ProbablyNudeRightNow ago

Said what? Did he quote a verse from the koran that they are misinterpreting? If he did, then what verse? And why would you, a moslem, accept a Jew as an authority on the koran above yourself or other moslems? Isn't that one of the things you must absolutely not do? Did he just claim that they are not "true" moslems? Because not only is that two logical fallacies (Argument from Authority, No True Scotsman), but it doesn't address my point.

I am asking you, a moslem, to give me a single example of a verse from the koran that has been misinterpreted by members of isis that they have used to justify their actions.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Usually in human trafficking, the going rate (not in 3rd world countries) is $15,000.00. Now with the organ harvesting, while sold for less, each body is now worth one million!

Touchdown50 ago

You should talk shill

Tanngrisnir ago

Ah, sorry I was wrong on thinking Muslims were disallowed from having Muslim slaves. Not sure where I got that idea. I can understand wanting to take the gradualistic approach to ending slavery when it can easily result in bloody conflict if you take a direct approach.

FuckReddit69 ago

Islam has taken a bad rap in the last couple of decades, A lot of mis/disinformation. Seems it was necessary for the acquiescence of war. The propaganda machine was in full blast pre and post 9/11.

All religions have their pros and cons- Islam is no exception, but let's just agree that Islam is a heck of a lot better than following the Talmud.

ProbablyNudeRightNow ago

Give me one example.

ProbablyNudeRightNow ago

What is their mission, if it is not guided by the koran? Of the verses they quote, which one is wrong? What are they misinterpreting?

Altmight ago

What about the EU muslim rape epidemic?

Altmight ago

So how do you feel about FGM?

Narcissism ago

At that price I wouldn't mind one just to do the washing up.

druhill007 ago

Source of problem is Dark Wahabi Islam. Perverted radicalization of it. Then it is perpetuated as a tool by Saudis and west

druhill007 ago

Also important to differentiate the Dark Wahabi Islam that has spawned the radical groups over and over again

kazza64 ago

the only western society is being spared is because we are consumers we pay money for services they dont want to give us healthcare or housing or infrastructure all they want is our money and one day we will be in the same boat as the middle east with bombs reigning down upon us and all of our human rights long gone

pby1000 ago

Fair enough. Thank you for answering.

Glasswall ago

You implied he was okay with slavery and condescendingly told him human life is precious as if he was a psychopathic toddler.

Calling you a jackass is a very mild response to your offensive hostility.

equineluvr ago

TrishaUK is a retarded bitch. That has been proven on here countless times.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Sickening! Totally Evil!

Glasswall ago

These prices make no sense... I don't believe it.

Supposedly these people are being sold in Turkey? The cost of living in Turkey is only 40% lower than in the US.

So feeding these products for a few days would kills all your profit. You'd be much better off selling drugs or something that doesn't need to consume resources. Hell, just the storage space would be a waste.

Why go through the hassle of kidnapping a person, housing/feeding it, finding a buyer, transporting 40/150lbs of struggling meat and risking being caught or attacked when you can just sell an ounce of weed and make more money? Steal a pig, they'll sell for more at a butcher shop.

A decent reporter would buy a slave and make sure it's legit. Best case scenario (worst case?) It's legit and you've just saved a life.

Glasswall ago

That's a much better written article with more research and context. But they still didn't investigate the legitimacy of the claim at all.

Votescam ago

Who created ISIS but the US? US/CIA created AlQaeda/Taliban and armed them. Financed them through ISI-Pakistan and continued to fund them even after 9/11.

Al Qaeda was an ancient cult which had petered out and was eventually picked up by the Nazis.
After WWII, the Nazis turned Al Qaeda over to the CIA. and

The CIA's Intervention in Afghanistan Interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski, See:

How US worked to create a more violent Islam in ME See:

equineluvr ago

Mohammed (founder of Islam) "borrowed heavily" (read: plagiarized) from Judaism to form "his" (he was commissioned by the cryptoJewish Vatican) new religion.

Quotes from the Talmud, the Holy Book of Judaism

GOYIM Kerithuth 6b page 78, Jebhammoth 61a “ Only the Jews are humans, the Non-Jews are not humans, but cattle” (goyim = human cattle) [1]

SERVING JEWS Midrasch Talpioth 225 “The Non-Jews have been created to serve the Jews as slaves” [2]

CHILD RAPE Aboda Sarah 37a: “A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.”

MORE CHILD RAPE Yebhamoth 11b “Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is of three years of age.”

