Mad_As_Hell ago

Thanks for that, I was surprised by their statement but makes a lot more sense now. Still tend to agree with them on this one though

Touchdown50 ago

I think pedophilia interest is natural and normal in both males and females( don't get me wrong, the exploitation and abuse of children is wrong in every way but dont be naive to assume many adults have not Taken a pedophilic interest in children ) but should not be tolerated, supported or accepted as a lifestyle choice.

4warned ago

Natural : like anger, and greed , envy, promiscuity, laziness , pride, and lying. All evils that human need to conquer.

Touchdown50 ago

Unfortunately we have been doing a lousy job at stopping these flaws. Imagine if Wikileaks never released this info.

FckPizza3 ago

I don't even know how to respond to this comment. I don't think any type of pedophilia interest should EVER be considered as being normal. I am a survivor of sexual abuse at a very young age and I have never ever even thought about having sex with a child!!

AngB23 ago

It's not normal. The pedos try to say it is so they feel better about raping a kid. What was said that's it's like greedy, envy, pride yes, those are traits in all humans. But wanting to screw a child is NOT a trait in all humans. And def a child can not consent nor want to be raped no more than an adult.

Touchdown50 ago

Im sorry that happened to you. Obviously whomever abused you had no right to. Perhaps what i meant to say by comment is that historically speaking pedophilic tendencies have existed since the dawn of time and probably psychologically speaking these feelings would be deemed as normal in humans but not normal according to societies norms and morality.

Laskar ago

Agreed. Please be aware that there are some perverts/trolls who write inappropriate comments here like that, not to mention the sheer ignorance of medical matters and lack of any morality whatsoever of some commenters. Please do not take it to heart. I believe most here on VOAT are sincere and easily distinguishable from trolls.

May I recommend a book which is written by a survivor? It is called, 'Waking Up In Heaven" by Crystal McVea. Although it is marketed as a "near death experience" type of book, she details the abuse at a very young age and the effect it had on her life. She believes it is that which makes her NDE quite unique.

Scablifter ago

I was under the impression that the DSM was not a reference manual but a guide for therapists, is that right?

I do know it was the product of a turf war between different schools of psychological thought, most especially the section that deals in personality variations.

GeorgeT ago

Cambridge is run by elite Masonic pedos, what else would they say?

carmencita ago

They have already blocked it. Disgusting Idiots with a Capital I.

AngB23 ago

Here's the new angle- hate and bigotry against "love"

Pedophilia is "just like homosexuality"

US pushes LBGT rights globally. If countries that ban gay marriage/sex are reformed, then if Pedophiles are considered a form of homosexuality, that will be the next push.

4warned ago

Not hate. It is true.

AngB23 ago

No, it's not true. Raping a child is not an excuse to shove into a "hate crime" because raping a child is a CRIME in itself. And I'm sure once in prison, the pedo will get a BIG dose of hate. Other Prisoners will show them the "love" they are looking for.

sugarskull ago

So then I guess that murder is natural and normal for females of males that have the pedophilia interest?

carmencita ago

The pedos are waiting and panting for the day we can choose the sex of a baby. The pedo elite will be pushing for this and it will be a sad day for sure for their children. They can choose just like in a vending machine. I am getting sick thinking about it. Those that do not see the perversion in this should hang their heads in shame. This should be a tool in spreading info about their trying to normalize their crimes in order to obtain a get out of jail free card. We must get out in front of this before they achieve their goal.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Step 1: Normalize and/or garner sympathy

Step 2: Lower age of consent

Step 3: Repeat

*If a two-year-old can determine their own gender, surely they can consent to a sexual relationship.

Mad_As_Hell ago

I used to believe that the majority of people wouldn't fall for the brainwashing on such a controversial and morally abhorrent topic but I'm just not sure anymore after seeing their willingness to lap up any old shit the media puts out about Trump and turn a blind eye to other people's blatant corruption

GuannaRue ago

That's the end game, unfortunately

wtf_is_happening ago

Why is Doshisha University in Kyoto even employing this shady figure Philip Tromovitch? Tromovitch is openly working on the agenda to normalise paedophilia, and enjoys social drinking with former PIE Chair Tom O'Carroll. How do we make Doshisha University's staff, students and their parents aware of this sleazeball in their midst.

Note: each prefecture in Japan has independently implemented a law that forbids sex with children under the age of 18.

