Are_we_sure ago

There is zero tying Seth Rich to the DNC leaks.

There have been a lot of lies told about him like he was murdered as he was on his way to talk to the FBI. At 4am?

His family said he had just been offered a job with the Clinton campaign and was thinking of taking it and moving to Brooklyn.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Are you saying these aren't legitimate messages from Guccifer 2.0?

Are_we_sure ago

I'm saying Guccifer 2 is not legitimate in any way. Do you know any genius level hackers who name themselves after someone else? Especially the original Guccifer? That guy had not technical skills he researched people's families to guess at password change security questions. He did about zero technical hacking. The multiple people pretending to be Gufficifer 2 are connected with Russian intelligence either FSB or GRU.

So it could be a legimate message from Guccifer 2.0 but that wouldn't matter in one way or the other because Guccifer 2.0 is not legitimate. Also these messages come about three weeks after the rumors of why Seth Rich was killed, so they prove nothing.

pizzaequalspedo ago

This isn't the first rodeo for Clinton killing people...

Make a job offer to your suspected enemy to act as cover if you're later tied to the murder.

That is Clinton 101 stuff

pizzaequalspedo ago

Now we need some more heros like Seth Rich to leak damaging info about other nefarious parties and personnel like McCain, Graham, FBI, DOJ under Obama, etc

crystalclear ago

In DMs to Robin Young - here's her site with the tweets. Yes she provided all of it to the police/authorities. Wikileaks RTing her alon with Assange mentioning him and contributing to the bounty lends a huge amount of credibility

dontmindthemess ago

They found him alive but he died at the hospital. I wonder if he got a chance to name names before he died and the cops are building an air tight case against the person behind it all...

crystalclear ago

THIS is what continuously haunts me & brings tears to my eyes. I can't & won't let it go

carmencita ago

I have wondered this from the very beginning. If anything, DC cops will be covering it up not helping build a case....I am so sorry to say that they have been bought or threatened. I waited weeks and weeks, and nothing. God Bless You Seth, and Thank You.

artfullyours ago

Without him we would not have the e-mails right? So I am praying that his death will not be in vain. I hope God uses it to bring down these killers. It has already opened our eyes to what many of our leaders they ARE exposed! Thank you Rich!

pizzaequalspedo ago

His death is already not in vein, because Hillary isn't President.

Trump may end up being just as bad before it's all said and done, but we know that Clinton was pure evil.

strix-varia ago

That's for sure. All this has helped uncover her creepy evil foundation.

artfullyours ago

That's how I feel...I really don't know how Trump can't be caught up in all of this...but I hold out some tiny bit of hope. It seems so deep and wide.