NORMALACY Kethuboth 11b “When a grown-up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing.”

VIOLATION Gad. Shas. 2:2: “A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl.”

SEX WITH OLDER CHILDREN Sanhedrin 54b “A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child is less than nine years old.”

ADULTERY Talmud IV / 4 / 52b “Towards a Non-Jew the Jew doesn’t cause an adultery… Punishable for the Jew is just the adultery towards his next, that means the wife of a Jew. The wife of the Non-Jew is excluded”

NO WIFE Talmud IV / 4 / 81 + 82ab “There is no wife for the goyim, they really aren’t their wives”

HUMAN BEAST SERVANTS Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: “Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night.”

SLAVES Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: “When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves.”

MESSIAH Erubin 43b “When the Messiah comes, all will be slaves of the Jews

Touchdown50 ago

Fuck islam . the worst religion on earth

voatuser9999 ago

Some Imam with an agenda, tells his flock what is in the Quran. Who can't read. They believe him. Really, there is no defence for islam. Muslims don't talk bad about ISIS; ISIS is following the Quran.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

ISIS are paid agents, so what the fuck are you blabbering on about?

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

The last line. I guess he hasn't been paying attention in class.

Tanngrisnir ago

Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to bash Islam exclusively on slavery. I was under the impression that the Quran said that a Muslim was not allowed to have another Muslim as a slave. I wasn't saying there were no Muslim slaves in general (there certainly are). The thing is that in both the early U.S. and Sharia law slave owners could have conjugal rights with their slaves which goes far beyond servant or part of the family. So no form of slavery was really benign. I'll try to find the book by Lewis about slaves rights in Islam though.

FE_Rebekah ago

How is that an article trying to expose pedophilia has an advertisement titled "These Stunning Asian Babes are Single" with an obvious child in the picture?

Is "Veterans Today" not responsible for who advertises on their site?

Pizzalawyer ago

The average price of a female is equal to the average monthly income in US dollars for regular folks in Syria for instance. The relevance for Pizzagate purposes is that the amount is so shockingly low that Westerners can buy tens of thousands of females, how can we possibly get a grip on such a human scourge. That we can buy and sell humans in the 21st century tells me that we really have not advanced much as mankind, it is heartbreaking.

becki_p20 ago

I couldn't read the pamphlet because I was worried about it triggering me. However, I did just want to say that this happens all over the world. I was trafficked for 9 years (ages 9 -18). The selling of children is a very real thing that is happening as you're reading this. Thank you for making this post

NamelessCrewmember ago

So we could spend decades and billions of dollars trying to stop it, fight them, go to war, bring democracy to their country, rebuild their country, or....

We could just crowdfund some $$$ and buy them all up and bring them here. These are actual refugees, not the boatloads of 20 somethings men that are being called refugees.

I bet as a crowd funded effort, blown up on the media, with sermons preached about it and media attention, we could simply buy all of them and dry up the market. its a finite supply.

con77 ago

and liberal feminists remain silent

Bluetoothache ago

But wait, how can we blame this on global warming and white male patriarchy?

cousineerie ago

Oh wait, no punchline?

possiblepizza ago

I know, I mean its a sobering topic, but I have to admit my mind went there.

xyz_3 ago

Starve the Beast.

xyz_3 ago

I understand. I'm just saying that we can turn the tables on them if we unite and stop using their 'slavery systems': stop borrowing money from their banks, stop joining their military, stop watching their TV (mind) Programming, MSM and Hollywood films, stop buying into their religious/racial/ethnic divisiveness is a first giant step. We simply withdraw our support of their slavery systems.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Don't put words into my mouth jackass.

I'm not the one taking human slaves, valuing them and selling them. My point is that you can't buy a dog in the US for what it takes to purchase a child from ISIS which means they have abundant supply. The fact that they're willing to sell a human for that small amount is really sad and says a lot about their respect for humanity.

Jobew1 ago

since there's a lot of information suggesting that "isis" is another creation of western intelligence outfits, this is potentially even sadder and more troubling

UglyTruth ago

The silver lining to this cloud is that western intelligence, as a largely untapped popular resource, is in alignment with the Quranic teachings of the value of reason, and of kindness to women (and by extension girls).

xyz_3 ago

"Normal people are expendable ." We are expendable to them as long as we are DIVIDED, but what happens when we refuse to cooperate with their 'slavery systems' of mind control (TV, Hollywood), banking (debt slavery), endless warfare (military industrial complex), bigotry (divisiveness)? Can they grow their own food, build their own homes, weave their own clothing, fight their own wars? We outnumber them 7 billion to a few thousand. I'll take those odds.

pby1000 ago

What does the Quran say about slavery? I believe it says it is OK to buy and sell slaves. I know the Bible says it is OK to do this.