GuannaRue ago

How can you (as a species) fuck your young/offspring? These sick fucks need to be exterminated.

TrishaUK ago

Disgusting pedophiles. They are putting spreading so much information now hoping for it to be normalised. They think we will believe their lies because they believe them. Deception is a powerful thing, and their deeds generally operate behind closed doors, BUT THE TRUTH is stronger and it will SMASH their lies when its brought out into the public arena. WE NEED TO CONTINUE TO EXPOSE THIS FILTH and the public need to make their voices known. OUR TRUTH MOVEMENT HAS BEGUN...scurry cockroaches, your time is UP! CHILDREN NEED TO BE PROTECTED FROM THEM!

AngB23 ago

Please remember a lot of the psychological research babble also comes from Tavistock. When ever you read from some sick Pedo "Studies show the kids are only ashamed of sex with adults because society shames them" bullshit is coming from fake "studies". And unfortunately Tavistock is HIGHLY connected to large, prestigious institutions.

bucketoftea ago

Killing with bare hands a man who has interfered with their children is "natural and normal for parents".

YingYangMom ago


Omnicopy ago

Judges 19-22

GuannaRue ago

Why not write the actual scripture instead?

Piscina ago

Ray Blanchard, who was the head of the working group for the APA, in that conference is the same doctor who did a thorough study of male to female transgender. His study found that males suffering gender dysphoria wanting to transition to female fell into either one of two categories: broadly, one group were homosexuals (often homophobic and not accepting of their own homosexuality) and effeminate; the other group were autogynephilic. This means that they get turned on by the idea of themselves as a woman. These are usually the ones who transition later in life. Ray Blanchard is now being persecuted by the trans lobby, because he recognises gender dysphoria for what it is--a mental illness. Most gender-confused children and teenagers grow out of their dysphoria if left alone. However, there's now a huge industry pushing hormone-blockers and other drugs on these children.

seekingpeace ago

Yes, good points. It's quite laughable that a man can "know" he is really a woman. Feminists have been arguing for ever about "what is the female experience" but now we have married men with children claiming to be woman. Talk about a mid life crisis. All it does is re-inforce gender stereotypes. I would me more supportive of transgender men if they stayed on their sexual continuum. They are not my "sisters." I have nothing in common with them. Feminists like Germaine Greer have been treated horribly by the Transgender Lobby. Women don't seem to have problems accepting "tomboys" and butch lesbians.

Piscina ago

Amen sister.

Mad_As_Hell ago

American College of Pediatricians doesn't beat around the bush and outright calls this child abuse:

Camille Paglia has some interesting thoughts on the subject:

Piscina ago

Yes, it's child abuse. It's foisting life-changing hormone blockers on to our children and exploiting their confusion. Suicide rates of gender-confused kids don't change after they transition. So to say that allowing these children to transition is helping them is simply untrue. Many de-transition because they realise that the transition hasn't cured their gender dysphoria. Soros has spent millions funding the trans lobby. The most homophobic countries are those that pay for their citizens to have sex-change surgery. Transing kids is a form of eugenics and it's certainly child abuse. Gender is a social construct; sex is biological.

Death2Masons ago

More like they are admitting that it is natural and normal for them. I have no sexual interest in children. It would be normal for a pedophile, that i agree.

Ciscogeek ago

Yep.It's bullshit to keep themselves afloat.

Takeitslow ago

One thing I've noticed about this research. It's not the victims saying how awesome child sex and rape is, I think that aspect is very important. The lady whose dad abused her on behalf of Kinsey's research is not having a good time. I have not see or read one report of a former child sex victim who comes out to defend the practice. It's always adults with nice letters behind their names. Food for thought. You'd think there would be tons of people saying "hey, I enjoyed being ducked when I was five." The research is propaganda bullshit perv fantasy.

Edit: adult women who are raped can have orgasms and become aroused. Does that mean they enjoy it?

YingYangMom ago

The problem is that by normalising pedophilia , not only are they making it easier for them to get away with their crimes, but they are also encouraging men "who otherwise never would have had those thoughts", to start questioning themselves and their sexual attractions and possibly contemplate abusing children. It's the most dangerous, nefarious and disgusting agenda and it needs to be condemned, exposed and rejected by the people. We have to push back with tremendous force.

