druhill007 ago

YO LIES whats up

the 8chan shadow ban is VERY interesting...

PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I created the following archive link(s) for this voat submission:

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Vindicator ago

@THE_LIES_OH_THE_LIES: I'm going to go ahead and leave this up, though it could be argued it is FAR too hypothetical to qualify as an evidence-backed research post. However, you've linked folks to a lot of stuff which looks like it might be entertaining if nothing else. Mods on duty tomorrow may disagree, 'cause this is a yoga-worthy stretch. :-)


Looks like you won't need to delete it. The immediate down votes were enough to suppress organic research. You guys (mods) have a great platform for mitigating any dangerous revelations that might come out of this movement.

Vindicator ago

Jeez, man. That's on you, not me. I left it up and even promoted the entertainment value of the links. Most people think mods can't be trusted anyway -- why would what we say cause downvoats?


No. No. I'm not saying that you caused the downvotes with words. I am saying that you're a bunch of shills who operate a honeypot.

Vindicator ago

Well, if I'm getting paid, it's news to me. :-) If you think this is a honeypot, why post? Makes no sense.

Honestly, your theory has merit -- in theory. It's just that it's a pretty out-there interpretation of material that is otherwise highly mundane. In a world where the enemies of this investigation are constantly looking for ways to point at us and ridicule us for being conspiratards, don't be surprised at downvoats when you can't provide substantial evidence for substantially "out-there" propositions. Really, that skepticism makes this board the opposite of a honeypot, IMHO.


Why don't the moderators ever post any information, and research of their own?

Vindicator ago

We do, but we do it under alts so that the research can be judged on its own merits.


It will be judge on its own merits anyways? Part of the reason people are even here is because they don't buy bullshit from someone because they've been given a label.

throwaway345678 ago

The key of solomon speech is getting really old.


What is the key of Solomon speech?

throwaway345678 ago

"The all seeing eye is the butthole/ sodomy/ etcetcetc"

It's been said before, a lot.


I didn't know that! Interesting.