Vindicator ago

Wow! Amazing shill turnout on this post Psychanaut. You must be the real deal!

rwb ago

One thing is certain, arrests or no arrests, the mainstream media will never report on PG in any way that resembles the truth, and the rest of us need to recognize that in order to form a better battle plan.

PG-IzDumbAsFuck ago

False...the media did a good job presenting pizzagate is it is, a obviously fictitious and ridiculous conspiracy theory. But you people don't live in the real world.

SuperShilly ago

Shut up faggot

pby1000 ago

Franklin Scandal...

rwb ago

The Dutroux Affair is a perfect analogy to what is taking place with PG. Do you know who Marc Dutroux is?

Premeditated123 ago

I spy, with my little eye, a pedophile.

PG-IzDumbAsFuck ago

That's because you're stupid and insane.

SuperShilly ago

Again, faggot

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I can guarantee that I have superior intellect to you.

PG-IzDumbAsFuck ago

Yet you managed to buy into a offensively irrational and obviously fictitious conspiracy theory. A type of conspiracy theory that as long as I have 2 neurons left in my brain I will be able to clearly recognize as insane in an instant.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Nobody cares about your worthless blabbering. Prove us wrong, and then you can talk.

Premeditated123 ago

You literally created an account on voat specifically to defend pedophiles. 😂

PG-IzDumbAsFuck ago

No, I created an account to mock insane detached from reality conspiratards who bought into a ridiculously dumb offensively irrational and obviously fictitious conspiracy theory.

SuperShilly ago

Still faggot

Premeditated123 ago

How much is Alefantis paying you?

PG-IzDumbAsFuck ago

You can continue to be insane, pizzagate will still remain a ridiculous fictitious conspiracy theory. And the consequences of pizzagate being a ridiculous fictitious conspiracy into the real world: no pizzagate arrests, pizzagate labeled fictitious by Washington DC police, fact checking sites, the media and ridiculed all over the place will remain a fact.

dickface8 ago

Your desperate gaslighting bullshit is useless here. Die.

Premeditated123 ago

For something that is so blatantly fake, why are you putting SO much effort into defending it?😂Good bye 👋🏼

SuperShilly ago

Because he's a pedofaggot