4warned ago

True. Good insight. Thank you.

Takeitslow ago

It's that whole saying about beware the abyss. The longer we stare into the abyss lest we become it. Paraphrasing here. But this is the delay tactic, delay meanwhile the social engineers are promoting their notmalization agenda. Who would have thought 10 years ago that men who identify as women would sue and win to use women's bathrooms.

In a few years the Iraq destabilize the Middle East war will be 20 years in. We are never leaving and that was the plan, dick Cheney and rummy called it the "long war". Pnac wanted a 100 year war. So if people think they aren't working to normalize pedos we're wrong.

Lots of missing people over the past 15 years in the Mid East

GeorgeT ago

Any healthy fantacy is linked to procreation. Biology 101. Hetero male fantasieses about hot babe with long legs (Healthy genes) wide hips (child bearing), Feminine face with pouty lips and big eyes (eostrgen) - femine, personality to assses emotional/intelectual fitness (Key to survival) - all these traits can be gleaned from a mature woman that leads to mating (vaginal intercorse) & procreation. Anything alse is NOT HEALTHY. Biology & psychology 101.

micha_ ago

I have not see or read one report of a former child sex victim who comes out to defend the practice.

Pedos breed pedos! Therefore it's epidemic and so dangerous. I believe those that speak out, are only those that did not become pedos themselfes.

shachalnur ago

Sadly enough you are absolutely right.

It's the 800 pound gorilla in the room.

And the Satanic child torturing Cabal knows it.

Victims become perpetrators,and brownstoning is the strongest weapon they have.

I'm not sure you will find more than 50% of people that are "clean"in Western society.

most people who want to stop this nightmare are unaware of this.

Also don't underestimate the amount of normalizing of pedophilia and child abuse by the MSM,Governments,Hollywood,commercials,TV and Internet.

Predictive programming and social engineering is in overdrive,and is trigering many victims and perpetrators.

Mr Smith and zombies are real.

Takeitslow ago

Correct, many predictive programming triggers on tv.

GuannaRue ago

Interesting point. I never thought of it that way.

micha_ ago

No?! Almost every pedo has been abused himself.

Piscina ago

Kinsey was a disgusting perverted misogynist. That is widely known.

You are absolutely right---the victim NEVER grows up to say how much she/he enjoyed it. They had no power; they were manipulated, threatened; their innocence is taken from them. And yes, men can be raped. Just because a man has an erection, it does not mean he can't be raped. Some goes for women. This is something that makes it all the more difficult for the victim--it contributes to their feelings of shame and guilt. And it is something that the offenders use to justify the rape. end rant.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Absolutely. Both men and women can orgasm while being raped, it's a physiological reaction and doesn't in any way change the fact that they have been violated in the worst possible way.

Death2Masons ago


Takeitslow ago

They are putting out bullshit science to normalize their behavior. This is a long term talking point. Grooming the public opinion like they groom their victims. Castrating these bastards is normal in my view also. I'm starting to think the marquis de Sade was actually using fiction to write about real events. Time will tell.

Cambidillio ago

I repectfully disagree that castration is a solution. These deviants still have oddly wired brains and will likely be angry after bing castrated. They could molest children with their fingers or any sort of tool or adult toy. I think execution is the only real solution. Edit: Tried to clarify that the castration could cause an anger issue.

equineluvr ago

"But perhaps the most controversial presentation of all was by Philip Tromovitch, a professor at Doshisha University in Japan, who stated in a presentation on the “prevalence of paedophilia” that the “majority of men are probably paedophiles and hebephiles” and that “paedophilic interest is normal and natural in human males”."

Dr. Philip Tromovitch’s name pops up in this 1999 New York Times article. He is a UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA grad who coauthored a journal article advocating – you guessed it: trivializes the impact of child sexual abuse and condones pedophilia.

Study on Child Sex Abuse Provokes a Political Furor

Few people took notice last July when Psychological Bulletin, an academic psychology journal, carried a lengthy, jargon-heavy report titled ''A Meta-Analytic Examination of Assumed Properties of Child Sexual Abuse Using College Samples.''

But nearly a year later, the study, its authors, and the American Psychological Association, which publishes the journal, are at the center of a political storm.

Conservatives like Dr. Laura Schlessinger, the radio talk-show host, and Representative Tom DeLay of Texas, the majority whip, have declared that the study, which concludes that the effects of sexual abuse on children are not always severe, trivializes the impact of such abuse and condones pedophilia.


