shoosh ago

She is hard to read at times. I'm no shrink, but I think she'd do better if she wrote 5 paragraphs, paused for awhile and came back at it. One can see how her mind begins to snowball and become overwhelmed. This *could be signs of emotional trauma, or maybe poor education. ??

Ytube and voat comments are filled with people who can't grasp why certain things are inappropriate to others, for example pgate issues.

I don't think a nurse could flash 10 patients a day and become a mass beneficiary. It would eventually be discovered, according to this commentary it was discovered.

You think Canada is open for any crime and USA, UK, Australia, the EU in Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and on and on, do you honestly think any other country political corporate governance isn't psychotic?

You think a government with Obama's, Bush and Clinton's insanity, not to mention a lot of what I"m seeing from Trump, isn't psychotic? If that doesn't come under the heading of ''open to any crime''' then I don't know what is.
Can you see the forest for the trees here, it's all the same crap different package.

equineluvr ago

Just ignore that a-hole, John. :)

Laskar ago

Here's Miles Mathis' well researched piece on modern art as money laundering (he is a well known artist):

equineluvr ago

Sorry to hear of your traumatic experience and that you were triggered. (I get triggered in here all the time; l know how tough it is.)

Virtually every one of these pedos are affiliated with some "child/sex abuse fighting" government-sanctioned NGO. It's disgusting but it makes sense -- it's the perfect way for them to "hide" in plain sight and collect intel. Gotta keep up the public front!

None of this will ever end until people stop worshipping the "pillars of soceity." The "pillars' are actually the CRIMINALS.

QueenAlt ago

There was just a post linking to tweets from an artist claiming to have her art stolen and and used like this then when she called them out they attempted to kill her. I can't find the post again but if I do I'll come back and link it.
Found it:

pby1000 ago

That explains the horrible art work.

David Shurter claims they have access to crematories to dispose of bodies.

As for the gangs, they have Finders for finding children, Watchers for watching captured children, and Movers for moving children. What else would there be? Users? Consumers?

quantokitty ago

Absolutely, it's used to launder money. I had this thought quite a while ago and now here's the proof. It just seemed such a natural, intuitive way for the money to change hands.

Death2Masons ago

Old news, but good to refresh. The mechanizations have been exposed for some time now, and it is obvious to even the blind that the FBI would have to be the village idiot to not know what is going on, when the rest of the planet knows how the child farming system works by now. The conclusion being that the FBI is in on it. The only people that can resist our corrupted criminal authorities are the President and his cabinet. They have done nothing but guarantee Comey as FBI director. Hardly inspires confidence.

shoosh ago

I'll have to read it tomorrow when I'm more alert.

Thanks for the upload.

shoosh ago

I can only see the photo. Is she Canadian?

Canada is notorious for public experimentation... not saying that means she's legit, but just saying it may mean she's out of control.
I can't read it so I don't know one way or the other.

shoosh ago


I deactivated my facebook back in December and can't read it.

If you'll copy it here I could attempt to read it.

I'm cautious about these things given the fact that anyone who underwent high levels of abuse are likely psychologically damaged and unsound. I would actually expect damage and psychosis. I think a brilliant deviant might use it as a sympathy poor-me technique to gain fame in other areas. I'm not sure this person is that brilliant.

Jakestr ago

LOVE THIS - give them a taste of their own effing medicine Maybe we should use their methods, and begin to coordinate our efforts to systematically expose each and every pedo elite!

je-sui-pepe ago

As a small gallery owner I don't know of nor ever have run across any child trafficking. We in a small market city for art, not big sales. But I do know the modern art world can be full of snobbery and elitism. Though all the gallery owners I know are very nice people who try to help artists and we all struggle to make a buck like everyone else. This money laundering is most likely on the big auction houses like Sotheby's and Christies where they sell the big money art.

pattern_recognition ago

The Art World is a nepotistic circle jerk of homosexuals and satanic pedophiles.

