equineluvr ago

"Michael Cormier (Breitbart’s Coroner)"

This ^ kind of sloppy misreporting is inexcusable. If you read further into the piece, they admit that Cormier was a TECHNICIAN so NOT a CORONER so DID NOT conduct ANY autopsy on Breitbart or anyone else.

They should be ashamed for the sensationalized article/headline.

Laskar ago

A large enough amount of potassium chloride to kill you has to be administered by injection.

The heart attack gun, when first revealed, used strychnine as the poison, as it leaves no trace on autopsy. Breitbart was not under treatment for heart failure. I question the finding of enlarged heart, but many people can have that who are not going to experience sudden cardiac death from it. Other poisonous agents can kill instantly without anyone detecting them before or after. The coroner's office is entirely corrupt. Breitbart's death was so important because of what he tweeted about Podesta--why doesn't the article mention anything relevant pizzagate in that regard?

The Hastings crash happened in a an exclusively Jewish neighborhood, and a Hasidic ambulance company picked him up. All the eyewitnesses (up very early apparently--would you be ready to do an on camera interview at that hour--- were Jews as well. It has long been known that car crashes can be caused remotely.

The article does not mention Max Spiers-- as he was about to give a speech about pedos in high places ---who was poisoned by a massive dose of arsenic.

carmencita ago

Wow and Double Wow.

ShmeowShmeow ago

Monica Petersen

carmencita ago

Yes. And Joe Montano Molly Macauley, Thorn, Sean Lucas, and the list goes on. John Ash and think of the ones we don't even know about. There are many more before the start of the election and Vince Foster. There were two boys that died in Ark. during a drug bust. They were in the wrong place and ended up dead. The judge said they probably fell asleep on the train tracks. Another Blackmailed Pedo Judge.