I am not looking to argue or anything. It is an honest question.

voatuser9999 ago

The difference is, WE DON'T DO THIS (anymore). The WEST was one of the first cultures to outlaw slavery in modern times. There's none of us who secretly endorse christians elsewhere who are engaged in the slave trade. %51 of the ships taking Africans to the New World were owned by one jew (his name passes me at this time, might have been an Aaron Lopez.) The rest of that click of judaism was involved. That particular click doesn't mind ownership of slaves, trade in people, so in that sense they are fine with Muslims doing the same thing. A tiny minority of the total white population of the South were slave-owners, and many of those were jews.

My point is, there's a liberal synagoge in this town. Yes, they support Israel. But I don't think any of them own slaves, currently. If it changes, I'll let you know :P. My point is, regardless of what someone's Testament has printed down, it's up to the current culture of people. And most jews, and christians, do not secretly endorse some slave trade going on elsewhere in their name.

We would confront and disown a group of people or person we found out about who was engaged in it. However, muslims, the great majority, don't. Ex-muslims do.

UglyTruth ago

Slavery is endorsed by the Quran, just as it is endorsed by Judaism and Christianity. It is a means of settling a debt.

Judgejewdy ago

Slavery around the time of Christ was more like indentured servitude, or even how most of us today have employers. not the modern slavery we are familiar with. (Note that while the Bible does not speak of employer/employee, it does speak of slave/master. Bc no one had a boss in those days? Of course not.) Just want to clarify that the modern slavery that regards people as inhuman/ without rights was never advocated by Jews or Christians and just requires a little historical context to understand the meaning of the verbiage used in the texts. (I can't speak for Islam bc I haven't looked into it.)

pby1000 ago

Except if you are female. The you do not have to be released after 6 years like the male slaves.

UglyTruth ago

No, According to the Quran (Surah 2:228) the rights of women are similar to those of men.

sugarskull ago

Tell that to Aiesha who was basically the prophets semen stain cleaner ...there are several citings of this in the book of the religion of peace. I don't see that as a duty of any man in the quran but I guess Aiesha was a wife and not a titled 'slave" so there is that.


UglyTruth ago

No, the story from the Hadith of the pre-pubescent age of Aisha is refuted by the earliest biography of Mohammad. Apparently Aisha had a significant role in the spreading Mohammad's message, the "semen stain cleaner" characterization is a lie. The Hadith have a history of unreliability, and the Quran warns against them.


I agree. Religions sucks, but this isn't about the everyday practices of 1.3 billion people.

educate_yourself ago

something about halving the value of a person based on sex and then religion i think

Tanngrisnir ago

I think it says that you can't own another Muslim. People like Reza Aslan try to be dishonest and claim it was completely anti slavery but that is wrong. Slavery was pretty much a global institution in the past.

pby1000 ago

I hear it still is a global institution...

Tanngrisnir ago

In terms of legality. Obviously, it didn't go away.

Laskar ago

Thanks for posting this.

Shillary ago

That figure cannot be accurate. They cost more than that to "Buy" a woman or girl for sure. I thought they were selling these people for thousands each (not that I am saying this is ok, in any way shape or form, I just thought I read the prices were higher). God it feels disgusting writing this question.

Tanngrisnir ago

The purchasing power of those dollars would be different in Islamic countries. It is still mind-blowingly disgusting though no matter the price.

VIrginiaPerson ago

We need to level those subhuman creatures.

UglyTruth ago

You need to understand what humanism is.

VIrginiaPerson ago

We are human because we agree A) what a human is and B) that most of us fit the bill. I would say that some basic things rejected by most human cultures are: -eating other humans -having sex with young children -not loving your close family (children, parents, mate, in that order probably) I believe these PG people offend us on a level of humanity because they offend our values at a basic, human level.

UglyTruth ago

No, you are human because you are unable to think effectively. Agreement does not define reality. The values of humanism are driven by emotional responses, not by facts and reason.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Wow that's so insulting that human life would be traded for such low prices.