I would be the only female in the room and my job would be to serve drinks to these men. And I would overhear time and again, the eldest gay curator say to the youngest gay professor, "so who's the next hot young gay artist to be graduating from such and such?" "Oh that's so and so," would come the reply. And sure enough so and so would become the next hot artist with all the commercial shows.

When I brought up the nepotism, I said, "if you weren't gay men, if you were any other group, if you were straight men, you would have been shut down already," I was replaced with a fresh young gay.

equineluvr ago

Wow. Thanks for sharing your experience.

I noticed years ago that gays were a new preferred minority group in hiring practices. If you are a well qualified straight and in the running for a job against a faggot, you will most likely lose.

shoosh ago

*grammar. not grammer

Freemasonsrus ago

I read through some more of those documents from that email and now have a headache. They're all over the damn place. Who in the hell is forced to read through that?! It's like reading something a schizophrenic wrote. Not that it doesn't have good info in there, but you have to be willing to read through some absolute nonsense to get there.

Verite1 ago

Yes! I read some long extensive article about the art world as a front for laundering definitely for drugs but why wouldn't it be the same for the more lucrative human and sex trafficking trade? And FBI Anon-talking about the cards that was a very interesting thread. It really does help connect the dots as far as how the revenue stream can change hands and be covered up

FreeThem ago

Where is Chris Hansen? To catch a predator...

Just mentioning you are underage would result in PEDOleak back in the old chatroom days of the internet. Even if you were young, claiming to be older was protection from these sickos.

We can easily do this and so much more. We should lure them into etc. Etc. Etc.

If only there was anybody/anysite we could trust fully. That's the only issue. We can identify all the socialmedia PEDOS within a week. They can't help themselves

13Buddha ago

Bravo @matheasysolutiins. I have previously submiited information regarding Stratfor/Global Intelligence Files to pizzagate encouraging everybody to review. You have managed to break-through with an excellent submission. This entire Wikileaks dump reveals a wealth of info, but it appears that nobody comments on it...ever. Actually, I find that very strange. What are the reasons for ignoring?

WakeyWake ago

10 yrs ago...

would u have thought someone saying the US government is involved in human trafficking/pedophilia/organ harvesting is nuts?

Or that the CIA literally is watching you...nuts

I would have.

Now everything that is nuts, seems to have truth to it. Conspiracy theories are more fact than fiction, the mews is more fiction than fact.

Let's face the 100% truth...the gov has been fucking with our minds since birth.




DontTreadOnMemes ago

I have been convinced for months now that they use the art industry to launder human trafficking money. It's the perfect cover.

shoosh ago

me too.

MyNameIsLuka ago

I also wonder about the catering business.

equineluvr ago

Notice how many of these pedos are "small business owners?" The type of business -- well, aside from food-related ones like pizzarias and donut shops that are signalling -- doesn't really matter. They launder the money through the business so the business is basically just a front. This is a favorite method for drug dealers -- see Walter White's car wash. :)

bucketoftea ago

I suggest you look at I recall McConnell's sister involved with Small Business Administration. May be instructive.

MyNameIsLuka ago

Oh, indeed. I find catering particularly interested because it seems like such a tight circle of catering and "production" companies that put together the 5k/plate fundraising galas.

Ocelot ago

World's biggest (legal) unregulated market!

BestDuckEver ago

It would help explain all the crummy modern artists who's art is worse than a fifth grade classes' suddenly selling their paintings for thousands of dollars.

micha_ ago

Millions of dollars.

VieBleu ago

you constantly question victims - Cory Feldman comes prominently to mind. You are not fooling anyone here

HeavyBrain ago

Just a random tought, do they kill "artists" that become a burden since you know, art of dead people is worth more.

Basically kill to counter the inflation.

reasonedandinformed ago

FBI Anon pointed out that we should seach for the cards, and the theory about the cards used for art exhibits fits well with this:

jenidaninja ago

I can say this, the vocabulary she uses is of interest. Writing her off as a nut job is easy. Not all survivors come out intact. It's also of interest that she's on the stratfor documents.

logjam ago

Carson's comments are open to interpretation too. He's not saying how - he could be referring to something else all together other than pizzagate. Planned Parenthood for example.