YingYangMom ago

I totally agree with you on that. Absolutely!

YingYangMom ago

Yes, it could be. But then again, would Hillary and the US government profit from that? Maybe a little. The organ trafficking pays more and the port town is right there...

Ocelot ago

Certainly muddy waters. The case seems like it could be either way as well. No idea. Doesn't help my Trump suspicions, but doesn't confirm them either...

fogdryer ago

Certainly sound off to me

fogdryer ago

Yea where

Jem777 ago


redditsuckz ago

"Its a great Honor to have her a child trafficker in the Oval Office"

  • Donald Trump

President Donald J. Trump Meets Aya Hijazi


noworldorder ago

According to this article Drudge linked to, it was Ivanka & Jared who were "closely following this story" - https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/freed-egyptian-american-prisoner-returns-home-following-trump-intervention/2017/04/20/d569fe1e-2608-11e7-bb9d-8cd6118e1409_story.html

Ivanka and Jared are basically advocates for the Deep State and Clinton Foundation types in Washington, as they're terrified of losing their posh, elitist friends in high society (where Pizza resides). Lee Stranahan, formerly with Breitbart, breaks Ivanka/Jared down - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cHWwbqNzp0

A mouthpiece for the Deep State/Clinton Foundation, Human Rights Watch, wrote this - https://www.hrw.org/news/2017/03/24/egypt-aya-hijazis-trial-travesty -- Is Ivanka a HRW supporter? Or are the Deep State authors who write this stuff whispering in her ear?

This proves to me that Trump is totally clueless and trusts his daughter WAY too much (you're doing a photo op with an accused child porn maker in the White House!?). Hillary Clinton is now POTUS through Ivanka begging Daddy to do certain things for her. Ivanka wants to keep her elite status in society, so she's going to be as evil and/or stupid as she needs to be to not lose her high class station in life. She's a coward!

I've seen every episode of The Apprentice. Trump would almost always do what Ivanka suggested. It's a great window into the Trump/Ivanka dynamic.

equineluvr ago

While I'm sure Ivanka -- Chelsea Clinton's "good friend" -- has some influence on him, I don't think she controls Daddy.

Daddy is a long-time friend of his cousin, Hitlery Clinton. Hitlery and Slick Willie didn't just attend his wedding to Melania; they had the HONOR of SITTING IN THE FRONT PEW.

I think Daddy has been involved in this crap for years (probably decades). This is based upon his loooong association with Roy Cohn (called "the CIA pedophile ringleader") and Epstein, plus his being in BOTH the modeling and beauty pageant industries. We know he is a Freemason (see "open mic" admission). He is a Tribe of Dan crypto Jew with more royal genes that Hitlery (which is why he is POTUS).

People have to wake up and smell the coffee. Our "government" is a criminal syndicate. It's been obvious for decades to those with open eyes and working brains (Mullins wrote about this decades ago). It is naive, unrealistic, and inconsistent to think that a "good guy" would be placed in the highest office of the domestic branch of the criminal syndicate.

YingYangMom ago

She also goes by the name Aya Hegazy. Along with her husband, she is founder of "Belady", suspicious logo. She studied in Church Falls, Virginia. Hillary Clinton tried to get her to be released as well as other orgs. This could be another Laura Silsby case because of where she intended to take the kids after "educating them"in Cairo. To Nweiba. It's literally a desert with one castle and some hotel resorts but it has a small port and since it's located on the Northern-East coast of Egypt, it's right on the red sea, opposite Saudi Arabia, Jordan... Again, why Nweiba? Here are previous threads with more info on this case: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1798934 https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1797155

This is their logo: http://archive.is/BdKUT Notice the illuminati hand sign.

This is the video (in arabic) where she says the children are later moved to Nweiba minute 15:50 to 16:13 approx. of the video here:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LxkX30iiSU8 Notice the hosts' surprised reaction as she repeats "Nweiba?" to make sure she heard her right.

This is Nweiba on wikipedia: http://archive.is/z8jxm

Between the town and the port are a strip of modern hotels, catering to beach holiday makers and divers. One km north of Nuweiba City, Tarabin village is well known for its Bedouin-style camps where cheap huts are available for rent. Further north, in the direction of Taba, are several other beaches with similar accommodation options."

