AngB23 ago

UGH. I think if they see it on Twitter...shills are trying to disinfo, make us look like idiots I'm going back to the one I saw it from and reaming them a new ass

AngB23 ago

I get it. I HATE spreading disinformation or getting fooled with crap. Totally understandable to call me out. I may not believe u at first, but then I gotta eat crow afterwards. Again, sorry everyone. Foolish move on my part.

AngB23 ago

I know...sorry. First time I saw it was today in Twitter. I have edited the OP so in case anyone did copy/share they can come back and see that.

cult_of_philanthropy ago

I see it has been debunked...could it imitating life?

pig_lifter ago

That video was a hoaxed and it was debunked. Very cleverly done, the window frames and shapes are slightly different than actual buckingham palace. Here is the debunking vid.

AngB23 ago

Stock pics...Buckingham Palace-Fence looks the same as vid

Changing of the Guard video & detailed pics

Still shots from vid

It is def not Moor Park Mansion. If it is a hoax or fake, someone give proof.

neverobey ago

And it def is a mixture of Moor Park Mansion and Buckingham Palace. Do you know Buckingham Palace? It doesn't look the way it appears in the video. This is fact. But you can reenact that this video has been modified. And Moor Park fits the part which obviously isn't Buckingham Palace. Just compare the pictures. You can go google some other pictures. Buckingham Palace doesn't look that way. The windows are wrong, the decoration. Really. Just take a close look.

AngB23 ago

Your right. Again, sorry about that and thank you for pointing it out

neverobey ago

Here you are: It's an advertising stunt. But next time, if you really want answers, please reply directly to my comment. Or mention me like that @AngB23

AngB23 ago

Thank you for the info. Looks like it is a fake. Sorry everyone.

neverobey ago

no problem. Sorry if I sounded mad.

Laskar ago

I agree, how can this not be more widely known? What happened to that boy? And why are those idiot women laughing at him? Sick.

Laskar ago

According to the video, Rob Harris, convicted pedophile, was hired to paint the official portrait of the queen. Is there anyone not a pedo, who is associated with the British govt, royal family, and media?

equineluvr ago

The British JEWISH "royal family" are "ancestors" of Vlad the Impaler? LMAO!

This guy has ZERO credibility.

ThePuppetShow ago

If everyone you cliam is Jewish really is, so are you.

carmencita ago

Thank you for that! HA HA HA!!! It does seem so sometimes.

JohnJones ago

This is fake If you take the shots from the video and line them up with a photo of the building you can see that its fake

AngB23 ago

Doing that now....hard to find a pic of Buckingham Palace on street looking at the fence/same side of bldg

QueenAlt ago

This is from 2015 and I think it was made for a TV show.

AngB23 ago

What? Seriously? Do u have a link/proof of that

DrumpfBTFO ago

Original video, but no idea about who made it etc.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Wtf, he surely must have been crippled or killed, why did he jump from that height?

nameof ago

So so scary. Im scared

neverobey ago

sorry, but this has been debunked. It's a combination of Buckingham Palace and Moor Park Mansion.

153sdsd ago

why does the video repeat 2 times in 10 min?, I think youtube does this on purpose, please confirm if you duplicated the video on purpose

AngB23 ago

No, I copied and pasted. Noticed that too and not sure why. Saw it first in Twitter

153sdsd ago

That keeps happening to all the pizzagate videos I see, since December!!!, may be a covert youtube censoring tactic, like making people watch less out of annoying-ness, they have the stats, I would not put it past them

GeorgeT ago

He sensed the horrors that awaited him and escaped. Where is MSM, BBC - evidence of pedogate - there it is!!! Hard, irrefutable evidence!!!

PizzagateBot ago