ArthurEdens ago

If only

MattHelm ago

Seth was most likely shot by a D.C. Police Officer a dirty cop who did it for money who was hired by Podesta it's the perfect cover to have a cop who also works as a hitman to get rid of people the power players don't want around any more to cause trouble. A cop could easily have done this.

EndThePizza ago

Yeah according to who

Votescam ago

Think what you wish, but look at my reply to "educate_yourself" above.

educate_yourself ago

45 mins in i wont watch anymore. the info is good but idk i have a few problems with it so far

Jem777 ago

Commenting again on this to clarify. George Webb gives a shoutout to Voat & the child trafficking angle as well as the Seth Rich murder case where he gives some pretty explicit or unknoen details. Including about the shooters connections to Pakistani Intelligence who he is hot on the trail of for infiltrating the US congress most secretive programs through the Awan Spy Ring.

He is relentless. He also today outed the death and possible implications of the killing of Aaron swartz. Aaron is known as a sort of boy genius who was able to download all of JSTOR from MIT. These are sensitive documents of course but exposed possible mind/control programming related to DARPA & also child sex Abuse trauma induced programming.

Aaron was a hero to many millenials for his moral stance on some topics but was considered brilliant. He allegedly committed suicide a couple years after refusing to toe the line. His death is very suspecious. The main players are mentioned in Webbs video, the CIA, FBI directed at McCabe and others of course,

ArthurEdens ago

I can't see these rulers taken down except by french revolution measures

Vic138 ago

They were behind the French Revolution too. Napolian was a City of London banking agent. Upon gaining power, the first thing he did was create the Bank of France (which the people thought was public, but was private) in order to pay these people back. This was revealed in "Tragedy and Hope" by Quigley who got the information from private archives of the CFR (maybe other sources as well).

Only way I see is to take them out is for Trump and Putin to get together and start assassinating lots of people. Then start making their crimes and who they are public so that they can't hide. A couple million angry people of the world could get them.

ArthurEdens ago

I like your plan better, less messy

Laskar ago

We need to get that information.

Laskar ago

It is nonsense, as anyone with a brain knows. but they still want to deflect inquiry into the real reasons he was murdered adn by whom. Michael Collins Piper was murdered because of his book telling the truth of what happened.

Jem777 ago

Webb gives a shout out to Voat and the ways children are abducted in Day 179.1 & 179.2

V____Z ago

Please require more of Webb, ask him for proof. We already know Rich didn't die for an hour and 40 minutes until later in the hospital (it's in reports and in his Wikipedia page). But how in the world did his parents arrive at the hospital to talk with him since they live in Omaha? If they happened to be in DC and somehow got to the hospital that fast, why didn't they or any reports mention this fact?

How does George know?

We have more proof that George is preying on women in exchange for sexy pictures than we do this claim that seths parents got from Omaha to DC to talk with their dying son in his last 1:40:00 min of his life.

If you have proof Webb is making stuff up, which we do, then it might be time to question his position of unquestioned authority in all things, one he does not deserve to hold.

He's playing us. Demand proof, just like we do from each other!

willofthewarrior ago

nah. the wapo article in this thread actually says Rich was talking. whether he was talking to his parents or not is irrelevant. that he was talking at all nearly two hours later was ignored by everyone.

V____Z ago

If we don't know what he says, it's irrelevant. Even if we do, i'm not entirely sure what this has to do with our pizzagate investigation.

Laskar ago

Well said.

quantokitty ago

I do remember talk of a video. The parents were in negotiations to buy it. Not sure how you can withhold evidence. Do the police have it? This story is more like Marilyn Monroe than JFK. The way the news accounts were written, it seemed Seth Rich died in the street where he was shot. Almost a year later it's coming out he was speaking and conscious? Well, WTF did he say? You know, these news organizations are all disgusting shills. There are no journalists anymore. Cernovich and Jones like to take credit for shit they had nothing to do with, so where were they hammering away at the fact he was speaking and able to articulate what happened for almost two hours? And why did he die? Did they leave him in the street for two hours and then bring him to the hospital? Really strange stuff. His parents should sue. Why didn't they sue?

