Couple of Links to DARK WEB TOPICS/Podestay style Canibalism related answered by hackers/deep web explorers (pizzagate)
submitted 7.9 years ago by Psychanaut
I'm looking for supplemental source materials always to round out pizzagate investigations. Wanted to put a set of links here so people can see what experienced deep web explorers are saying about cp and cannibalism content. matches perfectly with web-related pizzagate and podesta cannibalism sickness:
And this link is amazing for the content for those that already know, but there is a huge pic bank of UK Pedogate related also, not specific to pizzagate, except that the person is making the connection between the UK elite and the Clintons right at the top:
siegnagel 7.9 years ago
It's Warwick Spinks for a start, not Warren. Looks like a load of codswallop if they can't even get the name right of one of the worst UK paedophiles in history.
PizzagateBot 7.9 years ago
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siegnagel ago
It's Warwick Spinks for a start, not Warren. Looks like a load of codswallop if they can't even get the name right of one of the worst UK paedophiles in history.
PizzagateBot ago
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