neverobey ago

I really don't care about left or right anymore because I think this is all just part of the divide et impera tactic. So can you please explain to me as a neutral person why this is #PG related? Thanks

ThorTheWonderful ago

Schools dedicate their efforts to grooming kids, left wing fascist psychopaths group like antifa are funded by Soros.

AngB23 ago

Anyone identify this guy? Love to know who he is and see if we can connect him to Brock or Soros

ThorTheWonderful ago

Exactly, all these alt-left extremist groups are funded Soros and Soros is the heart beat of pizzagate.

blablah ago

what the fuck? how is that pizzagate related? ...we should better target right-wing fascists instead, they are well known for trafficing children and pedophilia.

ThorTheWonderful ago

Right wing are not fascists but the left is, antifa is fascist and all the pedophile stuff is all left wing. We also know that all the leftists are teaching/grooming kids in schools. And we know Berkley is an epicenter of extreme left wing fascism.

blablah ago

sorry but you're totally wrong. every year I read the newspapers with some right winged human trafficer and child abuser. if u think that human trafficing and raping is only don by leftists u are completely blind on one eye. ...thats just brainwashed BS!

Azzipdoe ago

Still shillin, eh? You just don't take a break do you

blablah ago

just because u can't differenciate between BS and facts I'm not a shill. "investigating antifa bosses" is complete BS as there is no tie that they are related to PG. also PG isn't just connected to left or right winged ppl. it is spread everywhere from far right to far left, thats a fact.