It says a lot about the value of human life in the Muslim world.

anonOpenPress ago

Confirmed to be in a police statement, auction price of $300,000 mentioned
/v/pizzagatejournalism/1786573/8781576 (roll down to comment)

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Last I checked its Western backed ISIS members lowering human life to this value, not those whom they are butchering (the Mozzlumzzzzzzzzz). You dumb Zioshill filth.

deplorable_pg ago

These prices make ZERO sense. The prices must surely be much higher for these sick MF'ers to be rolling in so much money. At these prices, there would have to be such a large availability of victims to make JA so powerful in DC. And every JOE SMOE-PEDO would have a basement full of victims.

This looks and smells like disinformation to me so proceed with caution everyone...

To me this seems like classical disinfo... So proceed with caution.

becki_p20 ago

Its not just muslims that sell children/adults. Trafficking happens everywhere

UglyTruth ago

Humans have always had a problem with vanity.

xyz_3 ago

The elite despise us all, so no surprise there. We need to wake up a critical mass of humanity to this fact and then passive, non-violent resistance is the way to go from there, IMO.

Votescam ago

In order to unite, we must unite in knowledge and in common understanding of what has gone wrong.

What the source of corruption truly is.

Until then, we cannot present any meaningful action to stop them.

xyz_3 ago

Agreed. That's why it's so important to awaken a critical mass of humans to this evil, so that we can achieve the 100th monkey effect and flip the switch to awaken the rest. We've all been lied to since birth and that has gone on for many generations before us, perpetuating the slavery mindset.

UglyTruth ago

Passive, non-violent resistance simply endorses the state as the actual protector of humans.

They abdicated reason for a false sense of security.

xyz_3 ago

Supporting their slavery systems is what gives them power. All we need do is withdraw our support and their systems collapse. They are dependent on the slaves being compliant, mostly based on fear. We have numbers in our favor, 7 billion of us slaves versus a few thousand psychopaths. What if we started to take all of our money out of their banks, stopped watching their lying news and consuming their propaganda media and Hollywood movies, stopped fighting their wars, participating in their fake elections, etc.? I got rid of my TV years ago during my awakening process, stopped following sports when I realized it was all bread and circuses and had no real impact on my life whether "my team" won or lost, same with political parties, religions and other prescribed indoctrination systems of thought. No violence is necessary to collapse their slavery systems, only nonparticipation and noncompliance. 7 billion vs a few thousand. The psychopaths are hiding and suppressing many technologies (many that were financed from our taxes) that would make our lives infinitely more enjoyable and enriching for the 7 billion of us, allow us to clean up the planet, feed, shelter, clothe and educate everyone and allow us and our family to be free and live in dignity. First we need to collapse their Satanic slavery systems and we can only do this if we are unified, and not allow them to stir the pot and divide us as they've done for millennia. Remember, they despise us. Listen to the interview of Dutch financier Ronald Bernard and I've heard the same from others who had been privy to the world of the Satanists.

UglyTruth ago

All we need do is withdraw our support and their systems collapse.

That's true, but without alternative systems you face hardship and lawlessness.

We have numbers in our favor

Numbers don't give you an effective strategy. Change begins with a common purpose, a strategy for finding and effecting a remedy. To find a remedy you've got to understand the problem of Satanism. Satan means adversary, sometimes an adversary has a valid reason for acting as he does. Why did Satan hate Job?

xyz_3 ago

Alternative systems are in development. For example, alternative energy: Hidden technologies:

con77 ago

I call for violent resistance

Votescam ago

At the time of the First revolution, there was no standing army, no MIC. Simply militias. Today, Elites/wealthy control our MIC and the means of war ... drones. HAARP which probably has the ability to fry us all to death as someone recently remarked.

In the end, it can only be non-violent resistance which can work.

con77 ago

dont bet on it

Votescam ago

Can very well say the same to you re the violence you recommend. Think about it.

con77 ago

as if they understand anything but violence

Votescam ago

They understand that violence breeds violence -- and they hold all the weapons.

druhill007 ago

I agree. People don't seem to understand that you can inject the fire necessary to start revolutions without ever harming another human lol

con77 ago

we dont want your globalism

Votescam ago

Don't know what gave you the idea that I want "globalism."

But I would comment that any government is -- as Chomsky once pointed out -- simply like a typewriter.
It depends on who's doing the writing.

What difference if we had one world government (which I am not pushing) if it was democratic, protected our freedoms, free speech, separation of church & state? Allowed unionization of labor. Respected freedom of assembly and protest and all civil rights?

It is however Elites/wealthy and corporations pushing New World Order concepts as a challenge to democracy and national sovereignty of countries everywhere. And there is violence behind the push.

educate_yourself ago

passive non violent until they begin using overt tactics

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