"Nuweiba lies on a large flood plain measuring about 40 km2 (15 sq mi), sandwiched between the Sinai mountains and the Gulf of Aqaba, and is located some 150 km (90 mi) north of Sharm el Sheikh, 465 km (290 mi) southeast from Cairo and 70 km (40 mi) south of the Israel–Egypt border separating Taba and Eilat. Nuweiba Port was built in 1985 on the Gulf of Aqaba, and serves as a ferry port as well, which allows for easy travel between Jordan and Egypt."

Köppen-Geiger climate classification system classifies its climate as hot desert (BWh).

Vacation destination for Europeans and Israelis mostly.

keyboard12 ago

This is almost definitely going to get removed if you don't edit it to add a source, @followthemoney! Don't let this get disappeared!

followthemoney ago

All English sources have been removed. The articles are archived. There are a few of them, from international news outlets and they are saved in the webofslime spreadsheet.

I'll see if I can find the links.

HillBoulder ago

I thought claims made in submissions needed sources

fogdryer ago

Mine got deleted without a source

PizzagateBot ago

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AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Source on guy finding child chained to wall?

redditsuckz ago

Update...better description here;

Aya Hijazi. Egyptian Pizzagate. Laura Silsby parallel.

According to the official account, Gouda, an Ezbet Abu Hashish resident, was looking for his runaway son. Galal, one of the local homeless children, told him that he had escaped from a foundation that gives shelter to homeless children in Tahrir Square, and that his son was there, and was getting beaten up by those responsible for the shelter.

When Gouda went with the boy, his son was not at the apartment. On finding locked rooms that the foundation’s staff refuse to open, he left, scared. However, another child called Said begged him for help and to be saved from the abuse and torture there, so Gouda took the boy with him. He then called his relatives, who came and broke into the foundation’s office. They did not find Gouda’s son there, but they found another child, Mohsen, tied down and naked. And so Gouda headed to the Abdeen Police Station to file a report.



Closest I could find is here;

We publish details of the detention of new defendants in the biggest case of sexual and political exploitation of children. The "main financier" recognizes receiving funds from Miss Morocco .. and the supervisor of the association "Bladi" is trying to change the testimony of children

The prosecutor of the Central Cairo Accidents, headed by Ahmed Abdel Aziz, the chief prosecutor and Ahmed Maaz, the prosecutor, ordered the detention of two of the new defendants in the largest case of human trafficking in Abidin and the sexual exploitation and abduction of children in a fictitious society known as Baladi, founded by an American woman, her husband, All kinds of anomalies and sexual exploitation and the stripping of more than 20 children of their clothes to portray them naked, and also used to participate in demonstrations and against the police forces and the imposition of security Molotov 15 days in the investigation.

Judicial sources said Attorney General Mohammed al-Ateeq, the first attorney general for central Cairo prosecutors, and advisor Mahmoud Khalil, the chief prosecutor, began investigations with two new suspects in the case. Zineb R. was arrested on charges of using street children in demonstrations. "I am looking for a relative in the case of trafficking in human beings," she said, but after meeting a child, she gave her advice to the police and a supervisor at the Baladi Society, where she went to inquire about one of the children in custody. Of the defendants who were assaulted and b "My Society".

The Department of Public Prosecutions was immediately authorized to arrest her. She was found to be involved in trafficking in human beings. She was sent to another woman who was helping them to attract children from the streets and Tahrir Square. She said that she was trying to pressure a number of children to change. Their testimony against the owner of the association and his wife.

The association's main financiers, uncovered by prosecutors' investigations, have also been arrested and said they are receiving funds and financial and moral support from Miss Morocco in the case known as human trafficking.

The judicial sources added that the prosecution will refer the entire file to the crimes immediately after the completion of the investigations within hours. The case file will be processed in full before the Attorney General Hisham Barakat, the Attorney General, to be referred to the Criminal Court within the next few hours to present six suspects currently on trial. trial, after being involved in the sexual exploitation of children and exploited politically.

The prosecution ended its investigation into the biggest case of human trafficking in Abidin and the sexual exploitation, abduction and detention of children in a fictitious society known as Baladi, founded by an American woman and her husband and others who have committed all kinds of sexual anomalies and sexual exploitation and stripped more than 20 children of their clothes to portray them as naked. to participate in the demonstrations against the police and threw security Bamolotov.

