garouwarrior ago

Here is one story from a former "Illuminati" insider, who says that Alex Jones is a NWO member and not to trust him...

jstayz44 ago

So many of you need to stfu. If you don't like Alex Jones why bother watching the video? Why bother? Every negative rant sounds like a shill, and while people may agree with you, you sound like the angry people that no one can get along with in real life. I'm ready, go ahead and hate on me. I'm just tired of people ranting over stupid shit like Alex Jones, David Seaman, Mike Cernovich...just move on.

rwb ago

This is what Jones is wholly responsible for:

HillBoulder ago

He didn't "blow up Pedogate" he rants and raves like he always does. 0 solutions or action from him just him waving his hands around and rehashing the same shit. Typical Alex Jones fuckery

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yep, Jones is 100% a TraitorTwat!

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

What more would you like to see him do without him or his children being killed? After secret service selfies with trumps sleeping child it would seem none of them are safe fighting the higher powers.

He is still very obviously saying pedogate is real. I don't see the problem.

HillBoulder ago

You not seeing the problem is the problem. People who are on the fence about this shit, they hear Alex Jones and immediately think "nutjob". That's the trick. He's there to discredit all of the real shit that goes on and it works because he is a disinformation artist among other things doing what he does best. The "oh well at least he's waking people up to nwo" line I've been hearing for the past decade doesn't cut it because he's been saying a lot of things for a lot of years and what has he really stopped? Nothing. 9/11? Nothing. Benghazi? Nothing. Has he stopped the new world from taking shape? Not even close. Have you ever heard him offer solutions to these problems? Of course not. Doesn't it make you wonder why someone with seemingly so much influence and information is so short on solutions to the problems he rants about? He is there to make you and me look like fucking nut jobs to blue pills because conspiracy and Alex Jones are now synonymous with one another. He's a fat phony fraud of a hypnotist actor it's obvious to people who are truly awake

rwb ago

Did you know that one Alex Jones is directly responsible for saving the lives of thousands if not tens of thousands of children in the United States? Just how you might ask did Alex Jones save thousands of children? Here's how he did it.

Alex Jones spotted research of Dr. Andrew Wakefield back around 2000 that indicated a link between MMR vaccinations and skyrocketing autism rates. In case you do not know, autism is a devastating disability that consigns both child and parents to a lifetime of sorrow and lost experience.

Jones told and re-told Wakefield's story of how the governing medical bodies tried to destroy him and how they actually tried to cover up data showing the link between MMR and austism. Alex Jones told his audience over and over and over again to stop following conventional early unstaggered vaccine schedules while pointing them toward Wakefield's work and the work of other brave researchers in this field willing to speak out. And every couple that ever listened to Jones with any regularity learned of the risk of MMR and heavy early vaccination schedules from him, and many would have opted to decline same. As a matter of statistics, it is a fact as immutable as gravity, Jones saved thousands of families from lifelong devastation. Jones has probably mentioned Wakefield and MMR vaccines at least twice a week for the last fifteen years.

How many children have you saved in your life, let alone in the span of one of Jones's three hour broadcasts?

HillBoulder ago

That is truly one of the biggest loads I've ever heard. Don't give me the how many kids have you saved garbage that's what leftys say when I give them evidence about pg. You're clearly missing the point. People will never be unified against these people with Alex Jones leading the way it just won't happen. He disrupts real movements watch him march into a protest in Austin Texas and shout down people with his megaphone who were already there protesting peacefully. You'd think he would want to work with them but what does he do? He bullhorns a fucking building screaming like a lunatic and telling people there fighting the same fight to get the fuck out of his way. Your hero is a fat phony fraud

rwb ago

Denial is the first stage of grieving, so you're on your way to letting that prejudice you harbor die. Jones made a terrible mistake at that event in Austin, and yet other mistakes, but you have to simultaneously look at all the good work someone's done, like Jones's heartfelt efforts on the vaccine front, which is just one of the ways he has benefited the public at large. And further, people will never be unified until they recognize that everyone has a roll to play. Here's some wisdom on a truly unified front. It's a conversation from a while back between @newworldahead and V____Z

newworldahead: I sincerely hope someday you will understand how counterproductive you are by posting stuff like this. Read my lips: IT. DOESN'T. MATTER!

