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PizzagateBot ago

Why are you re-posting the same crap that gothamgirl posted?

You are literally just copying and pasting these things between multiple accounts. You made another shitpost here as well

Is there a reason why you frequently post Quora articles featuring Kim Holleman of MIT Media Lab?

Has Kim added any unique insights or research because right now all I can find is just copy-pasta information from her.

It says that she works in Social Computing Group at MIT Media Lab. It sounds very fishy.

Can you comment on the claims of Yoichi Shimatsu that Aaron Swartz was killed by members or those connected to MIT for uncovering a pedo ring and related data on MIT-JSTOR and that MIT Media Lab is a product of MKULTRA and similar mind control/propaganda programs? MIT Media Lab has come up in various posts including this one -

There are too many suspicious things that have happened involving MIT, MIT Media Lab to be specific, for me to trust anything they say about pizzagate. It has signs that it could be controlled opposition.

Please everyone remember that just because someone is speaking out against pizzagate, it does not mean they are friend. This thing is so huge that you MUST expect there to be controlled opposition meaning people who will speak out against it while harboring nefarious plans related to the investigation.

Please be wary when trusting MIT.

rwb ago

Hmmm...I just spent some time studying Psychanaut's submission and posting history, diving into perhaps a third of the submissions for a closer look. While this particular submission is quite oblique, past material has at times been stellar. Further, I think there's an opportunity being missed here. I'm not sure what checking you've done on this Kim Holleman, but by my reckoning, there are few academics remotely discussing PG, especially those affiliated with an institution like MIT. I'm inclined to take her opinions at face value. Here's a specific quote from one of her Quora articles:

I would love to be wrong about this. But no one who sees all of the material believes it’s not happening. I believe Wikileaks revealed that John Podesta is involved with violent child abuse and pedophilia, along with many of his associates.

That's an unmistakable endorsement of what's been hypothesized at Voat/pizzagate, and dismissing any strong supporting voice like this merely because it comes from someone who is a research affiliate at MIT is erroneous. She has an impressive CV, and it's very unlikely that someone like this is going to dump their career down the drain by signing on to a plan to somehow discredit PG by saying it's real. And keep in mind, a research affiliate is something completely different from being a full fledged professor or faculty member. We've pushed back against those attacking people like Jones, so it would be in keeping with our better angels to grant the benefit of doubt from time to time.

Gothamgirl ago

Ok but I wrote this not her, she just reposted it.

rwb ago

Thanks for the clarification. All the more reason to believe that there is an incorrect attribution of intent.