The prosecution charged the accused with 10 charges, including the crime of trafficking in human beings, the kidnapping of children, the detention of street children against their will, the physical torture of children, the trafficking, sale and rental of children for money, the assault of children, the sexual exploitation of children, the depiction of victims without their consent, Nationality and keeping them with computers and safes to threaten children, and to carry out the activities of civil associations without a permit and the work of the association without a license.

The prosecution also faced a number of CD-ROMs with child abnormalities and forced them to have sex with each other, as well as their participation in the demonstrations and admitted that the accused and her husband had filmed him. The investigations revealed that Aya Hijazi, a 27-year-old US citizen, and the director-general of the association, and her husband Mohamed Hassanein, 26, are the sales supervisor of the Baladi Association's financial director, and Sharif, 34, , And 22-year-old Amira F., a housewife, volunteered to work with the association by attracting 20 children between the ages of 12 and 16 from the streets and holding them in an apartment located at 31 Mohamed Mahmoud Street in central Cairo with an association called Baladi. sexual exploitation and to force them to practice indecency and keep photos on their own computers.

Investigations into the Cairo Central District Prosecutor's Office, initiated by Counselor Wael Shebel, the first attorney general of central Cairo prosecutors, added that the defendants in the incident set up an institution to house children and minors without a license, trafficking in human beings, unjustly detaining them,

It was found that all the street children fled their families from different periods. They took shelter from the streets, especially in the area of ​​Tahrir square. Most of them were recruited to join the association by their peers who discussed their abuse and sexual abuse against some of their children. The first to force them not to return to their families, for future exploitation in anti-regime demonstrations. The investigations confirmed that the arrested children are used by the "Bladi" association in violence, and they raise the badge of "Rabaa al-Adawiya" in reference to the slogan of the Muslim Brotherhood used in demonstrations against the army and police. The American also trains them on martial arts "Karate and Kung Fu" exploitation in participating demonstrations and attacking the army and police forces and create chaos and violence with a view to destabilizing.

The beginning of the details of the incident was the receipt of officers of the police department of Abdeen, a communication from "Khaled.J." 34 years old scrap dealer, resident of the department of police station Hadeq al-Qubba, stating that while searching for his absent and absent son on the fact of his absence record No. 3478/2014 He met with a street child in his 13-year-old master's residence. He decided that he was with his absent son in an assembly in Tahrir Square, which was sheltering street children. He accompanied his wife to the headquarters of the association. Some people in the association, accompanied by a number of children, when trying to enter the apartment to search for a survivor Who are exceeded by the Assembly and prevented him from entering. Immediately, Maj. Wa'el al-Shamouti, head of the police department of Abdeen police station, accompanied by officers of the Juvenile Investigation Department of the apartment, moved to the headquarters of the association and discovered the complete crime. The children were transferred to the juvenile court.


Linked from here;

Egypt: Miss Morocco Accused in a Child Pornography and Human Trafficking Case

The unidentified Moroccan beauty queen has reportedly been accused of funding a fake association that exploits homeless children in the production of child pornography, as well as using them as human shields in several political demonstrations and conflicts with the police.


What Biladi means in russian;

The initial meaning of the word "bilad",(the classic proninciation is "bliad", in plural "bliadi". The form "biladi" is used in Ucraine and in Caucasian and Asiatic countries- ex- Republicks of the Soviet Union, like Uzbekistan or Kazakhstan) in Russian is a prostitute, but not professional. A slut. But the general meaning of the word is much wider. "Bilad" is anyone who behaves "cheaply", who easily forgets friends and people who helped him, who is ready to "spread legs" in literal or figurative meaning before anyone who offeres more. In this sense, the word "biladi" is applied both to men and women. One of the resolution by Stalin on the letter of one of his comrades, Iona Yakir who was in 1937 sentenced to death, was " A prostitute and a bilad" When speaking of other people , like in the case with Arabs, Russians do not mean that Arab women are sluts; what they mean is that Arab men and,especially, Arab politicans, are.

So who was the Morocco Beauty Queen and what were her connections?


Or do they mean the Queen of Morocco?

Revealed: Hillary got Morocco's king to pay for $12m Clinton Foundation summit by offering herself as a quid-pro-quo (and her fundraisers were on the guest list)
