artfullyours ago

I have always suspected that all those public hearings are just for show...because nothing ever comes of them. They are just putting on a show for everyone assuming we are completely stupid and we have been because we TRUSTED our elected officials. Well how do you correct something so corrupted? Even if an official is honest when getting into politics they are not soon after. This Country and The whole World has big problems!

quantokitty ago

The CIA, in their charter, has Belgium as off limits.

This, in itself, should making spying on it mandatory. Since when does the CIA put limits on spying? They'd cram a spy cam up your ass if they could.

AngB23 ago

Best line ever "cram a spy cam up ur ass it they could". Died laughing, but sad bcuz it's so true. Thanks for info OP. Didn't know Belgium was "off limits" which means we need to dig WAY more into Belgium.

ETA- just finished typing this, submitted and went to upvote and says deleted?!? Why was this deleted?

artfullyours ago

I bet Belgium IS the seat of illumanti! Have you seen the pictures painted right on the side of their high rise buildings? A picture of a headless person hanging upside down bleeding. And a child being held down by knifepoint!

The people have tried to have great protests and it has never helped! Now I hear that we don't spy on them...I think this might be the bee hive! Makes perfect sense...BUT...what can be done, is the question?

badastrid ago

This is uber-important.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

I agree.