Vindicator ago

@steamboats: I need to remove this per Rule 1; you've established no link to the sexual abuse of kids by the global elite. Please review the community-established submission guidelines for v/pizzagate research posts in the sidebar on the right (view desktop site if on mobile).

Also, a friendly reminder of the Voat User Agreement:

Can I submit links to any subverse I want?

Each subverse has its own rules which are usually stated in the respective subverse's sidebar. If you ignore said rules, your account may be banned from submitting further content to the subverse or in some cases, globally.

Are_we_sure ago

By the way, the idea of an Open Society is predates George Soros and is a very interesting concept.

The philosopher Karl Popper came up with this term open society as opposed to closed or totalitarian societies where knowledge itself is political. In an open society you should have means of changing or reforming government without a revolution.

carmencita ago

SIEGEL: That's Michael Ignatieff, president and director of the Central European University in Budapest. And we should say that NPR receives funding from the George Soros Open Society Foundations.*****Did not know NPR received funding from Soros. Never listened.