remedy4reality ago

Rich's father gives me huge negative vibes and in interviews he comes across as disingenuous. Also, Seth Rich has ties to a couple of suspicious locations. Omaha, Nebraska, where he attended Creighton and Wisconsin, where he taught boating to children during Summer.

quantokitty ago

Some people are genuinely nice. I know it's hard to believe, but I had teachers that did things like teach boating and coach little league and sports and not molest anyone. As for the dad, agree, but I've been wrong before. He could just come across all wrong.

remedy4reality ago

What if this entire pedo-cult operated like Scientology and rather than merely harassing those who wanted out, they were simply liquidated? Rich's tight proximity to a collection of nefarious characters is actually suspicious to me, because I believe they don't let any outsiders get near sensitive operations. The cult is huge, I think we can both agree on that, and there is no reason to bring people in who are not part of the program. Omaha and Racine are both established trafficking/pedo hubs, stretching back decades.

quantokitty ago

Logically, I believe it had more to do with Pedosta's email about making an example of someone even without much proof.

SecondAmendment ago

I agree. I think he was the DNC leaker and he paid with his life. He was a Bernie Bro. He must've had a conniption when he saw the DNC and Crooked Hillary in action, up close and personal, doing what those scumbags do....

quantokitty ago

It's the only thing that makes any sense. Assange was so upset. I'm upset, too, now that I know it was because of him that we got to read this stuff.

remedy4reality ago

I do too, but I believe there is something to gain by looking deeply into Rich's background and his parents. He was certainly a victim, but putting a halo around him has been overdone.

quantokitty ago

Really? I don't think it's been done enough. Halos are for those who go above and beyond. If he's the one that provided the emails to Wikileaks, then he deserves the shiny crown. It's because people are imperfect that makes acts of heroism so noble. I would salute him if I could. Again, if it was him, we'd never know any of this. Think about the election? Think about what would be being done right now. I can't believe how much I owe to Assange and whoever helped ... and I do think it was Rich and Guccifer_2 confirms that notion. Had a post on that over the weekend.

remedy4reality ago

Yes..but we have no idea if Rich provided the emails. That is all being assumed. As for the election, I am very worried about Trump's about face on an entire range of issues in less than 72 hours..

quantokitty ago

Yes, it's assumed for good reason. I'm not worried. I might be down the road, but right now? No.

remedy4reality ago

Do you think Assange is only protecting future sources by not naming Rich? Because I think everybody wants him to say whether Rich was the source or not.

It's a huge secret to hold on to.

quantokitty ago

Oh, absolutely! You don't know who else that might compromise. He's made it clear enough, but only because of Rich's death.

Browns1 ago

He didn't say he was talking to his parents "live" in person. His parents are in Nebraska. But, he could have been sitting up and talking with them on the phone. George Webb has tied the Seth Rich murder to Pakistanis. Even claimed that Seth Rich had visited the Pakistan Embassy within days of his murder and knew his assailants.

Blacksmith21 ago

I don't know what he was shot in the back twice with. I'll make the assumption it was not a small caliber handgun. Let's go with the next up, the .380, which is a shortened 9mm. We don't if they were hollow points, but probably. Each round, point blank, would leave a cavitation wound somewhere slightly larger than a golf ball - destroyed flesh. Lungs, wind pipe shredded by shrapnel, lungs filling with fluid.

Unless there is some other circumstances, I don't see how how would have lived an 1:40 conscious. At best he was conscious for a minute or three, and that was it.

Also, my understanding is a doctor (or coroner) needs to pronounce time of death in DC. They are not on the ambulance. They couldn't transport Rich right away as he was far from stable.

Does anyone know if Broacastify saves archives? Bueller?


Naw. The CIA pulled off the Gulf of Tonkin 8 years laters

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

The CIA had nothing to do with Tonkin...

remedy4reality ago

Ridiculous. Of course they did. They wrote the script for the entire incident.



shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

1 there were 2 incidents.

2 as you get older you'll realize the American government is VERY REACTIONARY With things like Tonkin.

