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redditsuckz ago

So what is the solution for humanity here?

  1. They have to be all be removed from positions of power or influence.

  2. After that anyone connected to the Jews have to be removed from positions of power or influence.

  3. Anyone practicing "satanism" has to be removed from positions of power or influence.

  4. Get them all to pack up and leave to Israel? - Thats why Israel was created...for a rainy day for the Jews

  5. Once they are in Israel...herd them to a small island in the pacific as far away from humanity as possible?

  6. Scrap the entire monetary system

  7. Stop sacrificing animals and become vegetarians.

artfullyours ago

Sounds good...can you call them up and tell them that for Just kidding...I so wish! Their day is coming! I wouldn't want to be them.