jstayz44 ago

Thank you! Please don't stop trying. I appreciate your efforts. I'm praying for your success.

jstayz44 ago

Please keep us posted about Jimmy. I couldn't be more convinced that he's a victim of awful torture, and want him to know that we all applaud his strength in speaking out. He didn't name any names, so I'm hopeful that he's not in any danger. PLEASE give us updates if you find him.

quantokitty ago

Exactly. Where is he? And where's this house that he spoke about. I really don't like his face/identity out there. Unless it's all BS, definitely put this kid in danger.

Silverlining ago

What a fabulous thing to do. Please let us know how he's doing - and give him our love.

CompletelySickOFit ago

Great video. Coulnt help but notice the kids left hand though. Looks like he has had a hard life since birth.

quantokitty ago

Interesting stuff. I was going to dismiss this until I watched. I think this guy has suffered trauma.

I don't know why this interviewer chose to show this guy's face though. Seems it's setting him up as a target. I hope it's not true ... I also hope this guy gets the help he needs to get his life back.

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