McNamara didn't need the CIA, he had pictures from the Maddox.

remedy4reality ago

McNamara was always the scapegoat for Vietnam and there were ZERO incidents. It was totally fabricated. Whistle blower John White explains >

When you get older you'll realize the American government is the most corrupt and evil institution in the history of the planet.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Torpedo boats attacked the Maddox on August 2nd. That's not something that can be argued against.

remedy4reality ago

absolute bullshit... study up, watch the video. White was there and you were not.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

No... I doubt he was there... Especially if he argues against the fact the Maddox got attacked...

remedy4reality ago

Thank you for personally demonstrating how morons do not evolve.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Lmao you know they have medication for those type of delusions right?

remedy4reality ago

edit : 'unoriginal moron'

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Better to be an "unoriginal moron" then someone who argues against physical evidence...

remedy4reality ago

Will you be fucking off soon ?

I sure hope so.

remedy4reality ago

' I doubt he ( White ) was there. '

You have no argument. You have an emotional attachment to a lie that you keep repeating.


This guy is a shill. Stop responding to him.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

An emotional attachment to PHYSICAL EVIDENCE.

Seriously, they just released classified documents a few years ago that outlined BOTH incidents from start to finish.

But I'm,supposed to believe this one guy on YouTube who said he was there...

Sorry, I actually have to follow a logical line of inquiry on this.

What makes you think he was there when he contradicts all verifiable evidence?

Nothing but your emotional attachment to an idea that the American government is more powerful than it is.

dcdale9 ago

I looked at several crime scene photos this evening. I used Bing for the search. One photo shows Rich on the ground with yellow tape around around the crime scene. No ambulance present. The other photo was Seth body completely wrapped, and on a gurney leaving the scene

Koched_Up404 ago

Was not expecting this turn in the investigation as Webb has been pursuing the Awan story quite vigilantly in recent weeks.

It's amazing that he was able to divulge new information about Seth's murder at his point. That there may be CCTC footage of the assailants and that he was alive and talking for about and an hour and 40 minutes after he was shot.

Another point made regarding Jack Burkman and the website has raised over $130,000 with very little to show for it.

Also, Webb claims that the website changed since posting an earlier video on day 171 about wanting to meet Jack Burkman. According to Webb, the website has transformed into a "conspiracy theorist" advertisement of sorts. Very interesting. Check the sight for yourself, "conspiracy" is plastered across the front page. Also, Newt Gingrich's name is prominent, most likely an attempt to associate any investigation into Rich's death as a "right wing conspiracy".

These are very interesting developments, as it appears Webb has uncovered some very basic and important information in a single afternoon.

EllaMinnow ago

It sounds to me like he's making two contradictory statements. First he says Seth rich did indeed die on the corner of flegler and something (like he was surprised about that revalation) and then he says he was taken to a hospital complex. Not sure which point he's trying to make.

educate_yourself ago

yeah im confused about that also

equineluvr ago

"and can't find a cite for it."

Of course not. Nobody can ever find a cite for Webb's "explosive insider info."

LOL @ Hitlery and Schultz. Jews gonna stick together no matter WHAT!

That "former" MOSSAD/CIA analyst is full of crap!

Thanks for posting, OP. It gave me a good laugh!

V____Z ago


JrSlimss ago

Nobody can ever find a cite for Webb's "explosive insider info."

Mr. Nobody here. The Washington Post reported the same thing. Rich was alive and talking.

They also say the cops are holding back a tape with at least the legs of the killer.

neverobey ago

chattering away but confused, unaware that his life was seeping away.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

These are pretty big claims, and the one about his parents being in the room speaking to him somewhat verifiable if anyone dare ask the poor folks.

V____Z ago

Can we just be done with this silly Webb character? What good has he done besides waste time.

carmencita ago

How can that be, how can his parents have been there before he died? They did not live in DC. They would have had to get to the airport they found out he was shot. A flight at he that hour? I think he was from Neb. Also, how did Webb not know that they had film of the "robbers" ? I knew about that. They had it, but they say it was only of their legs or feet. So no way to identify unless their shoes where very unusual, etc. I don't know. I would like to believe, but at this late date........