The journal article was written by Dr. Bruce Rind, an adjunct faculty member in the psychology department at Temple University, Dr. Robert Bauserman, an evaluation specialist working on AIDS prevention at the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, and Philip Tromovitch, a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania. The article, a statistical reanalysis of 59 studies of college students who said they were sexually abused in childhood, concluded that the effects of such abuse ''were neither pervasive nor typically intense, and that men reacted much less negatively than women.''

The researchers also questioned the practice, common in many studies, of lumping all types of sexual abuse together. They argued that treating all forms of sexual abuse equally presents problems that, the researchers wrote, ''are perhaps most apparent when contrasting cases such as the repeated rape of a 5-year-old girl by her father and the willing sexual involvement of a mature 15-year-old adolescent boy with an unrelated adult.''

In the first case, serious harm may result, Dr. Rind and his colleagues maintained, but the second case ''may represent only a violation of social norms with no implication for personal harm.'' The authors also suggested that the term ''adult-adolescent sex'' or ''adult-child sex'' be substituted, in some cases, for ''child sexual abuse.''

Mad_As_Hell ago

I just read that paper (available here as PDF: As an academic, I'm horrified that this was published in a high-impact peer-reviewed journal like the the Psychological Bulletin. The intro and discussion consistently downplay the seriousness of child abuse and its effects, and let the perpetrators off scot-free. The argument essentially is that if the child is "willing", it shouldn't be called abuse, with no mention of the moral obligations of the other party in all this. They even have the audacity to compare the "moral panic" over child abuse to antiquated beliefs about the dangers of masturbation. Looking at college samples only is obviously going to favour the better adjusted of victims anyway, many will be too fucked up to get there and seeing as most are trapped in child "protection" services from an early stage they're unlikely to be able to afford it. Going to do some digging on the three authors, they all seem to have made a career out of being paedophilia apologists, it disgusts me that people like this can have such successful careers in my profession.

micha_ ago

While the pedo epidemic is raping/killing/sacrificing children, men and fathers have been silenced with neo-Marxist propaganda of "TOLERANCE".

4warned ago

Yes, since the 'women's movement' in the sixties, men have been demonized. Men have been emasculated in our society. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. You see it in religious institutions , schools ( 'Johnny' is too active- he needs meds) , the military , the media. Men have to take back their masculinity, their strength. This whole transgender movement is an attack on the inherent gifts of both sexes, and what keeps us strong.

WakeyWake ago

I would like to make a correction to your post.

University of Pennsylvania is not Pennstate.

Pennsylvania State University is PennState

University of Pennsylvania is an Ivy league, private school that Trump attended

Pennsylvania State University is Penn State, the school of pedophiles.

equineluvr ago

Thank you. I stand corrected and have corrected the error in my post.

It was about 2 AM here, and I was dog tired when I posted that. Lesson learned. :)

WakeyWake ago

It was a very honest & very easy mistake to make.

Either way, the guy is still a pedo or at the very least a pedo sympathizer. It just proves no matter what kind of school u go to (the best ivy leagues or even no school at all) there are pedophiles.

Piscina ago

The researchers.... argued that treating all forms of sexual abuse equally presents problems that, the researchers wrote, ''are perhaps most apparent when contrasting cases such as the repeated rape of a 5-year-old girl by her father and the willing sexual involvement of a mature 15-year-old adolescent boy with an unrelated adult.

This is the furphy pushed by the pedophile enablers. They always justify and rationalise their grooming and rape of children by saying that the child 'enjoys' it and even derives pleasure from the abuse. They won't acknowledge the experts--psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors--who treat these abused children when they're adults. To say that a 15 year old boy can know what he's getting himself into if he has a 'sexual relationship' with a grown up is rubbish. A 15 year old boy (if he's going to have a consenting sexual relationship) should be having it with another 15 year old girl (or boy). There is no imbalance of power then; it is a relationship of equals. I'm so tired of these same old diatribes and excuses from men who are looking for excuses to groom children so that they can rape them.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Exactly. The author's choice of example (15-year-old boy) says a lot about his own preferences I'd imagine. Shudder.

Vindicator ago

Seems that way, doesn't it? And they're undoubtedly not the only one.