Vindicator ago

This is a cool post. Thanks for making it!

anonOpenPress ago


Gothamgirl ago

Eye opening.

jangles ago

The most concerning is the term "Encryption"

YingYangMom ago

I'm surprised the Words "Alex Jones","Pizzagate" "Children" or "Kids" didn't make it on the list of the most VISIBLE keywords.

anonOpenPress ago

Good that you noticed. The result seems to show our EXTERNAL visibilty, in other words what any outsiders finds out when checking Voat pizzagate in their browser search. This might be because of search engines doesn't WANT to show what we're really looking at, or the service picks only the latest topics (last month or so), or they filter the results for any other reason. gives a better result regarding the insiders.

I didn't think about this is advance, but checking now shows for example Dyncorp mentioned in the topics 97 times.

Thank you.

DonKeyhote ago

Appreciate the effort. I could have told you beforehand tho that millennial falcon is a jagoff who dont defend himself publicly or privately and just deletes threads LOL

anonOpenPress ago

I left the usernames there in purpose, it might have some importance at some point to know who were the most active mods doing that

Vindicator ago

Your search will be highly biased, because MF has been a mod longer than anyone, has put far more hours in than anyone, and has consequently removed far more posts that anyone. The reason he does not comment unless requested is because he has been repeatedly downvoat brigaded by shills using bots -- low enough that he wasn't able to do his job. There are multiple posts about this in v/pizzagatemods. You can't be downvoated if you don't comment, so he keeps his comments to a minimum.

anonOpenPress ago

Understandable. And sure the most active has the most mistakes too, it's only human. Keep up the good work all of you.