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

I don't fully trust these "still alive" major news breakers/leakers/former spook[always spook] types.

keyboard12 ago

He could've been talking to them on the phone?

carmencita ago

You are so right. He could have been. They have never been allowed to mention that, if it is true. There are a lot of things I am sure are being held back from us. We may never know the truth. But what we do know is that he saved us from a perilous outcome.

Votescam ago

Has any corruption really been investigated over the last 5 decades since the coup on JFK? 55 years - !!

Webb is saying that there is a convenience store across from where Seth Rich was shot and the footage actually caught the two assailants at 4:20 am. Webb said he wasn't previously aware of this, but not clear as to whether or not he's seen it -- or if anyone other than police have seen it.

Webb also relates that he wasn't previously aware that Seth Rich lived until almost 6 o'clock -- an hour and 40 minutes longer than he previously knew -- and that he was actually sitting up and talking to his parents. This was at a hospital complex on Harvard Street where Seth Rich was taken.

Webb also states that this would have been a positive for Rich not to have died and wonders why that info was suppressed.

This is my take on what Webb is saying -- and anyone who has the time should watch it themselves.

So -- are we talking about a "disorderly orderly" who finished off Seth Rich?

And wondering if the footage is clear enough for police to be able to give a description of the two assailants?

educate_yourself ago

you should check up on the jfk thing. i thought he was taken out at dealey for the more or less mainstream theory that most people subscribe to as well, but the more i research the more questionable the whole thing becomes......... the photo of the people being fake scared while the photographer is standing. that jackie changed outfits. the white thing coming off..

i dont know what happened but there is enough compelling evidencefor me tghat he may not have died or even been in the car or he may have been in on it or something else idk the more i learn about him the less of a good guy he seems

Votescam ago

JFK was in the car and JFK was dead at Parkland Hospital -- pronounced dead by reliable doctors who tried to save him. Jackie Kennedy was also in the room. These were doctors who were later forced to remain silent by the strength of the coup but who did defy the cover up when they could and confirmed the large hole in the right rear of JFK's head. Also see Malcolm Kilduff's announcement to the press corps that JFK is dead. Make sure that you see the full video where Kilduff points to his own right temple to show where the wound was in JFK's head, near the hairline, which exited out the back right side of his head creating huge gaping wound. Many witnesses saw the wound, including doctors and other witnesses, including Jackie Kennedy. Kilduff was Ass't. Press Secretary to JFK. That's Part 4 -- and you should watch the full series.

Shot came from the right side of the picket fence area of Grassy Knoll or fired from a sewer drain opening near the picket fence. Much of Dealey Plaza has been changed in order to prevent true analysis of the crime scene, including the disappearing of the sewer drain. Light posts have actually been elevated in order to prevent reliable measurements. The Zapruder film was also altered. (See: Jim Fetzer on that)

Jackie did not change her outfit all that day.

You also have to realize the strength of the cover up, the very powerful people who were involved in the coup -- from LBJ to Allen Dulles, from Hoover to John Connolly and on and on. H. L. Hunt, oil millionaire and many, many more. (See: Madelaine Brown for the list of conspirators who met at Clint Murchinson's home the evening before the coup.) There were probably as many as 30 co-conspirators there at that private meeting -- high officials of our government.

Keep in mind that the journalist, Helen Thomas, also attended the

affair earlier in the evening and also saw these men arriving for the private meeting. Even more importantly, the morning after the assassination of JFK, Helen Thomas filed an affidavit listing the names of those who attended this private meeting.

Cover up's involve a lot of lies and a lot of lying propaganda. Be careful where you put your trust.

educate_yourself ago

why does the clip of her running to parkland have her in a different outfit? ive heard the fetzers work ive heard the sewer drain theory. i tried to buy michael collins pipers book but it was expensive af.

mainly im reading history right now a pretty complete history of the last 400 years and its hard to accept that jfk got into office being a good guy and going back and looking at the speech everybody references if u watch the whole thing he was totally pro deep state and pushing for more government freedom as well as less transparency, not the other way around. couple that with who his dad was, the kind of people his whole family is. the lude sex shit he was involved in, including fucking beta kittens. and getting secretaries to give head to his assistants n shit........

