This is a YouTube video by ABC Corners Australia about a gay couple that travel the world with their adopted son. The problem is they are sharing him with other gay couples.
I'm not sure if they have deleted the video from their chanel because I could only find it on other Yters channels
It directly correlates to pizzagate because they're basically trafficking the little boy as they globe trot around the world with him.
It also makes me instantly think of the JA IG picture of his goddaugther, $5k, and a bottle of Soma in London. That's the lie by omission. He doesn't abuse her....he flies her around the world and lets others abuse her. As these two did, most likely meeting up with other couples to trade "godchildren".
rooting4redpillers ago
@cult_of_philanthropy - You may have noticed, I think this sub has great value. One big illustration of how tough it is to get these people. So much manpower, time, effort... decent human beings required to watch this horror for hours on end. Not to mention, the expense, to save this one little boy, must have been staggering. Thanks for posting, this deserves many more upvoats.
cult_of_philanthropy ago
Thank you rooting4redpillers. I was actually surprised when I searched voat/pg not to find a previous submission. It was a difficult to watch the "safe" version of their actions with this little boy. I can only imagine how hardened an officer has to become to watch the videos to locate these children. It would be nice if their assets could be seized to repay every dime spent to find and prosecute them.
rooting4redpillers ago
I'm surprised too. And surprised this story received so little publicity everywhere. The scant reporting on this case began only six years ago, and was still making news, less than three years ago.
This video version you posted is perfect, without any overly-provocative images, and zero breathlessly-dramatic language. Just the facts, and excellent organization of a complex story. A++
Regarding those assets... My second linked article says, Mark J. Newton, 42, was sentenced to 40 years in prison, and was ordered to pay $400,000 in restitution to the child. Because Newton is "Adam's" legally (?) adoptive "father" (one of two fathers), I have so many questions about THAT. And questions about what ever happened to ALL of the rest of the criminals who were implicated/arrested because of THIS case. The stories online die out after 2014. Maybe I gave up too quickly, but I've been looking for these things in all my spare moments today.
This story doesn't have a nearly-satisfactory ending. Those two "SUPERSTARS" of the "Man-Boy-Rape-Community" were sentenced to, and serving, 30 and 40 years. The news reports that I found, report a few additional related convictions. But, there were MANY other people implicated, and the online info about them is scattered and incomplete.
This whole story could use a compilation, with a CURRENT status update for every single one of these proven child molesters - the ones in prison, the ones with trials pending, and the ones who still walk around in the world. With Charles Manson-celebrity-style, ongoing attention. Since I found v/pizzagate, I've been watching more on the VICE channel. I'd love to see VICE make an episode about THIS story you've brought to us - making it contemporary by relating it to the current pizzagate phenomenon, and specifically mentioning THIS extraordinary CITIZEN investigation HERE, on VOAT.
rooting4redpillers ago
RELATED ARTICLES: I wondered what happened to the other child rapers involved in this horror show. I came up short on information about all the convictions and sentencing, but here are links to some related articles.
Man sentenced for using son in child-porn conspiracy | USA Today | June 28, 2013
Australian pair in L.A. convicted for making child porn with ‘adopted son’ from Russia | NEW YORK DAILY NEWS | Saturday, June 29, 2013
Former Cape lawyer ring leader in global child porn case | NBC2 (Florida) | Updated: Oct 13, 2013 07:10 PM
US lawyer John Rex Powell to plead on Aussie boy abuse | The Austrailian | January 2, 2014
Broward man sentenced for role in international child porn ring | July 17, 2014 | Sun Sentinel
Two Individuals Sentenced to Federal Prison for Participation in Long-Running Online Child Pornography Ring | [US] Department of Justice, Office of Public Affairs | Thursday, June 18, 2015
cult_of_philanthropy ago
Rooting4redpillers...thank you, again. Everyday I think it can't get worse yet it does.
rooting4redpillers ago
At the end of the video, one the good guys says, this boy is now in the care of relatives, and he is being inundated with support. At least that's a bit of hope to hold onto, for this one child.
We're devoting some portion of our time here, joining ordinary citizens, breaking big and small pieces of old and new ground EVERY DAY. It all adds up, and people are finally listening, and CARING. Recognition, belief, and support for ERADICATING pedophilia is making news worldwide, and the commentary about this, by ordinary people on social media and YouTube, is pretty outstanding.
We LIVE outside of here. And, it's okay to be happy, and positive, anywhere we are.
cult_of_philanthropy ago
Very well said and so true. I think we all need that positive reinforcement, thank you. Regarding the video, thankfully there were family members to step in and care for the little boy. I still maintain this is exactly what JA is doing with his "goddaughter". I sincerely hope I am wrong for that little girl's sake.
rooting4redpillers ago
34:42 - The point where the investigation ends and Peter Truong's imprisonment begins.
The following quotes might help to illustrate why I'm convinced that scientific studies, apologist meanderings... the things that are aimed at understanding the psychology of pedophiles - will be used primarily as a tool to protect, defend, promote, and normalize pedophilia - and secondarily, if ever, used as a weapon to STOP pedophilia.
Jem777 ago
So Sad
equineluvr ago
That poor adorable little boy! His soul has been ripped and his psyche scarred for life.
"Brady Bunch family?" Really? TWO FAGGOTS raising a child?!
PizzagateBot ago
Hi! I created the following archive link(s) for this voat submission:
ArthurEdens ago
I think there was an instagram post of him implying he was about to have his way with his goddaughter, then 15 minutes later commented "...and done", and his friends were saying good job
3141592653 ago
I never heard about This one before
Saibra ago
Freaking disgusting. Death sentence to them both. Then they try to justify Peter Trong's involvement. Too bad. I don't feel sorry for him. Disgusting pigs. If they let this get this guy off it will be a travesty, and this female lawyer disgusts me too.