PizzagateBot ago

For everyones reference, deleted material is in the screenshot -

Littleredcorvette ago

@pizzagatebot thought I was your puppet acct 😂

This is probably a puppet account for Psychanaut, they repeatedly keep pushing MIT Media Lab articles featuring Kim Holleman.

Now I feel flattered that s/he thinks I am MIT material. 🏎

Psychanaut ago

IT's all so hilarious.

Chatman ago

Sorry autocorrect, who is Kim holleman?

Psychanaut ago

Someone a Voater doxed. So I am doing an ama to deal with it.

Chatman ago

Oops, spelling @Millennial_Falcon

Psychanaut ago


Chatman ago

Doxing is against voat and pizzagate rules, I'll teach you a mod summoning trick, millenium_falcon, millenium_falcon, @millenium_falcon

Psychanaut ago

millenium. lol

Chatman ago

Hush you! I'm Australian our ability to labour is better known then our perfect English. Also we shitpost a lot apparently.

Psychanaut ago

Wow! I watched a satanic ritual survivor talking about kidman then she married cruz and he's into zenu. lol amaze

gurneyx ago

Thanks Kim i think you legit and have the kids welfare at heart thanks!

PizzagateBot ago

Care to comment why you say things like this?

The things you publish are literally copy/pastes of information that are included in the wiki and executive summary so I don't understand your position.

Kim Holleman is a fucking smart person with a lot of ability and a lot of views used to crack open the head on Pizzagate into the mainstream. You all on Voat can think or do anything you want.

Is there a reason you talk in third person like this? It's bizarre.

rwb ago

PGB, if you're going to cite a quote, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect an accompanying source in order to validate the quote and obtain requisite context which might have prompted such an off the cuff remark.

PizzagateBot ago

LOL you comment this a few minutes after OP deletes their post....

How convenient, another rare 'coincidence' with you rwb. I think your charade is up at this point.

Didn't get an archive in time, but got a screenshot for everyones reference -

rwb ago

I can barely believe what I'm reading. The topic of "Kim Holleman is Pychanaut" is virtually buzzing at Voat, you're fully involved in a dialog with her in real time, which I happen to stumble onto and thus make a rather plain spoken post asking you to cite the source of the quote for context - which should not have been unexpected - because my intuition tells me this person likely does not have malicious intent and because I have an internal constitution which always compels me to defend those who might need defending, and you go right off the deep end.

How is my post coming about the same time as yours not supposed to be a coincidence? If you're online reading and posting in a thread, and I'm online reading the same thread, and we've both contributed opinions to the topic at hand, what is the likelihood I might respond to your post around the same time? To any reasonable person, the likelihood is very strong. Why would I ask for a citation if I was remotely privy to the original source, which seems to be what you're implying? If you're also implying that I knew the post was deleted and was therefore asking the question under the presumption you would not be able to cite it since you thought I would know it was deleted, I am going to have to search for a whole new vocabulary to describe your faulty mental gymnastics.

In any event, thanks for posting the screenshot. I've barely had time to read and consider it, but will do so now, and will answer your outrageous charges once you're good enough to spell out exactly what they are. One other thing, not only will I answer your outrageous charges, I'm going to return the favor. I have discovered a way you have slowed down dialogue substantially at Voat, and there exists the possibility that this was intentional. I would have never remotely considered raising this accusation here had you not gone off the deep end by making me your new target.

I'll consider not spending the next while framing my case against you for presentation to Voat members if you do the right thing, which is to admit you let the heat of the moment get the better of you in trying to tie me to anyone else at Voat just because I exercised my right to express opinion that differs from yours.

My natural tendency is to argue for those who may not be able to fully defend themselves for one reason or another. Psychanaut appears to be getting it from all sides, so my response is to provide reasonable counterpoints for the sake of humane and compassionate dialogue, in order to discover the truth. Nothing more, nothing less.

Awaiting your reply.

PizzagateBot ago

I'll consider not spending the next while framing my case against you for presentation to Voat members if you do the right thing, which is to admit you let the heat of the moment get the better of you in trying to tie me to anyone else at Voat just because I exercised my right to express opinion that differs from yours.

Knock yourself out. Have fun wasting all that time over your own misunderstanding.

rwb ago

Are you saying you weren't actually trying to tie me to some other member just because I offered a different opinion and asked you a rather benign question? Wouldn't it be easier for you to clarify your position instead of talking in code-speak?

Jem777 ago

Confirming you are Circada 3301 for those not following or at least connected?

fuckfacemcgee ago

What's your favorite psychedelic? Mine are blue meanies and penis envy, both fungus.

PizzagateBot ago

Those are strains of psilocybe cubensis. If you grow the various strains out you will see that the only difference is potency, so it means you might have to eat more/less of a strain to get to the desired level of experience.

fuckfacemcgee ago


PizzagateBot ago

Off-topic, but I can't resist commenting about psilocybin when brought up

Hands down one of the most important dumps of information in terms of building symbiotic relationships with a 'fungus' as ridiculous as that may sound to an outsider XD

fuckfacemcgee ago

Body and mind. ..also makes a great root innoculant when needing beneficial bacteria for growing plants.

PizzagateBot ago

I use spent medium and casings for compost too, works great :D

fuckfacemcgee ago

@pizzagatebot is my homie now.

Chatman ago

Who is Kim hollerman?

PizzagateBot ago

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