i know something happened i know a coverup took place. i also know they traveled with doubles everywhere and whats that white shit that comes off him? it does look like someone got shot i just idk anymore

edit: also, lets say you are right. you know lots about it and have done what seems to be pretty significant research. okay fine it was him who was killed by a group of 30 for one reason or another. i dont even feel the way i used to about it. when i really started digging into conspiracies maybe 3 years ago kennedy meant something to me bc it was an example of when they got one of the good guys. that narrative has been pushed so much i dont even believe it anymore. i have trouble seeing him as a good guy so even if he was shot the fuck up in dealey it doesnt hit me in the feels like it used to. im not as invested, the more i learn about him as a person

Votescam ago

Jackie Kennedy didn't "run" to Parkland Hospital. She arrived in the limo with the president's head in her lap and someone provided a jacket to put over the president's head. It was also there and at that time that many witnesses saw the bullet hole in the front window
where a bullet had ENTERED the car -- i.e., a bullet from the front of the car.

Jackie Kennedy at NO time had a different outfit on. Someone is pulling your leg.

Go to your library and find High Treason I which is by Livingstone. There's also a High Treason II which pretty much every library has. Your library card is your best means of research.
Also look for Jim Marr's "Crossfire." Look for the JFK movie at your library. Otherwise try Netflix for it. Go to YouTube and watch the Madelaine Brown videos. They will tell you more about the behavior and thinking of Elites than you can get anywhere else. It will also give you a full list of the co-conspirators.

Keep in mind that the very night of the assassination, pretty much everyone in DC knew who did it. They might not have individually all known all of the details, but many people knew many of the details. Many tried to bring the story forward, many were threatened and many were killed or almost killed. There have been reports that there were many deaths of lawyers in DC at that time -- maybe 100 -- where presumably those who knew what had happened tried to leave the information with lawyers. These are the people who researchers began to interview immediately and over time.

The story of the sewer drain being used is legit. Try to find the series "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" on YouTube and watch that. The last part of the series is called "The Guilty Men" which was taken off the air after it was shown only a few times by the History/Discovery Channel. But after some time, it turned up on YouTube because viewers had recorded it. You'll also find much info on the "sewer" including the angles of the shot to JFK's head which works for a shot from the sewer. There were a lot of guns aimed at JFK in Dealey Plaza and they weren't going to let him leave alive. This series was show first in UK and it was quite some time before it was shown here in US.

Don't know anything about Michael Collins book but the older books are the best. You may also find at your library a book by Dr. Crenshaw who was one of the doctors who treated JFK at Parkland and he explains the threat they all under not to reveal the truth of the wound to back of JFK's head.

Another good book your library probably has is "LBJ - Mastermind of the Kennedy Assassination" by Nelson.

And I'd certainly recommend Jim Marrs "The Rise of the Fourth Reich" which will give you a lot of background to understanding the history which put us where we are now.

I don't know what "history" you are reading .... but if you want to understand Elites and history take my suggestions. If one of your local libraries doesn't have the book you want, ask them to get it. You can also try a library in the next town - usually one or the other will have the book you want. I'd also highly recommend Mae Brussel to you. You'll also find her radio shows on YouTube. She was one of the first to begin researching the coup on JFK and she was brilliant. She covered many subjects which today's researchers are only now working on. And predicted many of the things happening to day, like "false flag" activities."

If you want history, you should begin with Howard Zinn -- "A people's history of the US" because much of our history is written by the winners which excludes pretty much everyone else and the truth of what happened to them. You want to find the real stories and the truth which is usually hidden by the winners.

JFK was not "pro-deep state." He was trying to break up secret government and would have destroyed the poisonous CIA if he had lived. He was also making sure that the right wing didn't infiltrate our military -- something that has actually happened today. See: Kay Griggs/YouTube

Gen. Edwin Walker who Oswald allegedly tried to shoot by shooting into his home was a right wing fanatic who led the riot at Ole Miss when a black student was trying to register/enter there. It's unlikely that anything like that event ever happened -- but Walker was FIRED by JFK for trying to circulate Nazi propaganda to the armed forces. When he was arrested at Ole Miss, the Judge recommended psychiatric care.

