SterlingJB ago

Have you read this? And if so, what did you think? Lined up perfectly with GWs franchise narrative. If the details are true about the the Smart foundation too, well, that's just strange.

SterlingJB ago

Here's my comment (I think it was shadow banned) on GW's channel when he was covering it. I'm from UT, grew up in the religion (didn't stick tho), family came from Denmark to US back in Brigham days and have been there ever since, and I know there's lots of masonry involved, but still appreciate my upbringing and have no hard feelings with the church. That being said some of these links have some pretty shocking info that I was not aware of from what I would consider credible sources since they have ties to the church and thus aren't just on a "witch hunt".

(Also, I know LDS is weird to many, perhaps blasphemy to some, but I sure hope everyone on this verse considers the shadow of their own religion, cuz, more often than not, someone/s or thing uses the structure and power of a belief system for it's own purposes and cover. )

(edit: I forgot to include this one, the link that is specifically about OUR. If after reading this you think OUR is legit, let me know because I'd be curious to hear your rational since this is very, very detailed and damning. It's by Lynn Packer, a journalist and nephew of the Boyd K Packer, former president of the Quorum of the 12, who has a distaste for white collar fraud, esp the Mormon kind, which is why he's pretty much been muzzled by the wasatch front lds community. )

This site has a lot of info about the SRA groups in the LDS, including an alleged copy of Glenn Pace's (I think Q12 also) findings about cults within the religion during the 80s. The article was also written by a Tanner (big name in UT):

other related articles: Hadfield Case/lehi: 2007 About the therapist in the hadfield case. The Utah courts don’t like her much.

SterlingJB ago

Also, even before GW, some weird ass stories came out in relation to Utah and the Elizabeth Smart case. Veteran's today is pretty much the only one who covered this story (which is strange, if you look into it, it was not deemed newsworthy in UT), and VT has admitted mixing the truth with fiction, not to mention the Keshe Foundation is involved in this, which makes it crazy unbelievabl, but the YT confession of Sterling Allen and his arrest are real as well as the fact he led the "church group" that Brian David Mitchell was a part of before he took up bible dress and kidnapping, dosing with LSD, and raping a girl in a mountain camp a few miles from the wealthy neighborhood she was taken from at the edge of SLC.

Allen's YT confession/last bible study (very, very, strange and sick)

Keshe's red circle story (somehow even stranger):