garouwarrior ago

As long as the "Petrodollar" relationship with Saudi Arabia is in place, this will never change unfortunately...

If the Petrodollar relationship ends, then the US standard living would collapse, perhaps overnight.

carmencita ago

The Petrodollar and the Pedodollar. How very sad and disappointing. That is what they have done to this country.

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neverobey ago

2015! This should be mentioned in the headline please.

carmencita ago

Sorry, I went by the date at the top, not in the article. I believed this to be an article about the end results.

neverobey ago

Aaahhh, I understand. I didn't see the other date. :D

carmencita ago


quantokitty ago

Neighbors reported seeing a bleeding woman screaming for help as she tried to scale an 8-foot-high wall that surrounds the property at the end of a cul-de-sac in the 2500 block of Wallingford Drive.

Yup, bleeding women scaling a wall. No evidence there. Gotta love Pedo/rapeyland.

carmencita ago

Yes, Move Along, Nothing To See Here.

quantokitty ago

Ah, California! The land of legalized teen prostitution, and where women and children are on their own! No pesky police interference allowed. Not even when the neighbors see.

carmencita ago

Well, with Follyland right in the center of it all, they are a sick roll models.

Skeptic2 ago

Not the first time.

carmencita ago

I know. We need to take care of it once and for all. Enough of this already. Come on Trump.

MarieElise ago

Time for President Trump to kick the United Nations out of the US and take away all this stupid diplomatic immunity crap.

carmencita ago

I am in agreement. It is time to carry out the promise he made. I remember a Diplomat that killed someone with his car in an accident and he got off Scott Free, in the end. It was quite a news story back then. But they did not give in.

madhatter67 ago

Killing someone by accident is one thing....But a while back someone here highlighted the issue of diplomatic pouches....Basically you can ship anything bypassing customs if you have diplomatic immunity....And by pouch they mean shipping containers

carmencita ago

The , killing was not accidental. He was either drunk or I cannot remember he was guilty of wrong doing, but somehow escaped. The diplomatic pouches, I believe has been allowed probably by those that will gain by it. We can only imagine what is being shipped. It must all come to an end. The sooner the better. There was a post on here about the WH asking for suggestions, this should be included, the Diplomatic Immunity, when mentioning the Draining of the Swamp.

derram ago | :

Saudi prince avoids felony charges in sex assault case near Beverly Hills - LA Times

'A civil lawsuit filed in L.A. County Superior Court on Sept. 25 says he attacked other women inside the home for several days. '

'After police interviewed other people inside the residence, they arrested Al-Saud on suspicion of forcing oral copulation. '

'Los Angeles County prosecutors said Monday they will not file charges against a Saudi prince arrested on suspicion of sexual assault at a compound on the edge of Beverly Hills, citing insufficient evidence. '

'Although prosecutors said there was not enough evidence for felony charges, the case was referred to the L.A. city attorney’s office, which could charge him with a misdemeanor. '

'Officials in that office said they would have to review the case before making any decisions. '

This has been an automated message.

carmencita ago


equineluvr ago

The Saudi royals are the Donmeh. DONmeh are Tribe of Dan crypto Jews.

The Saudi Royal Family are crypto Jews -

MrsHollyGrahm ago I found this about Jews and 90% are not from the tribe of Judah, they are fake jews who are kenites

ibepokey ago

Diplomatic Immunity

plus, it's the Saudis. we're not gonna fuck with them.

carmencita ago

I know, the law should be changed. It is despicable that Diplomats get off Scott Free and raping and plundering across the country any time they want. Our women and our children are their perverted pleasures.

Truthseeker3000 ago

They're beyond sick. It's well known that "models and non working actresses" in LA routinely get flown to Dubai on Emirates first class and put up in the Burj with big shopping allowances and cash for a few days only to sell their souls dead to what these monsters actually do to them. Apparently they love Americans girls because they are getting back at America so they engage in disgusting stuff like copophilia. They put plastic down and eat lavishly all day then shit all over the girls even in their mouths and they aren't allowed to shower right away. Anal DP and whole gangs of men take turns doing whatever they want to these girls. All that for $30k is not worth it, it's disgusting how they treat women. This also occurs on their yachts outside of the waters in the south of France because in international waters there's no prosecution. They are also heavy into children. I've heard a lot about this looking into trafficking it's very sad.

carmencita ago

That just makes me sick. How can we stop these girls from being taken advantage of? Really, is there no one telling them what will happen to them when they get there after the shopping? Has no one come out and done you tube videos or activist work surrounding this? This is so very disgusting. I just wrote yesterday on here that it is happening on yachts as well.

carmencita ago

I believe that this Saudi Prince was trafficking these women just as we have talked about here on voat/pizzagate. We also have proof that LE is letting them off easy as this article shows. Even though the abused woman is not a child I believe that this qualifies it because of the sex trafficking.