New article about Seth Rich and Robbin Young. (pizzagate)
submitted 7.9 years ago by HollandDrive
"Guccifer 2.0" Chat With Nude Model Sparks New Conspiracy Theories About Seth Rich Murder."
From Zero Hedge ...
VieBleu 7.9 years ago
They speculate Rich could have been killed in the ambulence. Reminds me of some of the theories about Princess Diana, finished off in the ambulence instead of how official reports laid it out.
TRUTHWARRIOR 7.9 years ago
Wow just wow....
HollandDrive 7.9 years ago
Zero Hedge is sourcing their article from HEATSTREET so this may have already been discussed here on Voat.
VieBleu ago
They speculate Rich could have been killed in the ambulence. Reminds me of some of the theories about Princess Diana, finished off in the ambulence instead of how official reports laid it out.
Wow just wow....
HollandDrive ago
Zero Hedge is sourcing their article from HEATSTREET so this may have already been discussed here on Voat.