We all have different perspectives on Pizzagate. IT'S FUCKING OK! Holy shit, people!!! What is this? We are here for THE KIDS. AJ has a role to play, Cernovich has a role to play, David seaman has a role to play and YOU have a role to play. We are on the same team! It's ok if you don't agree with all the other players all the time! Go take a walk, get some fresh air. There are people here who started distancing themselves from ex-navy seal Sawyer because "hmm, I'm not sure if he's legit.." FUCK THIS! This is so stupid. We have to be more intelligent than this. Don't you realize that it's what "they" want? They want that we fight among ourselves and destroy our very own initiative.

PLEASE, I implore you, try to remember why you are here.


V____Z: I don't know if you read the article - this wasn't about perpectives, this was a surgical dissection of the web of lies surrounding Alex's involvement with pizzagate, and that of MSM's.


newworldahead: I don't have to read the article V___Z, I read the title and I know it's about creating division within the pizzagate community and therefore I understand it's bullshit, not worth my time. I'm not here for the drama. I'm here to help children.

I'm not very fond of Titus Frost. I think he's very immature and juvenile. I also think that David Seaman should give credit to other researchers instead of talking about "people attacking him". I think that Alex Jones is playing the "fear card" way too much.

Still I respect these 3 individuals. I won't waste my time trying to destroy them just because I don't agree with everything they say. They expose pedophilia and satanic child abuse in their own way. They deserve respect and I love them for that.

YingYangMom ago

I like and respect your opinion @rwb and I couldn't agree more with @newworlahead on this.

HillBoulder ago

You're bang on about denial...........

V____Z ago

He went from waving the AP report around, not letting his reporters discuss it in any depth, and within 30 seconds he's talking about children in chains for elite in NYC. This guy is on some sort of drugs. Anyway, he has no business being in a pizzagate sub. He doesn't believe in it.

SayWhatNOWAY ago


rwb ago

See my post above. I'd like to hear how you're going to disparage it.

HillBoulder ago

No drugs required for Mr Jones he's well trained lol he knows exactly what he's doing. I'm going to share some things about Bill Cooper he was "the most dangerous man in America" according to Bill Clinton and he saw right through Joneseys act after having dealt with him.

PizzagateBot ago

You know you are flying over the target when the shills come out to arbitrarily dismiss AJ for talking about pedogate.

HillBoulder ago

Shill my ass that's another thing leftys say when you present a different point of view on something they hold dear and it sounds like people here suffer from the same condition. I've been watching that fraud for years I'm sorry if you can't accept what he really is. It sounds like people need to be red pilled about Jonesy. It's typical hero/false idol worship to stand by their hero no matter what he/she does or says. Christ there are still people out there who defend Hillary Clinton even knowing that people drop dead around her while she's being investigated twice a year. It wouldn't matter what Alex Jones does or has done he's still gonna be your go to guy. This movement is going nowhere with Alex Jones at the helm write that down and remember who told you.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

Even the helpful robot speaks sense!!

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Alex Jones is to Pizzagate what Heimskr is to Skyrim.

pby1000 ago

Where are the pictures of UN peacekeepers killing children?

V____Z ago

This is an insane rant, please quit posting him here.

FinalCountDown ago

Hatti? Alex is covering for the NYPD, FBI, the Judiciary, Congress, he's covering up..... NYPD has the laptop with the evidence, Alex is helping NYPD cover this up.....NYPD said for months they want to release the emails no they don't if they did they would've released, NYPD coveruppers.

PizzagateBot ago

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equineluvr ago

"Alex Jones Speaks?"

WTF?! Is he some kind of sage on the mountaintop to his brainwashed followers?

You guys drinking the Kool-Aid much?