micha_ ago

Now remember this is a “BOOK STORE” and yet it says: “ON MONDAYS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY”?!!!! What happens on Monday that you have to make an appointment? Maybe something that requires them doing a background check on you to make sure you’re not a fed or with Interpol.

Dashwood is open Tuesday to Saturday from noon until 8pm and Sunday from noon until 7pm and on Mondays by appointment only.

Why are you doing this BS? To discredit the very interesting trail, that way overpriced art/garbage may be a form of payment for illegal activity?

DonKeyhote ago

  1. Diana died in 97
  2. The evidence is for the McCanns involvement, obviating the kidnapping. You claim Maddie was somehow exceptionally beautiful rather than mentioning her true exceptional trait.

You're probably on to something. I did some reading on art and the biggest holder is Qatar sheikh who has bought some PG related artists like Koonswork for 9 digits, spent over a billion overall. Warhol of course was a Queer and elite cultural icon.

Great sourced rundown here. https://idraintheswamp.com/home/podesta-koons-joannou-qatar/

micha_ ago

Quantokitty is also the one who pushed the story of an underground tunnel below Comet Ping Pong with fake videos filmed somewhere else.

DonKeyhote ago

Mistake? That's not proof of shillery, tunnels are surely a big part

micha_ ago


DonKeyhote ago

Tunnels brah

quantokitty ago

Didn't I put 97? Probably a typo ... thanks for pointing it out ... I will correct it. As for the McCann's being involved, absolutely not. How can I tell? They were excoriated and humiliated. Look at the treatment of the Pedo Cannibals. Do you see them tearing each other apart in the media? No you do not. Arul Savio Gaspar and his wife set the McCanns up. As for the trait, I'm not big on that. Not. I know that the Pedo Cannibals would be, but it's unimportant to me, but thanks for pointing it out.

DonKeyhote ago

But the whole reason we know the McCanns name is because they had elites protecting them in media and govt. Dont forget the woman who got suicided after speaking on Sky news against the McCanns. Check my thread in my original banned account for a refresher on the mccanns, you're obviously smoking crack right now.

Laskar ago

I would have liked to have up voted you very intelligent comment.

The McCanns are rotten to the core--they convicted themselves in their own interviews. They are not whom they pretend to be at all.

quantokitty ago

The elites aren't protecting them. The police made up lies and there was a bloody child's footprint in the apartment that led to their car. They wouldn't do that. And just because we have differing opinions doesn't mean I'm smoking anything. The Ramseys were involved in the murder of their daughter, but the McCann's.? No. I think this thread is getting lost in what opinion people hold about the McCanns. The theory doesn't really hinge on that. Whatever.

DonKeyhote ago

Lmao im mot a cop but the involvement of the parents is kinda relevant in a kidnapping case

quantokitty ago

I'm not trying the kidnapping case. I'm raising a theory as to how the art world may be being used.

Yeah, maybe I'll delete this. I didn't think I was being that obtuse, but the people have spoken.


Laskar ago

The destruction of real art in favor of garbage, is so anyone can create an easy money laundering scheme, get grants, hide assets etc.

Art as a way to "cleanse dirty money" is well explained in this thoroughly researched paper with many illustrations: http://www.mileswmathis.com/launder.pdf

Mathis is a real artist, as can be seen on his homepage: http://www.mileswmathis.com/

rooting4redpillers ago

I finally found this! I see now, the op self-deleted it. Anyway, I wanted your link to the Mathis PDF. Thanks for that. IOU an upvoat, since I can't give you one in a deleted sub.

Laskar ago

Thanks so much, I could use it. It is good to see that there are some who "get it".