Scablifter ago

A brain dead scrubber and an insult to English womanhood.

Altmight ago


leaveperiods ago

The scoul that I had in my tone and I read your comment made me laugh and loud and brightened up my day in this dark world. Thank you.

DonKeyhote ago

Lol she's dumb as a rock too, I just saw this clip of her on Bill Maher.

David Duke had that clip of the American jewess who went to Sweden to assist in bringing Africans there and she states flatly that Europe must become diverse and the jews will be at the forefront of this process and they will be resented for it but it has to be done.

Duke clip: pure evil

remedy4reality ago

She is just like Alefantis and Podesta, CIA mind controlled drones, who were abused and programmed at ((( THE FARM ))) as children, and then placed into positions of influence and power.

Mensch definition >> A mensch is a someone to admire and emulate, someone of noble character. The key to being "a real mensch" is nothing less than character, rectitude, dignity, a sense of what is right, responsible, decorous.

Louise character is the opposite of her name, just like J'aime a'lefant.

Niandra ago

I think tptb are trying to make pizza the new bacon- in the way the latter suddenly became a big Internet 'thing'.

The more references to pizza in pop culture, music ( Miley Cyrus), politics, art etc the harder this pill will be to swallow for the uninformed.

carmencita ago

So her livelihood comes form the abuse of little children (pizza). Wow. What a nasty wench. We don't need anymore wenches here in the US. I remember one running for Prez last year.

remedy4reality ago

This is important. Knowing what PG is and then making light of even the IDEA of the abuse of children is morally wrong and disgusting.

carmencita ago

All of them are rubbing this stuff in our face. I am sick of it and they need to be called out. I am not good at tech stuff but someone on here should start a petition about all the companies putting food on clothes, especially that of children. This is promoting eating things that cause obesity and diabetes. A boycott should be started to make them stop. This way we can kill two birds with one stone. They use these food items to hide their symbols and logos of owls, pandas, pizza, etc. No More. They must be stopped.

Niandra ago

Can anyone confirm that she and her husband still own the rights to the Lostprophets music sales? (who buys that shit now) I'm not sure how that situation works, and it seems to be one of those 'common knowledge' facts.

Cannot stand the witch. Makes me laugh how she quit UK politics to move to the US as some sort of socialite..obviously thinks a lot of herself. Another initeresting tidbit is her assertion that Putin assassinated Breitbart.

To our friends in the states, what is the general opinion of her? Or do people not even know who she is?

remedy4reality ago

Mensch is obviously a lifetime member of the Pedo Cult.

DonKeyhote ago

Never heard of her

rooting4redpillers ago

Her name seems (maybe) familiar, but I knew nothing about her. Just from her Twitter, I see she's an UGH-ly person. Wondering about your Lostprophets question, I did a search and found this article right away, in case anyone else wonders what that's about.

Heat Street’s Louise Mensch Lives Off Convicted Pedophile’s Profits

Louise’s husband Peter is the founder of Q Prime which managed the band Lostprophets for many years and still receives royalties from its success. After Ian Watkins, the lead singer of Lostprophets, was sentenced to 35 years in prison for sexually abusing a small child and producing footage of the lewd acts (“lewd” doesn’t even begin to describe how heinous and horrific the things Watkins did are, but they probably can’t even be vaguely described without the advertising on this site being shut down entirely), Mensch claims that Q Prime knew nothing that might raise any eyebrows about Ian’s behavior.

Niandra ago

Thanks, seems I was being lazy, but I was sure when i looked into it before I couldn't nail down the info about still receiving royalties.

Yes, for anyone who didn't know, the lead singer raped a one year old girl. Charged with many offences besides, but annoyingly that goes down as 'sexual assault of a child under 13'. Surely there should be a 'lower' category than that. Anyway, he went down for just 29 years. For cases like these I wish we had an American style system where he would go down for something like 129 years.

She received a lot of airtime here as a conservative (right) MP because she was articulate, blonde and somewhat conventionally pretty (on the outside), which went against the public view of politics as a game for wizened, grey men. I think the BBC loved the fact she was open about her previous heavy drug use as well, as it showed them to be progressive and liberal.

rooting4redpillers ago

You're not lazy at all, and you're welcome. Thanks to you, I'm not only now aware of the existence of Louis Mensch, I've seen enough of her bs to know she's a prog TOOL. No doubt, she'll be brought up here again. A+

Niandra ago

Straight back at you, you definitely made me think twice about the amount of research I should be doing before posting, as an unresearched comment can do just as much bad as good.

I know this thread is buried now, but thinking deeper about it...the two women who went down for supplying the children must have needed a channel of contact with Watkins. Who better to get in contact with than the band manager/s. She seems slimy enough to be happy to do that.

Thanks again, have a good one :)

redditsuckz ago

Well thats like saying "I get paid in little children".

Thats the secret tho...these people dont care about money because they control the entire money supply...what they do care about is the resource known as "childrens blood".

kazza64 ago

talk about being in poor taste

Amino69 ago

Another diabolical Jew with power, now there isn't a surprise!

HillBoulder ago

She has me blocked on Twitter

fartyshorts ago

Me too! I have never even come close to her or anyone connected to her. Wtf?

I guess it's automated in some way.

HillBoulder ago

It was funny because I tweeted something about the Russia bullshit at the Hill I don't even remember what but I got a random reply from someone that said "Louise mensch can add another to her block list" and sure enough I looked up mensch and blocked I was lol

derram ago :

Louise Mensch on Twitter: "@Kruelaid @seanhannity Pizza. but you knew that. #amirite"

This has been an automated message.