Also see Fetzer's explanations of the Zapruder film and the changes made to it to hide the reality of what really happened. Copy my response here and save it in your files so you can find the titles I'm giving you.

Looks like you are being severely misled about JFK in the material you are reading. JFK was our last liberal president and he was for freedom, democracy, and truth in government. He was against government assassination of international leaders which we saw so much of by CIA. Assassination of Diem Bros. in VN was carried out against his wishes -- or without his knowledge. While Howard Hunt worked in the White House he spent a lot of time in the basement trying to FORGE cables suggesting that JFK approved of that assassination. JFK was not the first nor the last of our presidents to be betrayed by Allen Dulles and the CIA.
The U-2 flight of Gary Powers was sent up despite IKE making clear he wanted those flights grounded until after the Peace talks in Paris. Those talks were cancelled after the U2 flight was taken down by Russia. Powers had all kinds of documents in the plane which weren't supposed to be there and he suggests they were planted and the flight was sent up to destroy the peace talks. The world prays for peace -- Elites pray for war.

JFK was killed because he was turning the world around -- making the Cold War laughable. That doesn't work for Elites/right wing because they need violence and wars in order to control populations. Violence is the only way the right wing can rise -- that's always been true -- it's still true today. JFK was also very much against the use of nuclear weapons which pollute the planet, nature and make us all ill as the fallout comes back down to us as rain. This included Werhner Von Braun's (former Nazi) attempt to use nuclear fuel in space flights.

OK -- I'm taking a chance in passing on some info to you -- you may be a jerk. But you may also be sincere and might be able to understand that right wing propaganda can turn you off, turn you around and leave you in a generally confused state. Research is much easier these days -- cherish the old books -- but you have the internet and gradually you will come to know truth. When you hear it, it moves through your whole body. You know it's the truth. If you're being guided by right wing propaganda, you'll always be confused.

It's your government -- and it should "hit you" because it effects your life every day of your life. And the lives of the people you care about.

Good luck -- :)

PS: In case anyone is trying to confuse you re the "Magic Bullet" ... The autopsy showed that there was an entrance wound in JFK's throat.
There was NO OUTLET for the bullet. The wound was repeatedly probed and it was thought that the bullet fell into JFK's chest cavity or that it was an "ice" bullet or something similar.

The wound in JFK's back was at his right shoulder blade. It also had NO OUTLET and it was probed many times during the autopsy by instruments and by doctor's finger.

The wound in the back of JFK's head was made by a bullet striking him in his right temple which travelled through his head to exit at the lower right side of his head.
Likely two bullets struck JFK's head -- likely simultaneously.

There was no "magic bullet" -- but Gerry Ford -- later president -- tried to make it look that way when he served on the Warren Commission and changed the location of the back wound moving it up to suggest that the two wounds connected. Of course they didn't as both wounds had NO OULET.

Night --

educate_yourself ago

tldr......................... jk, but holy shit was that ever a lot of information. ive already covered maybe 35 percent or so, idk. i do not subscribe to the magic bullet bs, what you say about him being shot i knew about the throat wound i knew about the temple the only one i didnt hear was the shoulder im not sure how i have missed that. i just saw a clip of jackie in black and white a tv clip of her running into the hosital being followed by cameras. was very very confusing kno?

its not my govt im canadian it hits me bc i am a truth seeker and generally just recognized him as the last guy to really care about and fight for the people and be anti illuminati anti deep state etc etc. im not really getting my opinion from other sources and i certainly do not fall prey to propaganda. i am not right wing or conservative i am nothing i refuse to choose any side thats how we collectively are getting raped over and over again. i came to the conclusion that kennedy may not have died or may have been in on it for 2 simple reasons. 1 i listened to his very own speeches and started to question his motives. 2 i know they use murder to get their way but they also use deception and the bottom line is the controllers NEVER give us anything to choose from unless they own both choices. i dont want to get bogged down in all the details right now thats just kind of logical to me. ill read some of the stuff u suggested.

