nameof ago

Btw omg

nameof ago

I think your point is that the spiral apears alongside this obvious pedophilia. They go together. I made this post about the spiral coming from the tree of life and that the tolerance movement ie bestiality pedophilia xyz movement has adopted the spiral. A couple people said that the post is antisemetic but would not explain how. Afyer looking at hearts and spirals I noticed the tree and im geussing it has to do with the heart somehow too. As in the tree trunks CORE like the heart isinside the chest. In the modern statue of baphomet the spiral is in the spinal colulm and in the Bill Nye my sex junk the spiral staircase is the prominent prop.

srayzie ago

Wtf! She's got issues. That's disgusting.

mudbear ago

quite funny if you change the setting from top comment to newest most people are talkin about how paedophilic it is

Laskar ago

You are certainly not alone in this observation.

DrTeethateJanice ago

I take it Hollywood is going to push this broad as the next Amy Schumer or Sarah Silverman? Wonderful.

DonKeyhote ago

Sarah "I'm glad the jews killed jesus, id do it again" silverman

srayzie ago

I can't stand that Silverman. She laughs about abortion too. She goes too far. I read an article that said that Chuck Shumer is Amy Shumers 2nd cousin.

DonKeyhote ago

Cuz it's topical, stupid

Are_we_sure ago

Concentric circles are not a spiral.

The song is not about pedophilia. It's about adolescent boys' fantasies.......and how Golda Meir disapproves of them.

nameof ago

The song IS about pedophilia. It wasn't written by a boy, that's the reason why were all here. Talking about it. Btw. Because ITS not ok an adult putting the burden of attraction on the child AGAIN. Sexualizing a child again. Also btw Fundamental uncertainty is the enemy. *Concentric circles could mean sodomy.

Are_we_sure ago

It's about adolescent boys fantasies and how they don't really know what sex is even though they fantasize about girls.

It's also a parody of a "sexy" Britney Spears type song.

Yes, it was not written by boy, but there's a thing called characters and Points of View. Bruce Springsteen was a not a Vietnam Vet, ex-refinery worker when he wrote Born in the USA. He was rockstar who never went to war.

And guess what? The character singing the song doesn't exist. She a fantasy figure in the boy's head. Which is why she doesn't know female anatomy and why Golda Meir scolds Jeffrey.

Concentric circles could mean sodomy? This is a real thing?

Tanngrisnir ago

Here is an interview with her and Luke Ford. Someone even pointed out to Luke the pedophilia overtones and he dismissed it.

DonKeyhote ago

Grew up in manhattan beach, where McmArtin preschool proved kids make up stories of sra

HollandDrive ago

I've never seen anything quite like this before. Am I going insane?

HillBoulder ago

No the world is don't beat yourself up ;)

HollandDrive ago


Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

OMG! I have no words. None.

equineluvr ago

"Shes.... Jewish"

Watch out! Even though it's completely relevant, you're not supposed to point out the ethnicity of the perps. The brainwashed sheeple will throw the inaccurate "anti-Semitic" ad hominem at you. (Not all Semitic peoples are Jewish.)

Just ask YinYangMom. ;)

srayzie ago

Why do people online keep talking about Jews? I've never heard this until I started coming here. Neocons and zionists. Things like that. Can anyone explain why this is brought up a lot?

ponyfriend ago

watch this, it explains how the jewish messiahs of the 1500s-1600s carried certain ritusals that ended up in illuminati.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

That wasn't a spiral on the mug... looked like a bullseye. But, the content itself is questionable...

ArthurEdens ago

It's definitely trance-inducing like that twilight zone thing

YingYangMom ago

Why would we need a spiral to prove that this is pedophilic, when in it, a whore is singing to a 12 year-old boy things such as "You can touch my boobies, you can lick my vagina, et al? It's right there, like "IN OUR FACES" lol

GiantMillipino ago

yes. also, they are concentric circles as shown by the innermost one being visible.

mollysbrownpizza ago

I can't even watch this

sugarskull ago


rooting4redpillers ago

Wow, this takes child-molestation fantasy way beyond "touching boobies." And, it's the adult's fantasy, not the child's. No wonder she (Rachel Bloom) was chosen for the science guy's Sex Junk gig.

Poot_McGarvey ago

As much as I think this girl is degenerate garbage....

That is not a spiral. Its a target symbol of concentric circles.

She is still degenerate garbage.

DonKeyhote ago

It's open at the bottom to give a superficial spiral effect, but it's the music change and daydream that makes the intent clear. The Kimmel sketch shape was clearer but this one is actually about pedophilia, which one wins lol

Hopevoats ago

Nice touch with the pentagram stars in the car wheels.

Fuck Zionism!

redditsuckz ago

This is in your face subliminal mind control for the goyim...The Jews would rather have you looking at porn all day then discovering the truth.

jstrotha0975 ago

What a disgusting creature.

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