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DrTBurn ago

you realize he was the Governor of Texas and that is the sign of the University of Texas Longhorns......right?

Jem777 ago

You realize his father was s CIA agent in Falles the Day JFK was shot and the obtained membership into the skui & Bones society. That is father was the reason for the Iran/Contra fiasco. Bringing massive amounts of cocaine in airplanes to Mena, Arkasas where Bill Clinton had been given all the keys.

In a few short years guess who becomes President? Bill Clinton. Shocked

Psychanaut ago

Oh no I didn't know that since he didn't go to University of Texas.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

I'm from texas, and it doesn't matter whether you went there or not. People use that hand gesture in support of the football team. ...just sayin.

Psychanaut ago

ok no worries.