis, Podesta bros, have loads of money and look what they do with it, influence politics. It would be the same thing but on a smaller scale. If there was a caste system in the gays, these guys would be at the top.

I've know lots of gays who I can honestly say wouldn't sleep with kids but it doesn't mean their community wouldn't be used to achieve someone elses goals. Sorry, I wasn't trying to say all gays are pedos, I just think that their being used/manipulated for pedo acceptance.

redditsuckz ago

Someone should post this to r/conspiracy as they just had huge thread on it yesterday but never made the connection to Zynga;

In the spirit of posting more about PIZZAGATE, here is some evidence that even most informed people are are totally unaware of.


Ken Weber Facebook;



Stephanie Copeland Facebook;



Ken Weber mentions his blogspot on Facebook with Regan Fletcher;



Jack and Evie with Marisa Luzzatto;



Marisa Luzzatto Facebook; - Friends with 4 "Rothschilds"




Marisa Luzzatto Linkedin; - Worked for President Bill Clinton - US Higher education - William Clinton Presidential Centre




Marisa Luzzatto Intelius;


Ken Weber and Marisa Luzzatto worked at "ONE"




"ONE" Facebook;

"ONE Action is a campaigning and advocacy organization of nearly 8 million people taking action to end extreme poverty and preventable disease."


ONE Instagram;


The Luzzattos - People of interest - Anne Luzzatto, Tamera Luzzatto & Anthony Luzzatto Gardner


Mountain of Evidence linking DC's Luzzatto family to secret Kabbalah cult and Venetian Black Nobility


pbvrocks ago

Well done on this...long time at #pizzagate..since the beginning and did not know Luzzatto 1. Links to Rothschilds and 2. Sick tie in to Weber/Copeland...what weird frickin pictures and comments...

Vindicator ago

Great links redditsuckz. This is such a great addition to the post. Thank you.

Pizzalawyer ago

I'm not into social media at all so could you explain briefly for me and others like me what a premium subscriber is. I get the subscriber part. Would all subscribers be vetted. Would premium subscribers pay more? Do you see any signs of password only features on this blog site? Is there a way to surrupticiously become a subscriber. Just think how we might have cornered Alefantis based on the password part of his Instagram account if we had not spooked him into going private.

duhiki ago

A premium subscriber typically means they are paying for some exclusive benefit not permitted to those who merely follow the blogger. I haven't located how one becomes a premium subscriber to that blog (which hasn't been updated since 2011).

Pizzalawyer ago

Thanks for taking the time to explain it to me.

l23r ago

Maybe there are newer updates in the past few years, but they are all private/premium entries

pbvrocks ago

Yea..Think she had a run in with the Zynga fella....it is in one of her vid's...
