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Jem777 ago

Is anyone following along "this is the reason for CARIS"

equineluvr ago

According to you (in your prior posts), being Jewish is determined by synagogue attendance and the practice of Judaism.

Contradict yourself much? Or have you woken up?

Jem777 ago

Are you talking to me or the poster?

equineluvr ago

Whose post did I respond to?

OF COURSE I am talking to you. You are the only one here who kept arguing that, even though my family is JEWISH, YOU know more than I do about what makes a Jew. You kept insisting that it wasn't about genes/DNA/bloodlines but about synagogues and Judaism. Now you take the other position.

You either have ZERO intellectual integrity so change your position to suit the moment, or you have learned that I was correct all along. Which is it?

Jem777 ago

Can not figure out your reasoning for hating so much. Never said being Jewish is about about what Synagogues one goes to, my whole arguement has always been the opposite in fact. The arguement that some of those genetically who called themselves Jewish were proven false in 2013. Also many people have twisted the religion of Judaism around and it is as Talmudic Judaism which is actually Talmudic Jesuit.

This is unfair on many fronts. First because Jewislhcis agenetic race. Seperately the religion of Judaism (Torah, Old Testament) has also been twisted by some into the Talmud.

Secondly as I stated to you last time after you let everyone on these boards know that you were writing two books, and were an expert on literally everything ,to please stop the verbal attacks on me. You follow me trying your hardest waiting to pounce And mwon some outlandish arguement.

You just did it with @minusco2 you have too be right and tell everyone how stupid they are in the process.

Lastly you tried to Dox some one who uses this account. Notified you then it was taken as asca threat. Reported it to the mods. Do not know what access you have but it better not be illegal.

Might know more than you think about that. Stop responding to this account with your hateful rheteroic. And by the way have you ever considered others posting are Jewish possibly even this responder.