i would reccomend pawns in the game by william guy carr, it was written a decade before kennedy assassination i believe but is amazing material. just a general overview on synagogue of satan and illuminati very well sourced and researched by a guy who lived through some shit

i cant even remember who but 3 different intelligent researchers who post videos on stuff referenced him and the book as one of the few accurate books at all written about modern history... so when it happened in the third video i bought it on kindle for a few bucks and was super helpful.

kay griggs is alright but i mean her husband would only be like a few rungs up in the grand scheme of things her info was good but she wouldnt even really know too much u know/:???

i believe the nazis accomplished space flight through alternative means and werner von braun knew this :/

thans for sharing it probs took a minute to type out

xoxo gossipgirl

Votescam ago

Supply a link to what you think you saw ....

i just saw a clip of jackie in black and white a tv clip of her running into the hosital being followed by cameras. was very very confusing know<

Were you watching a news report in black and white film?

Because, of course, then you wouldn't be able to actually see the color of her suit or the blood stains on it.

Additionally, there is a very well circulated photo of Jackie appearing at LBJ's swearing in on Air Force One and you see she is wearing the same pink suit and has not changed her clothing.

Jackie wanted the world to see what had been done to JFK and the blood stains on her clothing.

And, of course, what happens in US affects you --

its not my govt im canadian it hits me bc> US wars, foreign policy in general, interference and influence over what happens in other nations certainly effects you and your government in Canada. Plus, at least one of your previous PM's has been connected to some of CIA/MKULTRA/ Monarch activities by Cathy O'Brien. And, McGill/Canada was very involved in CIA/MKULTRA with CIA as a corrupting force on your institutions.

i refuse to choose any side> "ou can't be neutral on a moving train"-- Howard Zinn

What you're saying about JFK makes no sense -- you provide nothing to back it up.

Haven't had time as yet for "Pawns in the Game" but well-recommended.

It's impossible to listen to Kay Griggs and think she doesn't know much -- !!

Yes -- there is an overall question always about alien intervention on this planet. Whether draco-reptilians actually control this planet .... And whether Hitler was securing information from alien sources.

Bye --

Laskar ago

Michael Collins Piper was murdered for proving who really killed JFK and why.

It was certainly not faked, but there was body double who was murdered (a Dallas cop) and when Jackie saw his body at the hospital, she screamed, "That's not my husband!" The reason they did that was to hide how many shots from many angles there were and to promote the "magic bullet" scenario, which is all know is ludicrous. It was not to fake his death, but to fake the "official story". Now, people are putting more garbage to keep a younger generation away from the truth.

Votescam ago

Thank you for posting info on George Webb videos as you did here. Discovered him rather late and have never caught up.

nomorepepperoni ago

Read before he was conscious and talking when medical help arrived, but never two hours. Damn. Wonder what he told them?

Edit: FWIW, found a copy of a police report. Could be helpful if someone wants to FOIA anything collected?


So according to that report, respond to shots fired was around 4:20 AM, Rich was conscious and breathing. He was pronounced dead at the hospital just before 6 AM. So this at least proves that he was alive for ~2 hours after he was shot.

had_enough ago

the report posted shows a time of just after 7

EndThePizza ago

Does it? Or do they just wait until people get to the hospital to officially pronounce them dead?

Laskar ago

They usually wait to do it at the hospital unless it is beyond resuscitation, such as decapitation, or burned beyond recognition for example (although once I was present at an attempt to resuscitate a burned beyond recognition case and I can tell you that person was pronounced dead at least an hour and half after it actually happened.)

duchessofdarkness ago

If they were doing an investigation they would have put the time of death based on the body temp but that would be the police not the doctors and seems like the police didn't get involved.

Piscina ago

No, they don't wait to get to hospital before pronouncing someone dead.


It doesn't take 2 hours to get a man to the hospital at 4AM in Washington DC

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Oh shit, he sees both Wikileaks and Cernovich's 20, then calls on DWS and HRC to do the same. Meme time?

SoldierofLight ago

It was funny to me how he almost sounded sincere when he said about HRC and DWS not having put up any money, "I wonder why they wouldn't do that."

palmitespo910 ago

Good god.

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